blob: c770475256033e5bc731b40163942a547e1af2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* cplus.cxx
* This file contains code for C++ support in SWIG1.1. Beware!
* Author(s) : David Beazley (
* Copyright (C) 1998-2000. The University of Chicago
* Copyright (C) 1995-1998. The University of Utah and The Regents of the
* University of California.
* See the file LICENSE for information on usage and redistribution.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "internal.h"
extern "C" {
#include "swig.h"
static char cvstag[] = "$Header$";
* Note:
* The control flow in this module is completely insane. But here's the
* rough outline.
* Stage 1 : SWIG Parsing
* cplus_open_class() - Open up a new class
* cplus_* - Add members to class
* cplus_inherit() - Inherit from base classes
* cplus_class_close() - Close class
* ...
* cplus_open_class()
* ...
* cplus_class_close()
* ... and so on, until the end of the file
* After stage 1, all classes have been read, but nothing has been
* sent to the language module yet.
* Stage 2 : Code generation
* For each class we've saved, do this :
* lang->cpp_open_class() - Open class
* lang->cpp_* - Emit members
* lang->cpp_inherit() - Inherit
* lang->cpp_close_class() - Close class
* This two-stage approach solves a number of problems related to working
* with multiple files, mutually referenced classes, add adding methods.
* Just keep in mind that all C++ code is emitted *after* an entire SWIG
* file has been parsed.
* Improved code generation and inheritance of added methods (2/18/97):
* Each C++ declaration now has an associated function name attached to it.
* For example :
* class Foo {
* void bar();
* }
* Generates a member function "bar()" with a accessor function named
* "Foo_bar()". We will use this recorded accessor function to generate
* better code for inheritance. For example :
* class Foo2 : public Foo {
* ...
* }
* Will create a function called "Foo2_bar()" that is really mapped
* onto the base-class method "Foo_bar()". This should improve
* code generation substantially.
* Tricky stuff :
* - Each target language is responsible for naming wrapper
* functions.
// Some status variables
static int Inherit_mode = 0; // Set if we're inheriting members
static char *ccode = 0; // Set to optional C code (if available)
static DOHHash *localtypes = 0; // Localtype hash
static int abstract =0; // Status bit set during code generation
int IsVirtual = 0;
static int cpp_id = 0;
// Forward references
void cplus_member_func(char *, char *, SwigType *, ParmList *, int);
void cplus_constructor(char *, char *, ParmList *);
void cplus_destructor(char *, char *);
void cplus_variable(char *, char *, SwigType *);
void cplus_static_func(char *, char *, SwigType *, ParmList *);
void cplus_declare_const(char *, char *, SwigType *, char *);
void cplus_static_var(char *, char *, SwigType *);
void cplus_inherit_decl(char **);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void add_local_type(char *type, char *classname)
// void add_local_type(SwigType *type, char *classname)
// Adds a new datatype to the local datatype hash. This is used to handle
// datatypes defined within a class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void add_local_type(char *type, char *classname) {
char str[1024];
if (!localtypes) return; // No hash table initialized, ignore this
void add_local_type(SwigType *type, char *classname) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void update_local_type(SwigType *type)
// Checks to see whether this datatype is part of a class definition. If so,
// we update the type-name by appending the class prefix to it. Uses the
// name stored in current_class unless unavailable.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void update_local_type(SwigType *type) {
char *newname = 0;
// Lookup the datatype in the hash table
if (!localtypes) return;
newname = GetChar(localtypes,SwigType_base(type));
if (newname) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void update_parms(ParmList *l)
// Updates all of the parameters in a parameter list with the proper C++ prefix
// (if neccessary).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void update_parms(ParmList *p) {
while (p) {
SwigType *pt = Gettype(p);
DOHString *pvalue = Getvalue(p);
// Check for default arguments
if ((pvalue) && (localtypes)) {
char *s;
s = (char *) GetChar(localtypes,pvalue);
if (s) {
p = Getnext(p);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_member
// Base class for various kinds of C++ members
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPP_member {
char *name; // Name of the member
char *iname; // Name of member in the interpreter
int is_static; // Is this a static member?
int is_virtual; // Is this virtual?
int new_method; // Is this a new method (added by SWIG)?
int line; // What line number was this member on
char *file; // What file was this in?
char *code; // Was there any supplied code?
char *base; // Base class where this was defined
int inherited; // Was this member inherited?
CPP_member *next; // Next member (for building linked lists)
int id; // type id when created
String *signature;
CPP_member() {
signature = 0;
is_static = 0;
is_virtual = 0;
base = 0;
code = 0;
file = 0;
next = 0;
virtual void inherit(int) { }; // Inheritance rule (optional)
virtual void emit() = 0; // Emit rule
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_function : public CPP_member
// Structure for handling a C++ member function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPP_function : public CPP_member {
SwigType *ret_type;
ParmList *parms;
int new_object;
CPP_function(char *n, char *i, SwigType *t, ParmList *l, int s, int v = 0) {
name = Swig_copy_string(n);
iname = Swig_copy_string(i);
ret_type = Copy(t);
parms = CopyParmList(l);
is_static = s;
is_virtual = v;
new_method = AddMethods;
new_object = NewObject;
inherited = Inherit_mode;
next = 0;
line = line_number;
file = input_file;
signature = NewStringf("%s(%s)", n, ParmList_str(l));
id = cpp_id;
if (AddMethods) {
if (strlen(Char(CCode)))
code = Swig_copy_string(Char(CCode));
code = 0;
} else {
code = 0;
void inherit(int mode) {
if (mode & INHERIT_FUNC) {
// Set up the proper addmethods mode and provide C code (if provided)
int oldaddmethods = AddMethods;
int oldnewobject = NewObject;
AddMethods = new_method;
NewObject = new_object;
if (is_static) {
cplus_static_func(name, iname, ret_type, parms);
} else {
cplus_member_func(name, iname, ret_type, parms, is_virtual);
AddMethods = oldaddmethods;
NewObject = oldnewobject;
void emit() {
ParmList *l;
SwigType *t;
AddMethods = new_method;
NewObject = new_object;
line_number = line; // Restore line and file
input_file = file;
ccode = code;
IsVirtual = is_virtual;
// Make a copy of the parameter list and upgrade its types
l = CopyParmList(parms);
t = Copy(ret_type);
if (is_static) {
lang->cpp_static_func(name, iname, t, l);
} else {
lang->cpp_member_func(name, iname, t, l);
IsVirtual = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_constructor : public CPP_member
// Class for holding a C++ constructor definition.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPP_constructor : public CPP_member {
ParmList *parms;
CPP_constructor(char *n, char *i, ParmList *l) {
name = Swig_copy_string(n);
iname = Swig_copy_string(i);
parms = CopyParmList(l);
new_method = AddMethods;
inherited = 0;
next = 0;
line = line_number;
file = input_file;
id = 0;
if (AddMethods) {
if (strlen(Char(CCode)))
code = Swig_copy_string(Char(CCode));
code = 0;
} else {
code = 0;
void emit() {
if (1) {
ParmList *l;
AddMethods = new_method;
line_number = line;
input_file = file;
ccode = code;
if (abstract) return;
// Make a copy of the parameter list and upgrade its types
l = CopyParmList(parms);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_destructor : public CPP_member
// Class for holding a destructor definition
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPP_destructor : public CPP_member {
CPP_destructor(char *n, char *i) {
name = Swig_copy_string(n);
iname = Swig_copy_string(i);
new_method = AddMethods;
next = 0;
inherited = 0;
line = line_number;
file = input_file;
id = 0;
if (AddMethods) {
if (strlen(Char(CCode)))
code = Swig_copy_string(Char(CCode));
code = 0;
} else {
code = 0;
void inherit(int mode) {
// Set up the proper addmethods mode and provide C code (if provided)
int oldaddmethods = AddMethods;
AddMethods = new_method;
AddMethods = oldaddmethods;
void emit() {
AddMethods = new_method;
line_number = line;
input_file = file;
ccode = code;
lang->cpp_destructor(name, iname);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_variable : public CPP_member
// Class for a managing a data member
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPP_variable : public CPP_member {
SwigType *type;
int status;
CPP_variable(char *n, char *i, SwigType *t, int s) {
name = Swig_copy_string(n);
iname = Swig_copy_string(i);
type = Copy(t);
is_static = s;
status = Status;
next = 0;
new_method = AddMethods;
line = line_number;
file = input_file;
if (Inherit_mode) {
id = cpp_id;
} else {
id = 0;
code = 0;
inherited = 0;
// Emit code for this
void emit() {
SwigType *t;
int old_status = Status;
AddMethods = new_method;
Status = status;
line_number = line;
input_file = file;
ccode = code;
t = Copy(type);
/* Check to see if it's read-only */
if (SwigType_isarray(t) || SwigType_isconst(t)) {
if (!(Swig_typemap_search("memberin",t,name)))
Status = Status | STAT_READONLY;
if (!is_static) {
} else {
Status = old_status;
// Inherit into another class
void inherit(int mode) {
int oldstatus = Status;
Status = status;
if (mode & INHERIT_VAR) {
if (!is_static) {
int oldaddmethods = AddMethods;
AddMethods = new_method;
AddMethods = oldaddmethods;
} else {
Status = oldstatus;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_constant : public CPP_member
// Class for managing constant values
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPP_constant : public CPP_member {
char *value;
SwigType *type;
CPP_constant(char *n, char *i, SwigType *t, char *v) {
name = Swig_copy_string(n);
iname = Swig_copy_string(i);
type = Copy(t);
value = Swig_copy_string(v);
new_method = AddMethods;
next = 0;
line = line_number;
file = input_file;
if (Inherit_mode)
id = cpp_id;
id = 0;
code = 0;
inherited = 0;
void emit() {
AddMethods = new_method;
line_number = line;
input_file = file;
ccode = code;
void inherit(int mode) {
if (mode & INHERIT_CONST)
cplus_declare_const(name, iname, type, value);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CPP_class
// Class for managing class members (internally)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static char *inherit_base_class = 0;
class CPP_class {
char *classname; // Real class name
char *classrename; // New name of class (if applicable)
char *classtype; // class type (struct, union, class)
int strip; // Strip off class declarator
int wextern; // Value of extern wrapper variable for this class
int have_constructor; // Status bit indicating if we've seen a constructor
int have_destructor; // Status bit indicating if a destructor has been seen
int is_abstract; // Status bit indicating if this is an abstract class
int generate_default; // Generate default constructors
int objective_c; // Set if this is an objective C class
int error; // Set if this class can't be generated
int line; // Line number
char **baseclass; // Base classes (if any)
DOHHash *local; // Hash table for local types
void *scope; // Local scope hash table
CPP_member *members; // Linked list of members
CPP_class *next; // Next class
static CPP_class *classlist; // List of all classes stored
Pragma *pragmas; // Class pragmas
CPP_class(char *name, char *ctype) {
CPP_class *c;
classname = Swig_copy_string(name);
classtype = Swig_copy_string(ctype);
classrename = 0;
baseclass = 0;
local = NewHash(); // Create hash table for storing local datatypes
scope = 0;
error = 0;
pragmas = 0;
line = line_number;
// Walk down class list and add to end
c = classlist;
if (c) {
while (c->next) {
c = c->next;
c->next = this;
} else {
classlist = this;
next = 0;
members = 0;
strip = 0;
wextern = WrapExtern;
have_constructor = 0;
have_destructor = 0;
is_abstract = 0;
generate_default = GenerateDefault;
objective_c = ObjCClass;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a new C++ member to this class
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void add_member(CPP_member *m) {
CPP_member *cm;
// Set base class where this was defined
if (inherit_base_class)
m->base = inherit_base_class;
m->base = classname;
if (!members) {
members = m;
cm = members;
while (cm->next) {
cm = cm->next;
cm->next = m;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search for a member with the given name. Returns the member on success, 0 on failure
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPP_member *search_member(char *name) {
CPP_member *m;
char *c;
m = members;
while (m) {
c = m->iname ? m->iname : m->name;
if (strcmp(c,name) == 0) return m;
m = m->next;
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inherit. Put all the declarations associated with this class into the current
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void inherit_decls(int mode) {
CPP_member *m;
m = members;
while (m) {
inherit_base_class = m->base;
cpp_id = m->id;
m = m->next;
inherit_base_class = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Emit all of the declarations associated with this class
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void emit_decls() {
CPP_member *m = members;
abstract = is_abstract;
/* Printf(stdout,"class %s. Abstract = %d\n", classname, is_abstract); */
while (m) {
cpp_id = m->id;
m = m->next;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search for a given class in the list
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CPP_class *search(char *name) {
CPP_class *c;
c = classlist;
if (!name) return 0;
while (c) {
if (strcmp(name,c->classname) == 0) return c;
c = c->next;
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add default constructors and destructors
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void create_default() {
if (!generate_default) return;
// Try to generate a constructor if not available.
AddMethods = 0;
if ((!have_constructor) && (1)) {
if (!have_destructor) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dump *all* of the classes saved out to the various
// language modules (this does what cplus_close_class used to do)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void create_all();
CPP_class *CPP_class::classlist = 0;
static CPP_class *current_class;
void CPP_class::create_all() {
CPP_class *c;
c = classlist;
while (c) {
if (!c->error) {
current_class = c;
localtypes = c->local;
if ((!c->wextern) && (c->classtype)) {
ObjCClass = c->objective_c;
if (c->baseclass)
// Force brute patch to produce the proper casting code
// between "local" classes and "external" ones when
// %import is used.
else if ( (c->wextern) && (c->classtype) ) {
SwigType *t;
t = NewString(c->classname);
c = c->next;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// char *cplus_base_class(char *name)
// Given a member name, return the base class that it belongs to.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
char *cplus_base_class(char *name) {
CPP_member *m = current_class->search_member(name);
if (m) {
return m->base;
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_open_class(char *name, char *rname, char *ctype)
// Opens up a new C++ class. If rname is given, we'll be renaming the
// class. This also sets up some basic type equivalence for the
// type checker.
// Inputs :
// name = Name of the class
// rname = New name of the class (using %name() directive)
// ctype = Class type ("class","struct", or "union")
// Side Effects :
// Creates a new class obect internally.
// Added type-mappings to the SWIG type-checker module.
// Sets a number of internal state variables for later use.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_open_class(char *name, char *rname, char *ctype) {
char temp[256];
CPP_class *c;
// Add some symbol table management here
// Search for a previous class definition
c = CPP_class::search(name);
if (c) {
if (c->classtype) {
// Hmmm. We already seem to have defined this class so we'll
// create a new class object for whatever reason
current_class = new CPP_class(name, ctype);
} else {
// Looks like a reference was made to this class earlier
// somehow, but no other information is known. We'll
// make it our current class and fix it up a bit
current_class = c;
c->classtype = Swig_copy_string(ctype);
} else {
// Create a new class
current_class = new CPP_class(name, ctype);
// Set localtypes hash to our current class
localtypes = current_class->local;
// If renaming the class, set the new name
if (rname) {
current_class->classrename = Swig_copy_string(rname);
// Make a typedef for both long and short versions of this datatype
if (name) {
if (strlen(name)) {
if (strlen(ctype) > 0) {
sprintf(temp,"%s %s", ctype, name);
// typeeq_derived(temp,name,0); // Map "struct foo" to "foo"
//typeeq_derived(name,temp,0); // Map "foo" to "struct foo"
AddMethods = 0; // Reset add methods flag
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_set_class(char *name)
// This function sets the current class to a given name. If the class
// doesn't exist, this function will create one. If it already exists,
// we'll just use that.
// This function is used primarily to add or manipulate an already
// existing class, but in a different location. For example :
// %include "class.h" // Grab some classes
// ...
// %addmethods MyClass { // Add some members for shadow classes
// ... members ...
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_set_class(char *name) {
CPP_class *c;
// Look for a previous class definition
c = CPP_class::search(name);
if (c) {
current_class = c;
localtypes = c->local;
} else {
Printf(stderr,"%s:%d: Warning class %s undefined.\n",input_file,line_number,name);
current_class = new CPP_class(name,0);
localtypes = current_class->local;
// This function closes a class open with cplus_set_class()
void cplus_unset_class() {
current_class = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_class_close(char *name)
// Close a C++ class definition. Up to this point, we've only been collecting
// member definitions. This function merely closes the class object and
// stores it in a list. All classes are dumped after processing has completed.
// If name is non-null, it means that the name of the class has actually been
// set after all of the definitions. For example :
// typedef struct {
// double x,y,z
// } Vector;
// If this is the case, we'll use that as our classname and datatype.
// Otherwise, we'll just go with the classname and classtype set earlier.
// Inputs : name = optional "new name" for the class.
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Resets internal variables. Saves class in internal list.
// Registers the class with the language module, but doesn't
// emit any code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_class_close(char *name) {
if (name) {
// The name of our class suddenly changed by typedef. Fix things up
current_class->classname = Swig_copy_string(name);
// This flag indicates that the class needs to have it's type stripped off
current_class->strip = 1;
// If we're in C++ or Objective-C mode. We're going to drop the class specifier
if ((CPlusPlus) || (ObjCClass)) {
current_class->strip = 1;
// Register our class with the target language module, but otherwise
// don't do anything yet.
char *iname;
if (current_class->classrename) iname = current_class->classrename;
else iname = current_class->classname;
lang->cpp_class_decl(current_class->classname, iname, current_class->classtype);
// Clear current class variable and reset
current_class = 0;
localtypes = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_abort(void)
// Voids the current class--some kind of unrecoverable parsing error occurred.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_abort(void) {
current_class->error = 1;
current_class = 0;
localtypes = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_cleanup(void)
// This function is called after all parsing has been completed. It dumps all
// of the stored classes out to the language module.
// Inputs : None
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Emits all C++ wrapper code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_cleanup(void) {
// Dump all classes created at once (yikes!)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_inherit(int count, char **baseclass)
// Inherit from a baseclass. This function only really registers
// the inheritance, but doesn't do anything with it yet.
// Inputs : baseclass = A NULL terminated array of strings with the names
// of baseclasses. For multiple inheritance, there
// will be multiple entries in this list.
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Sets the baseclass variable of the current class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_inherit(int count, char **baseclass) {
int i;
// printf("Inheriting : count = %d, baseclass = %x\n",count,baseclass);
// If there are baseclasses, make copy of them
if (count) {
current_class->baseclass = (char **) new char*[count+1];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
current_class->baseclass[i] = Swig_copy_string(baseclass[i]);
current_class->baseclass[i] = 0;
} else {
baseclass = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cplus_generate_types(char **baseclass)
// Generates the type-mappings between the current class and any associated
// base classes. This is done by performing a depth first search of the
// class hierarchy. Functions for performing correct type-casting are
// generated for each base-derived class pair.
// Inputs : baseclass = NULL terminated list of base classes
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Emits pointer conversion functions. Registers type-mappings
// with the type checking module.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static DOHHash *convert = 0; // Hash table of conversion functions
void cplus_generate_types(char **baseclass) {
CPP_class *bc;
int i;
DOHString *cfunc;
DOHString *temp3;
char temp1[512], temp2[512];
if (!baseclass) {
if (!convert) convert = NewHash();
// Generate type-conversion functions and type-equivalence
cfunc = NewString("");
temp3 = NewString("");
i = 0;
while(baseclass[i]) {
bc = CPP_class::search(baseclass[i]);
if (bc) {
// Generate a conversion function (but only for C++)
if (!current_class->objective_c) {
Printv(temp3, "Swig", current_class->classname, "To", bc->classname,0);
if (!Getattr(convert,temp3)) {
SetVoid(convert,temp3,(void*) 1);
// Write a function for casting derived type to parent class
#ifdef OLD
"static void *Swig", current_class->classname, "To", bc->classname,
"(void *ptr) {\n",
tab4, current_class->classname, " *src;\n",
tab4, bc->classname, " *dest;\n",
tab4, "src = (", current_class->classname, " *) ptr;\n",
tab4, "dest = (", bc->classname, " *) src;\n",
tab4, "return (void *) dest;\n",
} else {
// Make a type-equivalence allowing derived classes to be used in functions of the
if (strlen(current_class->classtype) > 0) {
sprintf(temp1,"%s %s", current_class->classtype, current_class->classname);
sprintf(temp2,"%s %s", bc->classtype, bc->classname);
// Add various equivalences to the pointer table
// typeeq_derived(bc->classname, current_class->classname,Char(temp3));
// typeeq_derived(temp2, current_class->classname,Char(temp3));
// typeeq_derived(temp2, temp1,Char(temp3));
// typeeq_derived(bc->classname, temp1,Char(temp3));
} else {
// typeeq_derived(bc->classname, current_class->classname,Char(temp3));
// DataType_record_base(current_class->classname, bc->classname);
SwigType_inherit(current_class->classname, bc->classname);
// Now traverse the hierarchy some more
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_inherit_decl(char **baseclass)
// This function is called internally to handle inheritance between classes.
// Basically, we're going to generate type-checking information and call
// out to the target language to handle the inheritance.
// This function is only called when emitting classes to the language modules
// (after all parsing has been complete).
// Inputs : baseclass = NULL terminated list of base-class names.
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Generates type-mappings. Calls the language-specific
// inheritance function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_inherit_decl(char **baseclass) {
// If not base-classes, bail out
if (!baseclass) return;
Inherit_mode = 1;
lang->cpp_inherit(baseclass); // Pass inheritance onto the various languages
Inherit_mode = 0;
// Create type-information for class hierarchy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_inherit_members(char *baseclass, int mode)
// Inherits members from a class. This is called by specific language modules
// to bring in members from base classes. It may or may not be called.
// This function is called with a *single* base-class, not multiple classes
// like other functions. To do multiple inheritance, simply call this
// with each of the associated base classes.
// Inputs :
// baseclass = Name of baseclass
// mode = Inheritance handling flags
// INHERIT_FUNC - Import functions in base class
// INHERIT_VAR - Import variables in base class
// INHERIT_CONST - Inherit constants
// INHERIT_ALL - Inherit everything (grossly inefficient)
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Imports methods from base-classes into derived classes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_inherit_members(char *baseclass, int mode) {
CPP_class *bc;
bc = CPP_class::search(baseclass);
if (bc) {
} else {
Printf(stderr,"%s:%d: Warning. Base class %s undefined (ignored).\n", input_file, current_class->line, baseclass);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_member_func(char *name, char *iname, DataType *type, ParmList *, is_virtual)
// Parser entry point to creating a C++ member function. This function primarily
// just records the function and does a few symbol table checks.
// Inputs :
// name = Real name of the member function
// iname = Renamed version (may be NULL)
// type = Return datatype
// l = Parameter list
// is_virtual = Set if this is a pure virtual function (ignored)
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds member function to current class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_member_func(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type, ParmList *l,
int is_virtual) {
CPP_function *f;
char *temp_iname;
// First, figure out if we're renaming this function or not
if (!iname)
temp_iname = name;
temp_iname = iname;
// If we're in inherit mode, we need to check for duplicates.
// Issue a warning.
if (Inherit_mode) {
CPP_member *m = current_class->search_member(temp_iname);
if (m) {
/* The current member is already part of the class. However, we might be
able to make some "optimizations" if it's virtual */
if ((is_virtual) && (m->is_virtual)) {
if (m->signature) {
/* Printf(stdout,"Member : %s, %d, '%s'\n", m->name, m->is_virtual, m->signature); */
String *ns = NewStringf("%s(%s)", name, ParmList_str(l));
if (Cmp(ns,m->signature) == 0) {
m->base = Swig_copy_string(inherit_base_class);
// Add it to our C++ class list
f = new CPP_function(name,temp_iname,type,l,0,is_virtual);
// If this is a pure virtual function, the class is abstract
if (is_virtual == PURE_VIRTUAL)
current_class->is_abstract = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_constructor(char *name, char *iname, ParmList *l)
// Parser entry point for creating a constructor.
// Inputs :
// name = Real name of the constructor (usually the same as the class)
// iname = Renamed version (may be NULL)
// l = Parameter list
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds a constructor to the current class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_constructor(char *name, char *iname, ParmList *l) {
CPP_constructor *c;
// May want to check the naming scheme here
c = new CPP_constructor(name,iname,l);
current_class->have_constructor = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_destructor(char *name, char *iname)
// Parser entry point for adding a destructor.
// Inputs :
// name = Real name of the destructor (usually same as class name)
// iname = Renamed version (may be NULL)
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds a destructor to the current class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_destructor(char *name, char *iname) {
CPP_destructor *d;
if (current_class->have_destructor) return;
d = new CPP_destructor(name,iname);
current_class->have_destructor = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_variable(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *t)
// Parser entry point for creating a new member variable.
// Inputs :
// name = name of the variable
// iname = Renamed version (may be NULL)
// t = SwigType
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds a member variable to the current class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_variable(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *t) {
CPP_variable *v;
char *temp_iname;
// If we're in inherit mode, we need to check for duplicates.
if (iname)
temp_iname = iname;
temp_iname = name;
if (Inherit_mode) {
if (current_class->search_member(temp_iname)) {
v = new CPP_variable(name,iname,t,0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_static_func(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type, ParmList *l)
// Parser entry point for creating a new static member function.
// Inputs :
// name = Real name of the function
// iname = Renamed version (may be NULL)
// type = Return SwigType
// l = Parameter list
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds a static function to the current class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_static_func(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type, ParmList *l) {
char *temp_iname;
// If we're in inherit mode, we need to check for duplicates.
if (iname) temp_iname = iname;
else temp_iname = name;
if (Inherit_mode) {
if (current_class->search_member(iname)) {
// Have a duplication
CPP_function *f = new CPP_function(name, temp_iname, type, l, 1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_declare_const(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type, char *value)
// Parser entry point for creating a C++ constant (usually contained in an
// enum).
// Inputs :
// name = Real name of the constant
// iname = Renamed constant (may be NULL)
// type = Datatype of the constant
// value = String representation of the value
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds a constant to the current class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_declare_const(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type, char *value) {
char *temp_iname;
if (iname) temp_iname = iname;
else temp_iname = name;
// If we're in inherit mode, we need to check for duplicates.
// Possibly issue a warning or perhaps a remapping
if (Inherit_mode) {
if (current_class->search_member(temp_iname)) {
CPP_constant *c = new CPP_constant(name, temp_iname, type, value);
// Add this symbol to local scope of a class
add_local_type(name, current_class->classname);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_static_var(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type)
// Parser entry point for adding a static variable
// Inputs :
// name = Name of the member
// iname = Renamed version (may be NULL)
// type = Datatype
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Adds a static variable to the current class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_static_var(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type) {
char *temp_iname;
if (iname) temp_iname = iname;
else temp_iname = name;
// If we're in inherit mode, we need to check for duplicates.
// Possibly issue a warning or perhaps a remapping
if (Inherit_mode) {
if (current_class->search_member(temp_iname)) {
CPP_variable *v = new CPP_variable(name, temp_iname, type, 1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cplus_add_pragma(char *lang, char *name, char *value)
// Add a pragma to a class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_add_pragma(char *lang, char *name, char *value)
Pragma *pp;
Pragma *p = new Pragma;
p->filename = NewString(input_file);
p->lang = NewString(lang);
p->name = NewString(name);
p->value = NewString(value);
p->next = 0;
p->lineno = line_number;
if (!current_class->pragmas) {
current_class->pragmas = p;
pp = current_class->pragmas;
while (pp->next) {
pp = pp->next;
pp->next = p;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++/Objective-C code generation functions
// The following functions are responsible for generating the wrapper functions
// for C++ and Objective-C methods and variables. These functions are usually
// called by specific language modules, but individual language modules can
// choose to do something else.
// The C++ module sets a number of internal state variables before emitting various
// pieces of code. These variables are often checked implicitly by these
// procedures even though nothing is passed on the command line.
// The code generator tries to be somewhat intelligent about what its doing.
// The member_hash Hash table keeps track of wrapped members and is used for
// sharing code between base and derived classes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static DOHHash *member_hash = 0; // Hash wrapping member function wrappers to scripting wrappers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_emit_member_func(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
// char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type,
// ParmList *l, int mode)
// This is a generic function to produce a C wrapper around a C++ member function.
// This function does the following :
// 1. Create a C wrapper function
// 2. Wrap the C wrapper function like a normal C function in SWIG
// 3. Add the function to the scripting language
// 4. Fill in the documentation entry
// Specific languages can choose to provide a different mechanism, but this
// function is used to provide a low-level C++ interface.
// The mode variable determines whether to create a new function or only to
// add it to the interpreter. This is used to support the %addmethods directive
// mode = 0 : Create a wrapper and add it (the normal mode)
// mode = 1 : Assume wrapper was already made and add it to the
// interpreter (%addmethods mode)
// Wrapper functions are usually created as follows :
// class Foo {
// int bar(args)
// }
// becomes ....
// Foo_bar(Foo *obj, args) {
// obj->bar(args);
// }
// if %addmethods mode is set AND there is supporting C code detected, make
// a function from it. The object is always called 'obj'.
// Then we wrap Foo_bar(). The name "Foo_bar" is actually contained in the parameter
// cname. This is so language modules can provide their own names (possibly for
// function overloading).
// This function makes no internal checks of the SWIG symbol table. This is
// up to the caller.
// Objective-C support (added 5/24/97) :
// If the class member function is part of an objective-C interface, everything
// works the same except that we change the calling mechanism to issue an
// Objective-C message.
// Optimizations (added 12/31/97) :
// For automatically generated wrapper functions. We now generate macros such
// as
// #define Foo_bar(a,b,c) (a->bar(b,c))
// This should make the wrappers a little faster as well as reducing the amount
// of wrapper code.
// Inputs :
// classname = Name of C++ class
// classtype = Type of class (struct, union, class)
// classrename = Renamed class (if any)
// mname = Member name
// mrename = Renamed member
// type = Return type of the function
// l = Parameter list
// mode = addmethods mode
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Creates C accessor function in the wrapper file.
// Calls the language module to create a wrapper function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_emit_member_func(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type, ParmList *l,
int mode) {
Wrapper *w;
char iname[512];
char fullname[512];
DOHString *key;
char *prev_wrap = 0;
key = NewString("");
if (classtype) {
sprintf(fullname,"%s%s", classtype, classname);
} else {
strcpy(fullname, classname);
w = Swig_cmethod_wrapper(fullname, mname, type, l, ccode);
if (!classrename) classrename = classname;
if (!mrename) mrename = mname;
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_member(classrename, mrename)));
if (!member_hash) member_hash = NewHash();
char *bc = cplus_base_class(mrename);
if (!bc || (strlen(bc) == 0)) {
bc = classname;
/* Printf(key,"%s+%s",Wrapper_Getname(w), ParmList_protostr(l));*/
Printf(key,"%s+%s", Swig_name_member(bc,mrename), ParmList_protostr(l));
/* Printf(stdout,"virtual = %d, bc = %s, mkey = %s\n", IsVirtual, bc, key); */
if (Getattr(member_hash,key)) {
prev_wrap = GetChar(member_hash,key);
} else {
if (!prev_wrap) {
if (mode && ccode) {
/* Produce an actual C wrapper */
} else if (!mode) {
/* Nah. Just produce a string that does the work for us */
emit_set_action(Swig_cmethod_call(mname, Wrapper_Getparms(w)));
lang->create_function(Wrapper_Getname(w), iname, Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
} else {
lang->create_command(prev_wrap, iname);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_emit_static_func(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
// char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type,
// ParmList *l, int mode)
// This is a generic function to produce a wrapper for a C++ static member function
// or an Objective-C class method.
// Specific languages can choose to provide a different mechanism, but this
// function is used to provide a low-level C++ interface.
// The mode variable determines whether to create a new function or only to
// add it to the interpreter. This is used to support the %addmethods directive
// mode = 0 : Create a wrapper and add it (the normal mode)
// mode = 1 : Assume wrapper was already made and add it to the
// interpreter (%addmethods mode)
// Wrapper functions are usually created as follows :
// class Foo {
// static int bar(args)
// }
// becomes a command called Foo_bar()
// if %addmethods mode is set AND there is supporting C code detected, make
// a function from it.
// Then we wrap Foo_bar(). The name "Foo_bar" is actually contained in the parameter
// cname. This is so language modules can provide their own names (possibly for
// function overloading).
// This function makes no internal checks of the SWIG symbol table. This is
// up to the caller.
// Inputs :
// classname = Name of C++ class
// classtype = Type of class (struct, union, class)
// classrename = Renamed version of class (optional)
// mname = Member name
// mrename = Renamed member (optional)
// type = Return type of the function
// l = Parameter list
// mode = addmethods mode
// Output : None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_emit_static_func(char *classname, char *, char *classrename,
char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type, ParmList *l,
int mode) {
char cname[512], iname[512];
DOHString *key;
char *prev_wrap = 0;
key = NewString("");
// Generate a function name for the member function
if (!mrename) mrename = mname;
char *bc = cplus_base_class(mname);
if (!bc) bc = classname;
if (strlen(bc) == 0) bc = classname;
// Generate the name of the C wrapper function
if ((!mode) && (!ObjCClass)) {
sprintf(cname,"%s::%s", bc, mname);
} else {
// Generate the scripting name of this function
if (!classrename) classrename = classname;
strcpy(iname,Char(Swig_name_member(classrename, mrename)));
// Perform a hash table lookup to see if we've wrapped anything like this before
Printf(key,"%s+%s",cname, ParmList_str(l));
if (!member_hash) member_hash = NewHash();
if (Getattr(member_hash,key)) {
prev_wrap = GetChar(member_hash,key);
} else {
if (!prev_wrap) {
if (!mode) {
// Not an added method and not objective C, just wrap it
lang->create_function(cname,iname, type, l);
} else {
if (!ccode) {
strcpy(cname, Char(Swig_name_member(classname,mname)));
lang->create_function(cname,iname, type, l);
} else {
Wrapper *w = Swig_cfunction_wrapper(cname, type, l, ccode);
lang->create_function(cname,iname, Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
} else {
// Already wrapped this function. Just hook up to it.
lang->create_command(prev_wrap, iname);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_emit_destructor(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
// char *mname, char *mrename, int mode)
// Emit a C wrapper around a C++ destructor.
// Usually this function is used to do the following :
// class Foo {
// ...
// ~Foo();
// }
// becomes ....
// void delete_Foo(Foo *f) {
// delete f;
// }
// Then we wrap delete_Foo().
// Inputs :
// classname = Name of the C++ class
// classtype = Type of class (struct,class,union)
// classrename = Renamed class (optional)
// mname = Name of the destructor
// mrename = Name of the function in the interpreter
// mode = addmethods mode (0 or 1)
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Creates a destructor function and wraps it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_emit_destructor(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
char *mname, char *mrename, int mode)
Wrapper *w;
char cname[512],iname[512];
char fclassname[512];
if (!classrename) classrename = classname;
if (mrename)
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_destroy(mrename)));
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_destroy(classrename)));
sprintf(fclassname,"%s%s", classtype, classname);
if (CPlusPlus) {
w = Swig_cppdestructor_wrapper(fclassname,ccode);
} else {
w = Swig_cdestructor_wrapper(fclassname, ccode);
if (mode && ccode) {
lang->create_function(Wrapper_Getname(w),iname,Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
} else if (mode) {
lang->create_function(Wrapper_Getname(w),iname,Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
} else {
if (CPlusPlus)
lang->create_function(cname, iname, Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_emit_constructor(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
// char *mname, char *mrename, ParmList *l, int mode)
// Creates a C wrapper around a C++ constructor
// Inputs :
// classname = name of class
// classtype = type of class (struct,class,union)
// classrename = Renamed class (optional)
// mname = Name of constructor
// mrename = Renamed constructor (optional)
// l = Parameter list
// mode = addmethods mode
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Creates a C wrapper and calls the language module to wrap it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_emit_constructor(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
char *mname, char *mrename, ParmList *l, int mode)
char cname[512],iname[512];
char fclassname[512];
Wrapper *w;
// Construct names for the function
if (!classrename) classrename = classname;
if (mrename)
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_construct(mrename)));
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_construct(classrename)));
sprintf(fclassname,"%s%s", classtype, classname);
if (CPlusPlus) {
w = Swig_cppconstructor_wrapper(fclassname, l, ccode);
} else {
w = Swig_cconstructor_wrapper(fclassname, l, ccode);
if (!mode) {
if (CPlusPlus) {
emit_set_action(Swig_cppconstructor_call(fclassname, l));
} else {
} else {
if (ccode) {
lang->create_function(Wrapper_Getname(w), iname, Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_emit_variable_get(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
// char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type, int mode)
// Writes a C wrapper to extract a data member
// Usually this function works as follows :
// class Foo {
// double x;
// }
// becomes :
// double Foo_x_get(Foo *obj) {
// return obj->x;
// }
// Optimization : 12/31/97
// Now emits a macro like this :
// #define Foo_x_get(obj) (obj->x)
// Inputs :
// classname = name of C++ class
// classtype = type of class (struct, class, union)
// classrename = Renamed class
// mname = Member name
// mrename = Renamed member
// type = Datatype of the member
// mode = Addmethods mode
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Creates a C accessor function and calls the language module
// to make a wrapper around it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_emit_variable_get(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type, int mode) {
char cname[512],iname[512], fclassname[512];
char key[512];
char *prev_wrap = 0;
Wrapper *w;
// First generate a proper name for the get function
// Get the base class of this member
if (!mrename) mrename = mname;
char *bc = cplus_base_class(mrename);
if (!bc) bc = classname;
if (strlen(bc) == 0) bc = classname;
// Generate the name of the C wrapper function (is always the same, regardless
// of renaming).
strcpy(cname, Char(Swig_name_get(Swig_name_member(bc,mname))));
// Generate the scripting name of this function
if (!classrename) classrename = classname;
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_get(Swig_name_member(classrename,mrename))));
// Now check to see if we have already wrapped a variable like this.
if (!member_hash) member_hash = NewHash();
if (Getattr(member_hash,key)) {
prev_wrap = GetChar(member_hash,key);
} else {
sprintf(fclassname,"%s%s", classtype, classname);
w = Swig_cmemberget_wrapper(fclassname,mname,type,ccode);
// Only generate code if already existing wrapper doesn't exist
if (!prev_wrap) {
if ((mode) && (ccode)) {
} else if (!mode) {
emit_set_action(Swig_cmemberget_call(mname, type));
lang->create_function(Wrapper_Getname(w),iname, Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
} else {
// Already wrapped this function. Just patch it up
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_emit_variable_set(char *classname, char *classtype, char *mname,
// char *cname, char *iname, SwigType *type, int mode)
// Writes a C wrapper to set a data member
// Usually this function works as follows :
// class Foo {
// double x;
// }
// becomes :
// double Foo_x_set(Foo *obj, double value) {
// return (obj->x = value);
// }
// Need to handle special cases for char * and for user defined types.
// 1. char *
// Will free previous contents (if any) and allocate
// new storage. Could be risky, but it's a reasonably
// natural thing to do.
// 2. User_Defined
// Will assign value from a pointer.
// Will return a pointer to current value.
// Optimization, now defined as a C preprocessor macro
// Inputs :
// classname = name of C++ class
// classtype = type of class (struct, class, union)
// mname = Member name
// cname = Name of the C function for this (ie. Foo_bar_get)
// iname = Interpreter name of ths function
// type = Datatype of the member
// mode = Addmethods mode
// Output : None
// Side Effects :
// Creates a C accessor function and calls the language module
// to wrap it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_emit_variable_set(char *classname, char *classtype, char *classrename,
char *mname, char *mrename, SwigType *type, int mode) {
char cname[512], iname[512];
char key[512];
char fclassname[512];
char *prev_wrap = 0;
Wrapper *w;
// Get the base class of this member
if (!mrename) mrename = mname;
char *bc = cplus_base_class(mrename);
if (!bc) bc = classname;
if (strlen(bc) == 0) bc = classname;
// Generate the name of the C wrapper function (is always the same, regardless
// of renaming).
strcpy(cname, Char(Swig_name_set(Swig_name_member(bc,mname))));
if (!classrename) classrename = classname;
strcpy(iname, Char(Swig_name_set(Swig_name_member(classrename, mrename))));
// Now check to see if we have already wrapped a variable like this.
if (!member_hash) member_hash = NewHash();
if (Getattr(member_hash,key)) {
prev_wrap = GetChar(member_hash,key);
} else {
w = Swig_cmemberset_wrapper(fclassname,mname,type,ccode);
// Only generate code if already existing wrapper doesn't exist
if (!prev_wrap) {
if ((mode) && (ccode)) {
} else if (!mode) {
/* Check for a member in typemap here */
String *target = NewStringf("%s->%s", Swig_cparm_name(0,0),mname);
char *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("memberin",type,mname,Swig_cparm_name(0,1),target,0);
if (!tm)
lang->create_function(Wrapper_Getname(w),iname, Wrapper_Gettype(w), Wrapper_Getparms(w));
} else {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_register_type(char *typename)
// Registers a datatype name to be associated with the current class. This
// typename is placed into a local hash table for later use. For example :
// class foo {
// public:
// enum ENUM { ... };
// typedef double Real;
// void bar(ENUM a, Real b);
// }
// Then we need to access bar using fully qualified type names such as
// void wrap_bar(foo::ENUM a, foo::Real b) {
// bar(a,b);
// }
// Inputs : name of the datatype.
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Adds datatype to localtypes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_register_type(char *tname) {
if (current_class)
add_local_type(tname, current_class->classname);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_register_scope(void *h)
// Saves the scope associated with a particular class. It will be needed
// later if anything inherits from us.
// Inputs : Hash table h containing the scope
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Saves h with current class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_register_scope(void *h) {
if (current_class) {
current_class->scope = h;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void cplus_inherit_scope(int count, char **baseclass)
// Given a list of base classes, this function extracts their former scopes
// and merges them with the current scope. This is needed to properly handle
// inheritance.
// Inputs : baseclass = NULL terminated array of base-class names
// Output : None
// Side Effects : Updates current scope with new symbols.
// Copies any special symbols if needed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cplus_inherit_scope(int count, char **baseclass) {
CPP_class *bc;
int i;
char *val;
DOH *key;
if (count && current_class) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
bc = CPP_class::search(baseclass[i]);
if (bc) {
if (bc->scope) {
if (bc->local) {
// Copy local symbol table
key = Firstkey(bc->local);
while (key) {
val = GetChar(bc->local,key);
key = Nextkey(bc->local);