blob: 8578988e960974cb65c386308583f2f0f971beb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file tests SWIG's tracking of C++ typedef declarations
%module cpp_typedef
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900
#pragma warning( disable : 5208) // warning C5208: unnamed class used in typedef name cannot declare members other than non-static data members, member enumerations, or member classes
class Bar {
%inline %{
class Foo {
typedef Bar SomeBar;
typedef SomeBar SomeOtherBar;
SomeOtherBar bar() {
SomeOtherBar b;
return b;
static SomeOtherBar sbar() {
SomeOtherBar b;
return b;
// Test that the correct types are used for typedef struct declarations
typedef struct {
int something;
void m() {}
} UnnamedStruct;
typedef struct NamedStruct {
int something;
void m() {}
} TypedefNamedStruct;
typedef TypedefNamedStruct DoubleTypedef;
class Test {
UnnamedStruct test1(UnnamedStruct a) {return a;};
struct NamedStruct test2(struct NamedStruct a) {return a;};
TypedefNamedStruct test3(TypedefNamedStruct a) {return a;};
DoubleTypedef test4(DoubleTypedef a) {return a;};