blob: eb3cc258f9214f55808ebd7394f3c0e6163c5855 [file] [log] [blame]
* Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
* Author : David Beazley
* Department of Computer Science
* University of Chicago
* 1100 E 58th Street
* Chicago, IL 60637
* Please read the file LICENSE for the copyright and terms by which SWIG
* can be used and distributed.
static char cvsroot[] = "$Header$";
* $Header$
* mzscheme.cxx
* Definitions for adding functions to Mzscheme 101
#include "mod11.h"
#include "mzscheme.h"
static char *mzscheme_usage = (char*)"\
Mzscheme Options (available with -mzscheme)\n\
-help - Print this help\n\
-module name - Set base name of module (not implemented) \n\
-prefix name - Set a prefix to be appended to all name\n\
static char *prefix=0;
static char *module=0;
static char *mzscheme_path=(char*)"mzscheme";
static String *init_func_def = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
// Parse arguments.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::parse_args (int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
sprintf (LibDir, "%s", mzscheme_path);
// Look for certain command line options
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i]) {
if (strcmp (argv[i], "-help") == 0) {
fputs (mzscheme_usage, stderr);
SWIG_exit (0);
else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-prefix") == 0) {
if (argv[i + 1]) {
prefix = new char[strlen(argv[i + 1]) + 2];
strcpy(prefix, argv[i + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg (i);
Swig_mark_arg (i + 1);
} else {
else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-module") == 0) {
if (argv[i + 1]) {
set_module (argv[i + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg (i);
Swig_mark_arg (i + 1);
} else {
// If a prefix has been specified make sure it ends in a '_'
if (prefix) {
if (prefix[strlen (prefix)] != '_') {
prefix[strlen (prefix) + 1] = 0;
prefix[strlen (prefix)] = '_';
} else
prefix = (char*)"swig_";
// Add a symbol for this module
Preprocessor_define ((void *) "SWIGMZSCHEME",0);
// Set name of typemaps
typemap_lang = (char*)"mzscheme";
// Read in default typemaps */
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::parse()
// Parse the input file
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::parse ()
init_func_def = NewString("");
// Print out MZSCHEME specific headers
// Run the parser
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::set_module(char *mod_name)
// Sets the module name.
// Does nothing if it's already set (so it can be overridden as a command
// line option).
MZSCHEME::set_module (char *mod_name)
if (module) {
printf ("module already set (%s), returning\n", module);
module = new char [strlen (mod_name) + 1];
strcpy (module, mod_name);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::set_init(char *iname)
// Sets the initialization function name.
// Does nothing if it's already set
MZSCHEME::set_init (char *iname)
abort (); // for now -ttn
set_module (iname);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::headers(void)
// Generate the appropriate header files for MZSCHEME interface.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::headers (void)
Printf(f_runtime, "/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- vi: set ro: */\n");
Swig_banner (f_runtime);
if (NoInclude) {
Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIG_NOINCLUDE\n");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::initialize()
// Output initialization code that registers functions with the
// interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::initialize (void)
Printf (f_init, "static void\nSWIG_init (void)\n{\n");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::close(void)
// Wrap things up. Close initialization function.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::close (void)
Printf (f_init, "}\n\n");
Printf(f_init, "Scheme_Object *scheme_reload(Scheme_Env *env) {\n");
Printf(f_init, "%s\n", Char(init_func_def));
Printf (f_init, "\treturn scheme_void;\n}\n");
Printf(f_init, "Scheme_Object *scheme_initialize(Scheme_Env *env) {\n");
Printf(f_init, "\treturn scheme_reload(env);\n");
Printf (f_init, "}\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::get_pointer(int parm, SwigType *t, Wrapper *f)
// Emits code to get a pointer from a parameter and do type checking.
// parm is the parameter number. This function is only used
// in create_function().
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::get_pointer (String *name, int parm, SwigType *t, Wrapper *f)
char p[256];
sprintf(p, "%d", parm);
Printv(f->code, tab4, "if (!swig_get_c_pointer(argv[", p, "], \"", SwigType_manglestr(t),
"\", (void **) &arg", p, "))\n",0);
Printv(f->code, tab8, "scheme_wrong_type(\"", name,
"\", \"", SwigType_manglestr(t), "\", ", p, ", argc, argv);\n",0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::create_function(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *d,
// ParmList *l)
// Create a function declaration and register it with the interpreter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void
mreplace (String *s, String *argnum, String *arg, String *proc_name)
Replace(s, "$argnum", argnum, DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
Replace(s, "$arg", arg, DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
Replace(s, "$name", proc_name, DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
static void
throw_unhandled_mzscheme_type_error (SwigType *d)
Printf (stderr, "%s : Line %d. Unable to handle type %s.\n", input_file, line_number, SwigType_str(d,0));
/* Return true iff T is a pointer type */
static int
is_a_pointer (SwigType *t)
return SwigType_ispointer(SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(t));
/* Same as Swig_typemap_lookup but fall back to `int' when `enum' is
requested -- enum handling is somewhat broken in the 1.1 parser.
But we don't want to change it now since it is deprecated. */
static char *
mzscheme_typemap_lookup(const char *op, SwigType *type, const String_or_char *pname, String_or_char *source,
String_or_char *target, Wrapper *f)
char *tm;
tm = Swig_typemap_lookup((char*) op, type, (char*)pname, source, target, f);
if (!tm) {
SwigType *base = SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(type);
if (strncmp(Char(base), "enum ", 5)==0)
tm = Swig_typemap_lookup((char*) op, (char*) "int", (char*)pname, source, target, f);
return tm;
MZSCHEME::create_function (char *name, char *iname, SwigType *d, ParmList *l)
Parm *p;
Wrapper *f = NewWrapper();
String *proc_name = NewString("");
String *source = NewString("");
String *target = NewString("");
String *argnum = NewString("");
String *arg = NewString("");
String *cleanup = NewString("");
String *outarg = NewString("");
String *build = NewString("");
SwigType *t;
char *tm;
int argout_set = 0;
int i = 0;
// Make a wrapper name for this
char *wname = Char(Swig_name_wrapper(iname));
// Build the name for Scheme.
Printv(proc_name, iname,0);
Replace(proc_name, "_", "-", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
// writing the function wrapper function
Printv(f->def, "static Scheme_Object *", wname, " (", 0);
Printv(f->def, "int argc, Scheme_Object **argv", 0);
Printv(f->def, ")\n{", 0);
// Declare return variable and arguments
// number of parameters
// they are called arg0, arg1, ...
// the return value is called result
/* pcount = */ emit_args(d, l, f);
int numargs = 0;
// adds local variables
Wrapper_add_local(f, "_tempc", "char *_tempc");
Wrapper_add_local(f, "_len", "int _len");
Wrapper_add_local(f, "swig_result", "Scheme_Object *swig_result");
// Now write code to extract the parameters (this is super ugly)
for(p = l; p; p = Getnext(p)) {
// Produce names of source and target
Printf(source, "argv[%d]", i);
Printf(target, "arg%d", i);
Printf(argnum, "%d", i);
Printv(arg, Getname(p),0);
// Handle parameter types.
if (Getignore(p))
Printv(f->code, "/* ", Char(Getname(p)), " ignored... */\n", 0);
else {
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("in",
Gettype(p), Getname(p), source, target, f))) {
Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", 0);
mreplace (f->code, argnum, arg, proc_name);
// no typemap found
// check if typedef and resolve
else if (SwigType_istypedef(Gettype(p))) {
t = SwigType_typedef_resolve(Gettype(p));
// if a pointer then get it
if (is_a_pointer(t)) {
get_pointer (proc_name, i, t, f);
// not a pointer
else throw_unhandled_mzscheme_type_error (Gettype(p));
// Check if there are any constraints.
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("check",
Gettype(p), Getname(p), source, target, f))) {
// Yep. Use it instead of the default
Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", 0);
mreplace (f->code, argnum, arg, proc_name);
// Pass output arguments back to the caller.
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("argout",
Gettype(p), Getname(p), source, target, f))) {
// Yep. Use it instead of the default
Printv(outarg, tm, "\n",0);
mreplace (outarg, argnum, arg, proc_name);
argout_set = 1;
// Free up any memory allocated for the arguments.
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("freearg",
Gettype(p), Getname(p), source, target, f))) {
// Yep. Use it instead of the default
Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n",0);
mreplace (cleanup, argnum, arg, proc_name);
// Now write code to make the function call
emit_func_call (name, d, l, f);
// Now have return value, figure out what to do with it.
if (SwigType_type(d) == T_VOID) {
Printv(f->code, tab4, "swig_result = scheme_void;\n",0);
else if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("out",
d, name, (char*)"result", (char*)"swig_result", f))) {
Printv(f->code, tm, "\n",0);
mreplace (f->code, argnum, arg, proc_name);
// no typemap found and not void then create a Scheme_Object holding
// the C pointer and return it
else if (is_a_pointer(d)) {
Printv(f->code, tab4,
"swig_result = swig_make_c_pointer(",
"result, \"",
"\");\n", 0);
else {
throw_unhandled_mzscheme_type_error (d);
// Dump the argument output code
Printv(f->code, Char(outarg),0);
// Dump the argument cleanup code
Printv(f->code, Char(cleanup),0);
// Look for any remaining cleanup
if (NewObject) {
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("newfree",
d, iname, (char*)"result", (char*)"", f))) {
Printv(f->code, tm, "\n",0);
mreplace (f->code, argnum, arg, proc_name);
// Free any memory allocated by the function being wrapped..
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("ret",
d, name, (char*)"result", (char*)"", f))) {
// Yep. Use it instead of the default
Printv(f->code, tm, "\n",0);
mreplace (f->code, argnum, arg, proc_name);
// returning multiple values
if(argout_set) {
if(SwigType_type(d) == T_VOID) {
Wrapper_add_local(f, "_lenv", "int _lenv = 0");
Wrapper_add_local(f, "values", "Scheme_Object *values[MAXVALUES]");
Printv(f->code, tab4, "swig_result = scheme_values(_lenv, _values);\n",0);
else {
Wrapper_add_local(f, "_lenv", "int _lenv = 1");
Wrapper_add_local(f, "values", "Scheme_Object *values[MAXVALUES]");
Printv(f->code, tab4, "_values[0] = swig_result;\n",0);
Printv(f->code, tab4, "swig_result = scheme_values(_lenv, _values);\n",0);
// Wrap things up (in a manner of speaking)
Printv(f->code, tab4, "return swig_result;\n",0);
Printv(f->code, "}\n",0);
Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
// Now register the function
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%d", numargs);
Printv(init_func_def, "scheme_add_global(\"", proc_name,
"\", scheme_make_prim_w_arity(", wname,
", \"", proc_name, "\", ", temp, ", ", temp,
"), env);\n",0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::link_variable(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *d)
// Create a link to a C variable.
// This creates a single function _wrap_swig_var_varname().
// This function takes a single optional argument. If supplied, it means
// we are setting this variable to some value. If omitted, it means we are
// simply evaluating this variable. Either way, we return the variables
// value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::link_variable (char *name, char *iname, SwigType *t)
String *proc_name = NewString("");
char var_name[256];
char *tm;
String *tm2 = NewString("");;
String *argnum = NewString("0");
String *arg = NewString("argv[0]");
// evaluation function names
sprintf (var_name, "_wrap_%svar_%s", prefix, iname);
// Build the name for scheme.
Printv(proc_name, iname,0);
Replace(proc_name, "_", "-", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
if ((SwigType_type(t) != T_USER) || (is_a_pointer(t))) {
Printf (f_wrappers, "static Scheme_Object *%s(int argc, Scheme_Object** argv) {\n", var_name);
if ((SwigType_type(t) == T_CHAR) || (is_a_pointer(t))){
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t char *_temp, _ptemp[128];\n");
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t int _len;\n");
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t Scheme_Object *swig_result;\n");
// Check for a setting of the variable value
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t if (argc) {\n");
// Yup. Extract the type from argv[0] and set variable value
// if (Status & STAT_READONLY) {
// Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t GSWIG_ASSERT(0,\"Unable to set %s. "
// "Variable is read only.\", argv[0]);\n", iname);
// }
if (Status & STAT_READONLY) {
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t scheme_signal_error(\"Unable to set %s. "
"Variable is read only.\");\n", iname);
else if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("varin",
t, name, (char*)"argv[0]", name,0))) {
Printv(tm2, tm,0);
mreplace(tm2, argnum, arg, proc_name);
Printv(f_wrappers, tm2, "\n",0);
else if (is_a_pointer(t)) {
if ((SwigType_type(t) == T_CHAR) && (is_a_pointer(t) == 1)) {
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t _temp = SCHEME_STR_VAL(argv[0]);\n");
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t _len = SCHEME_STRLEN_VAL(argv[0]);\n");
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t if (%s) { free(%s);}\n", name, name);
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t %s = (char *) "
"malloc((_len+1)*sizeof(char));\n", name);
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t\t strncpy(%s,_temp,_len);\n", name);
} else {
// Set the value of a pointer
Printf(f_wrappers, "\t\tif (!swig_get_c_pointer(argv[0], \"%s\", (void **) &%s))\n",
SwigType_manglestr(t), name);
Printf(f_wrappers, "\t\t\tscheme_wrong_type(\"%s\", \"%s\", 0, argc, argv);", \
var_name, SwigType_manglestr(t));
else {
throw_unhandled_mzscheme_type_error (t);
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t}\n");
// Now return the value of the variable (regardless
// of evaluating or setting)
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("varout",
t, name, name, (char*)"swig_result",0))) {
Printf (f_wrappers, "%s\n", tm);
else if (is_a_pointer(t)) {
if ((SwigType_type(t) == T_CHAR) && (is_a_pointer(t) == 1)) {
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t swig_result = scheme_make_string(%s);\n", name);
} else {
// Is an ordinary pointer type.
Printf(f_wrappers, "\tswig_result = swig_make_c_pointer(%s, \"%s\");\n",
name, SwigType_manglestr(t));
else {
throw_unhandled_mzscheme_type_error (t);
Printf (f_wrappers, "\t return swig_result;\n");
Printf (f_wrappers, "}\n");
// Now add symbol to the MzScheme interpreter
"\", scheme_make_prim_w_arity(",
", \"",
"\", ",
", ",
"), env);\n",0);
} else {
Printf (stderr, "%s : Line %d. ** Warning. Unable to link with "
" type %s (ignored).\n",
input_file, line_number, SwigType_manglestr(t));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::declare_const(char *name, char *iname, SwigType *type, char *value)
// Makes a constant. Not sure how this is really supposed to work.
// I'm going to fake out SWIG and create a variable instead.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::declare_const (char *name, char *, SwigType *type, char *value)
int OldStatus = Status; // Save old status flags
char var_name[256];
String *proc_name = NewString("");
String *rvalue = NewString("");
String *temp = NewString("");
char *tm;
Status = STAT_READONLY; // Enable readonly mode.
// Make a static variable;
sprintf (var_name, "_wrap_const_%s", name);
// Build the name for scheme.
Printv(proc_name, name,0);
Replace(proc_name, "_", "-", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
if ((SwigType_type(type) == T_USER) && (!is_a_pointer(type))) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s : Line %d. Unsupported constant value.\n",
input_file, line_number);
// See if there's a typemap
Printv(rvalue, value,0);
if ((SwigType_type(type) == T_CHAR) && (is_a_pointer(type) == 1)) {
temp = Copy(rvalue);
Printv(rvalue, "\"", temp, "\"",0);
if ((SwigType_type(type) == T_CHAR) && (is_a_pointer(type) == 0)) {
temp = Copy(rvalue);
Printv(rvalue, "'", temp, "'",0);
if ((tm = mzscheme_typemap_lookup ("const", type, name,
rvalue, name,0))) {
// Yep. Use it instead of the default
Printf (f_init, "%s\n", tm);
} else {
// Create variable and assign it a value
Printf (f_header, "static %s %s = ", SwigType_str(type,0), var_name);
if ((SwigType_type(type) == T_STRING)) {
Printf (f_header, "\"%s\";\n", value);
} else if (SwigType_type(type) == T_CHAR) {
Printf (f_header, "\'%s\';\n", value);
} else {
Printf (f_header, "%s;\n", value);
// Now create a variable declaration
link_variable (var_name, name, type);
Status = OldStatus;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::usage_var(char *iname, SwigType *t, String &usage)
// Produces a usage string for a MzScheme variable.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::usage_var (char *iname, SwigType *t, String *usage)
// char temp[1024], *c;
// usage << "(" << iname << " [value])";
// if (!((t->type != T_USER) || (t->is_pointer))) {
// usage << " - unsupported";
// }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::usage_func(char *iname, SwigType *t, ParmList *l, String &usage)
// Produces a usage string for a function in MzScheme
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::usage_func (char *iname, SwigType *d, ParmList *l, DOHString *usage)
Parm *p;
// Print the function name.
// Now go through and print parameters
for (p = l; p != 0; p = Getnext(p)) {
SwigType *pt = Gettype(p);
String *pn = Getname(p);
if (Getignore(p))
// Print the type. If the parameter has been named, use that as well.
if (SwigType_type(pt) != T_VOID) {
// Print the type.
Printv(usage," <", Getname(pt), 0);
if (is_a_pointer(pt)) {
for (int j = 0; j < is_a_pointer(pt); j++) {
Putc('*', usage);
// Print the name if it exists.
if (strlen (Char(pn)) > 0) {
Printv(usage," ", pn, 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::usage_returns(char *iname, SwigType *t, ParmList *l, String &usage)
// Produces a usage string for a function in MzScheme
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::usage_returns (char *iname, SwigType *d, ParmList *l, DOHString *usage)
Parm *p;
DOHString *param;
int have_param = 0, j;
param = NewString("");
Printf(usage,"returns ");
// go through and see if any are output.
for (p = l; p != 0; p = Getnext(p)) {
SwigType *pt = Gettype(p);
String *pn = Getname(p);
if (strcmp (Char(pn),"BOTH") && strcmp (Char(pn),"OUTPUT"))
// Print the type. If the parameter has been named, use that as well.
if (SwigType_type(pt) != T_VOID) {
// Print the type.
Printv(param," $", Getname(pt), 0);
if (is_a_pointer(pt)) {
for (j = 0; j < is_a_pointer(pt) - 1; j++) {
Printf(param,"# ");
// See if we stick on the function return type.
if (SwigType_type(d) != T_VOID || have_param == 0) {
if (SwigType_type(d) == T_VOID)
Insert(param,0," unspecified");
else {
Insert(param,0,"# ");
Insert(param,0," $");
// Kill extra white space.
// Sorry. Not implemented: param.strip();
Replace(param,"$", "<", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
Replace(param,"#", ">", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
Replace(param,"><", "> <", DOH_REPLACE_ANY);
// If there are multiple return values put them in a list.
if (have_param > 1) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MZSCHEME::usage_const(char *iname, SwigType *type, char *value, String &usage)
// Produces a usage string for a MzScheme constant
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
MZSCHEME::usage_const (char *iname, SwigType *, char *value, DOHString *usage)
Printv(usage,"(", iname, " ", value, ")", 0);