blob: d007fae3698b6617a0a962e4561b5f9d73f5c8e8 [file] [log] [blame]
require("import") -- the import fn
import("li_carrays") -- import code
lc = li_carrays
-- catch "undefined" global variables
local env = _ENV -- Lua 5.2
if not env then env = getfenv () end -- Lua 5.1
setmetatable(env, {__index=function (t,i) error("undefined global variable `"..i.."'",2) end})
-- Testing for %array_functions(int,intArray)
ary = lc.new_intArray(2)
lc.intArray_setitem(ary, 0, 0)
lc.intArray_setitem(ary, 1, 1)
assert(lc.intArray_getitem(ary, 0)==0)
assert(lc.intArray_getitem(ary, 1)==1)
-- Testing for %array_class(double, doubleArray)
d = lc.doubleArray(10)
d[0] = 7
d[5] = d[0] + 3
assert(d[5] + d[0] == 17)
--print(d[5] + d[0])
ptr = d:cast() -- to ptr
d2 = lc.doubleArray_frompointer(ptr) -- and back to array
assert(d2[5] + d2[0] == 17)
--print(d2[5] + d2[0])