blob: 9bfa14a23abb9b2e2134ac0c074f7bbe72007902 [file] [log] [blame]
%module typedef_typedef
// Check C::Bar::Foo resolves to A::Foo in typemap search
%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE, int "__wrong_in_typemap__will_not_compile__"
%typemap(in) A::Foo {
$1 = 1234; /* A::Foo in typemap */
%inline %{
struct A
typedef int Foo;
struct C
typedef A Bar;
struct B
C::Bar::Foo getValue(C::Bar::Foo intvalue) {
return intvalue;
An issue can be the steps resolution.
1) C::Bar is A. So C::Bar::Foo should be first resolved as A::Foo.
2) Then A::Foo should be resolved int.
If the first step is skipped the typemap is not applied.