blob: c39206b13fad8b687236b302ce7c25e1bed795a4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This is a basic test of proxy classes */
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_SWIGTYPELEAK); /* memory leak when setting a ptr/ref variable */
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_RUBY_WRONG_NAME) global_cint; /* Ruby, wrong constant name */
%module cpp_basic
%newobject Bar::testFoo;
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
#pragma error_messages (off, wbadasg) /* Assigning extern "C" ... */
%inline %{
class Foo {
Foo(int a) : num(a) {}
int num;
int func1(int a) {
return 2*a*num;
int func2(int a) {
return -a*num;
int (Foo::*func_ptr)(int);
const char* __str__() const { return "Foo"; }
class FooSub : public Foo {
FooSub() :Foo(42) {}
class FooSubSub : public FooSub {
FooSubSub() : FooSub() {}
const char* __str__() const { return "FooSubSub"; }
Foo& get_reference(Foo& other) { return other; }
const Foo& get_const_reference(const Foo& other) { return other; }
static Foo init_ref = Foo(-4);
%inline %{
class Bar {
Bar() : fptr(0), fref(init_ref), fval(15) , cint(3) {}
Foo *fptr;
Foo &fref;
Foo fval;
const int cint;
static const int global_cint = -4;
static Foo *global_fptr;
static Foo &global_fref;
static Foo global_fval;
int test(int a, Foo *f) {
return a + (f ? f->num : 0) + fval.num;
Foo *testFoo(int a, Foo *f) {
return new Foo(2 * a + (f ? f->num : 0) + fval.num);
/* Const member data and references mean this class can't be assigned.
Bar& operator=(const Bar&);
// This class is valid C++ but cannot be assigned to because it has const member data.
struct JustConst {
explicit JustConst(int i_inp) : i(i_inp) {}
const int i;
Foo *Bar::global_fptr = NULL;
Foo &Bar::global_fref = init_ref;
Foo Bar::global_fval = Foo(3);
/* member function tests */
%inline %{
int (Foo::*get_func1_ptr())(int) {
return &Foo::func1;
int (Foo::*get_func2_ptr())(int) {
return &Foo::func2;
int test_func_ptr(Foo *f, int a) {
return (f->*(f->func_ptr))(a);
#ifdef __cplusplus
void show(void *count = 0, void *data = 0)
%inline %{
class Fl_Window {
Fl_Window() {};
~Fl_Window() {};
%extend Fl_Window {