blob: f6fb4099dd8041761b012d2318554a289812d399 [file] [log] [blame]
clargs <- commandArgs(trailing=TRUE)
source(file.path(clargs[1], "unittest.R"))
dyn.load(paste("abstract_access", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""))
dd <- D()
unittest(1, dd$z())
unittest(1, dd$do_x())
## Original version allowed dd$z <- 2
dd$z <- 2
# force an error if the previous line doesn't raise an exception
stop("Test Failure A")
}, error = function(e) {
if (e$message == "Test Failure A") {
# Raise the error again to cause a failed test
message("Correct - no dollar assignment method found")
dd[["z"]] <- 2
# force an error if the previous line doesn't raise an exception
stop("Test Failure B")
}, error = function(e) {
if (e$message == "Test Failure B") {
# Raise the error again to cause a failed test
message("Correct - no dollar assignment method found")
## The methods are attached to the parent class - see if we can get
## them
m1 <- getMethod('$', "_p_A")
}, error = function(e) {
stop("No $ method found - there should be one")
## These methods should not be present
## They correspond to the tests that are expected
## to fail above.
m2 <- getMethod('$<-', "_p_A")
# force an error if the previous line doesn't raise an exception
stop("Test Failure C")
}, error = function(e) {
if (e$message == "Test Failure C") {
# Raise the error again to cause a failed test
message("Correct - no dollar assignment method found")
m3 <- getMethod('[[<-', "_p_A")
# force an error if the previous line doesn't raise an exception
stop("Test Failure D")
}, error = function(e) {
if (e$message == "Test Failure D") {
# Raise the error again to cause a failed test
message("Correct - no list assignment method found")