blob: e0783dae19656e8e92c40395e6bc664d282d3c84 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
* (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
* terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
* license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
* included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
* and at
* swig.h
* Header file for the SWIG core.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef SWIGCORE_H_
#define SWIGCORE_H_
#ifndef MACSWIG
#include "swigconfig.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "doh.h"
/* Status codes */
#define SWIG_OK 1
#define SWIG_ERROR 0
#define SWIG_NOWRAP 0
/* Global macros */
#define NSPACE_SEPARATOR "." /* Namespace separator for the nspace feature - this should be changed to a target language configurable variable */
#define NSPACE_TODO 0 /* Languages that still need to implement and test the nspace feature use this */
/* Short names for common data types */
typedef DOH String;
typedef DOH Hash;
typedef DOH List;
typedef DOH String_or_char;
typedef DOH File;
typedef DOH Parm;
typedef DOH ParmList;
typedef DOH Node;
typedef DOH Symtab;
typedef DOH Typetab;
typedef DOH SwigType;
/* --- Legacy DataType interface. These type codes are provided solely
for backwards compatibility with older modules --- */
/* --- The ordering of type values is used to determine type-promotion
in the parser. Do not change */
/* Numeric types */
#define T_BOOL 1
#define T_SCHAR 2
#define T_UCHAR 3
#define T_SHORT 4
#define T_USHORT 5
#define T_ENUM 6
#define T_INT 7
#define T_UINT 8
#define T_LONG 9
#define T_ULONG 10
#define T_LONGLONG 11
#define T_ULONGLONG 12
#define T_FLOAT 20
#define T_DOUBLE 21
#define T_LONGDOUBLE 22
#define T_FLTCPLX 23
#define T_DBLCPLX 24
#define T_NUMERIC 25
#define T_AUTO 26
/* non-numeric */
#define T_CHAR 29
#define T_WCHAR 30
#define T_USER 31
#define T_VOID 32
#define T_STRING 33
#define T_POINTER 34
#define T_REFERENCE 35
#define T_ARRAY 36
#define T_FUNCTION 37
#define T_MPOINTER 38
#define T_VARARGS 39
#define T_WSTRING 41
#define T_SYMBOL 98
#define T_ERROR 99
/* --- File interface --- */
#include "swigfile.h"
/* --- Command line parsing --- */
#include "swigopt.h"
/* --- Scanner Interface --- */
#include "swigscan.h"
/* --- Functions for manipulating the string-based type encoding --- */
extern SwigType *NewSwigType(int typecode);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_element(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_pointer(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_memberpointer(SwigType *t, const_String_or_char_ptr qual);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_memberpointer(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_pointer(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_array(SwigType *t, const_String_or_char_ptr size);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_array(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_pop_arrays(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_reference(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_reference(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_rvalue_reference(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_rvalue_reference(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_qualifier(SwigType *t, const_String_or_char_ptr qual);
extern SwigType *SwigType_del_qualifier(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_function(SwigType *t, ParmList *parms);
extern SwigType *SwigType_add_template(SwigType *t, ParmList *parms);
extern SwigType *SwigType_pop_function(SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_pop_function_qualifiers(SwigType *t);
extern ParmList *SwigType_function_parms(const SwigType *t, Node *file_line_node);
extern List *SwigType_split(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_pop(SwigType *t);
extern void SwigType_push(SwigType *t, String *s);
extern List *SwigType_parmlist(const SwigType *p);
extern String *SwigType_parm(const SwigType *p);
extern String *SwigType_str(const SwigType *s, const_String_or_char_ptr id);
extern String *SwigType_lstr(const SwigType *s, const_String_or_char_ptr id);
extern String *SwigType_rcaststr(const SwigType *s, const_String_or_char_ptr id);
extern String *SwigType_lcaststr(const SwigType *s, const_String_or_char_ptr id);
extern String *SwigType_manglestr(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_ltype(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_ispointer(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_ispointer_return(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isfunctionpointer(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_ismemberpointer(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isreference(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isreference_return(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isrvalue_reference(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isarray(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_prefix_is_simple_1D_array(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isfunction(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isqualifier(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isconst(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_issimple(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_ismutable(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isvarargs(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_istemplate(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isenum(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_check_decl(const SwigType *t, const_String_or_char_ptr decl);
extern SwigType *SwigType_strip_qualifiers(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_strip_single_qualifier(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_functionpointer_decompose(SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_base(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_namestr(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_templateprefix(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_templatesuffix(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_istemplate_templateprefix(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_istemplate_only_templateprefix(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_templateargs(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_prefix(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_array_ndim(const SwigType *t);
extern String *SwigType_array_getdim(const SwigType *t, int n);
extern void SwigType_array_setdim(SwigType *t, int n, const_String_or_char_ptr rep);
extern SwigType *SwigType_array_type(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_default_create(const SwigType *ty);
extern SwigType *SwigType_default_deduce(const SwigType *t);
extern void SwigType_typename_replace(SwigType *t, String *pat, String *rep);
extern SwigType *SwigType_remove_global_scope_prefix(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_alttype(const SwigType *t, int ltmap);
/* --- Type-system management --- */
extern void SwigType_typesystem_init(void);
extern int SwigType_typedef(const SwigType *type, const_String_or_char_ptr name);
extern int SwigType_typedef_class(const_String_or_char_ptr name);
extern int SwigType_typedef_using(const_String_or_char_ptr qname);
extern void SwigType_inherit(String *subclass, String *baseclass, String *cast, String *conversioncode);
extern int SwigType_issubtype(const SwigType *subtype, const SwigType *basetype);
extern void SwigType_scope_alias(String *aliasname, Typetab *t);
extern void SwigType_using_scope(Typetab *t);
extern void SwigType_new_scope(const_String_or_char_ptr name);
extern void SwigType_inherit_scope(Typetab *scope);
extern Typetab *SwigType_pop_scope(void);
extern Typetab *SwigType_set_scope(Typetab *h);
extern void SwigType_print_scope(void);
extern SwigType *SwigType_typedef_resolve(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(const SwigType *t);
extern SwigType *SwigType_typedef_qualified(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_istypedef(const SwigType *t);
extern int SwigType_isclass(const SwigType *t);
extern void SwigType_attach_symtab(Symtab *syms);
extern void SwigType_remember(const SwigType *t);
extern void SwigType_remember_clientdata(const SwigType *t, const_String_or_char_ptr clientdata);
extern void SwigType_remember_mangleddata(String *mangled, const_String_or_char_ptr clientdata);
extern void (*SwigType_remember_trace(void (*tf) (const SwigType *, String *, String *))) (const SwigType *, String *, String *);
extern void SwigType_emit_type_table(File *f_headers, File *f_table);
extern int SwigType_type(const SwigType *t);
/* --- Symbol table module --- */
extern void Swig_symbol_print_tables(Symtab *symtab);
extern void Swig_symbol_print_tables_summary(void);
extern void Swig_symbol_print_symbols(void);
extern void Swig_symbol_print_csymbols(void);
extern void Swig_symbol_init(void);
extern void Swig_symbol_setscopename(const_String_or_char_ptr name);
extern String *Swig_symbol_getscopename(void);
extern String *Swig_symbol_qualifiedscopename(Symtab *symtab);
extern String *Swig_symbol_qualified_language_scopename(Symtab *symtab);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_newscope(void);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_setscope(Symtab *);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_getscope(const_String_or_char_ptr symname);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_global_scope(void);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_current(void);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_popscope(void);
extern Node *Swig_symbol_add(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Node *node);
extern void Swig_symbol_cadd(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Node *node);
extern Node *Swig_symbol_clookup(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Symtab *tab);
extern Node *Swig_symbol_clookup_check(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Symtab *tab, int (*check) (Node *));
extern Node *Swig_symbol_clookup_no_inherit(const_String_or_char_ptr name, Symtab *n);
extern Symtab *Swig_symbol_cscope(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Symtab *tab);
extern Node *Swig_symbol_clookup_local(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Symtab *tab);
extern Node *Swig_symbol_clookup_local_check(const_String_or_char_ptr symname, Symtab *tab, int (*check) (Node *));
extern String *Swig_symbol_qualified(Node *node);
extern Node *Swig_symbol_isoverloaded(Node *node);
extern void Swig_symbol_remove(Node *node);
extern void Swig_symbol_alias(const_String_or_char_ptr aliasname, Symtab *tab);
extern void Swig_symbol_inherit(Symtab *tab);
extern SwigType *Swig_symbol_type_qualify(const SwigType *ty, Symtab *tab);
extern String *Swig_symbol_string_qualify(String *s, Symtab *tab);
extern SwigType *Swig_symbol_typedef_reduce(const SwigType *ty, Symtab *tab);
extern ParmList *Swig_symbol_template_defargs(Parm *parms, Parm *targs, Symtab *tscope, Symtab *tsdecl);
extern SwigType *Swig_symbol_template_deftype(const SwigType *type, Symtab *tscope);
extern SwigType *Swig_symbol_template_param_eval(const SwigType *p, Symtab *symtab);
/* --- Parameters and Parameter Lists --- */
#include "swigparm.h"
extern String *ParmList_errorstr(ParmList *);
extern int ParmList_is_compactdefargs(ParmList *p);
/* --- Parse tree support --- */
#include "swigtree.h"
/* -- Wrapper function Object */
#include "swigwrap.h"
/* --- Naming functions --- */
extern void Swig_name_register(const_String_or_char_ptr method, const_String_or_char_ptr format);
extern void Swig_name_unregister(const_String_or_char_ptr method);
extern String *Swig_name_mangle(const_String_or_char_ptr s);
extern String *Swig_name_wrapper(const_String_or_char_ptr fname);
extern String *Swig_name_member(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr classname, const_String_or_char_ptr membername);
extern String *Swig_name_get(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr vname);
extern String *Swig_name_set(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr vname);
extern String *Swig_name_construct(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr classname);
extern String *Swig_name_copyconstructor(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr classname);
extern String *Swig_name_destroy(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr classname);
extern String *Swig_name_disown(const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, const_String_or_char_ptr classname);
extern void Swig_naming_init(void);
extern void Swig_name_namewarn_add(String *prefix, String *name, SwigType *decl, Hash *namewrn);
extern void Swig_name_rename_add(String *prefix, String *name, SwigType *decl, Hash *namewrn, ParmList *declaratorparms);
extern void Swig_name_inherit(String *base, String *derived);
extern List *Swig_make_inherit_list(String *clsname, List *names, String *Namespaceprefix);
extern void Swig_inherit_base_symbols(List *bases);
extern int Swig_need_protected(Node *n);
extern int Swig_need_redefined_warn(Node *a, Node *b, int InClass);
extern String *Swig_name_make(Node *n, String *prefix, const_String_or_char_ptr cname, SwigType *decl, String *oldname);
extern String *Swig_name_warning(Node *n, String *prefix, String *name, SwigType *decl);
extern String *Swig_name_str(Node *n);
extern String *Swig_name_decl(Node *n);
extern String *Swig_name_fulldecl(Node *n);
/* --- parameterized rename functions --- */
extern void Swig_name_object_set(Hash *namehash, String *name, SwigType *decl, DOH *object);
extern DOH *Swig_name_object_get(Hash *namehash, String *prefix, String *name, SwigType *decl);
extern void Swig_name_object_inherit(Hash *namehash, String *base, String *derived);
extern void Swig_features_get(Hash *features, String *prefix, String *name, SwigType *decl, Node *n);
extern void Swig_feature_set(Hash *features, const_String_or_char_ptr name, SwigType *decl, const_String_or_char_ptr featurename, const_String_or_char_ptr value, Hash *featureattribs);
/* --- Misc --- */
extern char *Swig_copy_string(const char *c);
extern void Swig_set_fakeversion(const char *version);
extern const char *Swig_package_version(void);
extern void Swig_banner(File *f);
extern void Swig_banner_target_lang(File *f, const_String_or_char_ptr commentchar);
extern String *Swig_strip_c_comments(const String *s);
extern String *Swig_new_subdirectory(String *basedirectory, String *subdirectory);
extern void Swig_filename_correct(String *filename);
extern String *Swig_filename_escape(String *filename);
extern void Swig_filename_unescape(String *filename);
extern int Swig_storage_isextern(Node *n);
extern int Swig_storage_isexternc(Node *n);
extern int Swig_storage_isstatic_custom(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr storage);
extern int Swig_storage_isstatic(Node *n);
extern String *Swig_string_escape(String *s);
extern String *Swig_string_mangle(const String *s);
extern void Swig_scopename_split(const String *s, String **prefix, String **last);
extern String *Swig_scopename_prefix(const String *s);
extern String *Swig_scopename_last(const String *s);
extern String *Swig_scopename_first(const String *s);
extern String *Swig_scopename_suffix(const String *s);
extern List *Swig_scopename_tolist(const String *s);
extern int Swig_scopename_check(const String *s);
extern String *Swig_string_lower(String *s);
extern String *Swig_string_upper(String *s);
extern String *Swig_string_title(String *s);
extern void Swig_offset_string(String *s, int number);
extern String *Swig_pcre_version(void);
extern void Swig_init(void);
extern int Swig_value_wrapper_mode(int mode);
extern int Swig_is_generated_overload(Node *n);
typedef enum { EMF_STANDARD, EMF_MICROSOFT } ErrorMessageFormat;
extern void Swig_warning(int num, const_String_or_char_ptr filename, int line, const char *fmt, ...);
extern void Swig_error(const_String_or_char_ptr filename, int line, const char *fmt, ...);
extern int Swig_error_count(void);
extern void Swig_error_silent(int s);
extern void Swig_warnfilter(const_String_or_char_ptr wlist, int val);
extern void Swig_warnall(void);
extern int Swig_warn_count(void);
extern void Swig_error_msg_format(ErrorMessageFormat format);
extern void Swig_diagnostic(const_String_or_char_ptr filename, int line, const char *fmt, ...);
extern String *Swig_stringify_with_location(DOH *object);
/* --- C Wrappers --- */
extern void Swig_cresult_name_set(const char *new_name);
extern const char *Swig_cresult_name(void);
extern String *Swig_cparm_name(Parm *p, int i);
extern String *Swig_wrapped_var_type(SwigType *t, int varcref);
extern int Swig_cargs(Wrapper *w, ParmList *l);
extern String *Swig_cresult(SwigType *t, const_String_or_char_ptr name, const_String_or_char_ptr decl);
extern String *Swig_cfunction_call(const_String_or_char_ptr name, ParmList *parms);
extern String *Swig_cconstructor_call(const_String_or_char_ptr name);
extern String *Swig_cppconstructor_call(const_String_or_char_ptr name, ParmList *parms);
extern String *Swig_unref_call(Node *n);
extern String *Swig_ref_call(Node *n, const String *lname);
extern String *Swig_cdestructor_call(Node *n);
extern String *Swig_cppdestructor_call(Node *n);
extern String *Swig_cmemberset_call(const_String_or_char_ptr name, SwigType *type, String *self, int varcref);
extern String *Swig_cmemberget_call(const_String_or_char_ptr name, SwigType *t, String *self, int varcref);
extern int Swig_add_extension_code(Node *n, const String *function_name, ParmList *parms, SwigType *return_type, const String *code, int cplusplus, const String *self);
extern void Swig_replace_special_variables(Node *n, Node *parentnode, String *code);
/* --- Transformations --- */
extern int Swig_MethodToFunction(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, String *classname, int flags, SwigType *director_type, int is_director);
extern int Swig_ConstructorToFunction(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, String *classname, String *none_comparison, String *director_ctor, int cplus, int flags, String *directorname);
extern int Swig_DestructorToFunction(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr nspace, String *classname, int cplus, int flags);
extern int Swig_MembersetToFunction(Node *n, String *classname, int flags);
extern int Swig_MembergetToFunction(Node *n, String *classname, int flags);
extern int Swig_VargetToFunction(Node *n, int flags);
extern int Swig_VarsetToFunction(Node *n, int flags);
#define CWRAP_EXTEND 0x01
#define CWRAP_NATURAL_VAR 0x04
/* --- Director Helpers --- */
extern Node *Swig_methodclass(Node *n);
extern int Swig_directorclass(Node *n);
extern Node *Swig_directormap(Node *n, String *type);
/* --- Legacy Typemap API (somewhat simplified, ha!) --- */
extern void Swig_typemap_init(void);
extern void Swig_typemap_register(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *pattern, const_String_or_char_ptr code, ParmList *locals, ParmList *kwargs);
extern int Swig_typemap_copy(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *srcpattern, ParmList *pattern);
extern void Swig_typemap_clear(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *pattern);
extern int Swig_typemap_apply(ParmList *srcpat, ParmList *destpat);
extern void Swig_typemap_clear_apply(ParmList *pattern);
extern void Swig_typemap_replace_embedded_typemap(String *s, Node *file_line_node);
extern void Swig_typemap_debug(void);
extern void Swig_typemap_search_debug_set(void);
extern void Swig_typemap_used_debug_set(void);
extern void Swig_typemap_register_debug_set(void);
extern String *Swig_typemap_lookup(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr lname, Wrapper *f);
extern String *Swig_typemap_lookup_out(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr lname, Wrapper *f, String *actioncode);
extern void Swig_typemap_attach_parms(const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, ParmList *parms, Wrapper *f);
/* --- Code fragment support --- */
extern void Swig_fragment_register(Node *fragment);
extern void Swig_fragment_emit(String *name);
extern void Swig_fragment_clear(String *section);
/* --- Extension support --- */
extern Hash *Swig_extend_hash(void);
extern void Swig_extend_merge(Node *cls, Node *am);
extern void Swig_extend_append_previous(Node *cls, Node *am);
extern void Swig_extend_unused_check(void);
/* hacks defined in C++ ! */
extern int Swig_director_mode(void);
extern int Swig_director_protected_mode(void);
extern int Swig_all_protected_mode(void);
extern void Wrapper_director_mode_set(int);
extern void Wrapper_director_protected_mode_set(int);
extern void Wrapper_all_protected_mode_set(int);
extern void Language_replace_special_variables(String *method, String *tm, Parm *parm);
extern void Swig_print(DOH *object, int count);
extern void Swig_print_with_location(DOH *object, int count);
extern void SWIG_exit(int exit_code);
/* -- template init -- */
extern void SwigType_template_init(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus