blob: 38f71f978427439d511fc8c9b3aa780602cd16e5 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using li_boost_shared_ptr_bitsNamespace;
public class runme
static void Main()
VectorIntHolder v = new VectorIntHolder();
v.Add(new IntHolder(11));
v.Add(new IntHolder(22));
v.Add(new IntHolder(33));
int sum = li_boost_shared_ptr_bits.sum(v);
if (sum != 66)
throw new ApplicationException("sum is wrong");
HiddenDestructor hidden = HiddenDestructor.create();
HiddenPrivateDestructor hiddenPrivate = HiddenPrivateDestructor.create();
if (HiddenPrivateDestructor.DeleteCount != 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Count should be zero");
if (HiddenPrivateDestructor.DeleteCount != 1)
throw new ApplicationException("Count should be one");