blob: 4af712f7f07230e064e58f43ff55ff41813992e6 [file] [log] [blame]
%module member_pointer_const
// Same as member_pointer.i but using member pointer const functions
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
#pragma error_messages (off, badargtype2w) /* Formal argument ... is being passed extern "C" ... */
#pragma error_messages (off, wbadinit) /* Using extern "C" ... to initialize ... */
#pragma error_messages (off, wbadasg) /* Assigning extern "C" ... */
%inline %{
class Shape {
Shape() {
virtual ~Shape() {
double x, y;
double *z;
void move(double dx, double dy);
virtual double area(void) const = 0;
virtual double perimeter(void) const = 0;
static int nshapes;
class Circle : public Shape {
double radius;
Circle(double r) : radius(r) { };
virtual double area(void) const;
virtual double perimeter(void) const;
class Square : public Shape {
double width;
Square(double w) : width(w) { };
virtual double area(void) const;
virtual double perimeter(void) const;
/* Typedef */
typedef double (Shape::*PerimeterFunc_td)(void) const;
extern double do_op(Shape *s, double (Shape::*m)(void) const);
extern double do_op_td(Shape *s, PerimeterFunc_td m);
/* Functions that return member pointers */
extern double (Shape::*areapt())(void) const;
extern double (Shape::*perimeterpt())(void) const;
extern PerimeterFunc_td perimeterpt_td();
/* Global variables that are member pointers */
extern double (Shape::*areavar)(void) const;
extern double (Shape::*perimetervar)(void) const;
extern PerimeterFunc_td perimetervar_td;
# define SWIG_M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
/* Move the shape to a new location */
void Shape::move(double dx, double dy) {
x += dx;
y += dy;
int Shape::nshapes = 0;
double Circle::area(void) const {
return SWIG_M_PI*radius*radius;
double Circle::perimeter(void) const {
return 2*SWIG_M_PI*radius;
double Square::area(void) const {
return width*width;
double Square::perimeter(void) const {
return 4*width;
double do_op(Shape *s, double (Shape::*m)(void) const) {
return (s->*m)();
double do_op_td(Shape *s, PerimeterFunc_td m) {
return (s->*m)();
double (Shape::*areapt())(void) const {
return &Shape::area;
double (Shape::*perimeterpt())(void) const {
return &Shape::perimeter;
PerimeterFunc_td perimeterpt_td() {
return &Shape::perimeter;
/* Member pointer variables */
double (Shape::*areavar)(void) const = &Shape::area;
double (Shape::*perimetervar)(void) const = &Shape::perimeter;
PerimeterFunc_td perimetervar_td = &Shape::perimeter;
/* Some constants */
%constant double (Shape::*AREAPT)(void) const = &Shape::area;
%constant double (Shape::*PERIMPT)(void) const = &Shape::perimeter;
%constant double (Shape::*NULLPT)(void) const = 0;
%inline %{
struct Funktions {
void retByRef(int & (*d)(double)) {}
void byRef(int & (Funktions::*d)(double)) {}
%inline %{
struct Funktions {
int addByValue(const int &a, int b) const { return a+b; }
int * addByPointer(const int &a, int b) const { static int val; val = a+b; return &val; }
int & addByReference(const int &a, int b) const { static int val; val = a+b; return val; }
int call1(int (Funktions::*d)(const int &, int) const, int a, int b) { Funktions f; return (f.*d)(a, b); }
//int call2(int * (Funktions::*d)(const int &, int) const, int a, int b) { Funktions f; return *(f.*d)(a, b); }
//int call3(int & (Funktions::*d)(const int &, int) const, int a, int b) { Funktions f; return (f.*d)(a, b); }
%constant int (Funktions::*ADD_BY_VALUE)(const int &, int) const = &Funktions::addByValue;
//%constant int * (Funktions::*ADD_BY_POINTER)(const int &, int) const = &Funktions::addByPointer;
//%constant int & (Funktions::*ADD_BY_REFERENCE)(const int &, int) const = &Funktions::addByReference;