blob: 63548c67267b08eddc3eea3345f84a4ae5aee78a [file] [log] [blame]
Below are the changes for the current release.
See the CHANGES file for changes in older releases.
See the RELEASENOTES file for a summary of changes in each release.
Issue # numbers mentioned below can be found on Github. For more details, add
the issue number to the end of the URL:
Version 4.1.0 (in progress)
2020-10-07: treitmayr
[Python] #1812 Fix error handling in pybuffer.i PyObject_GetBuffer().
2020-10-07: treitmayr
#1824 Add missing space in director method declaration returning
const pointer.
2020-10-07: adelva1984
#1859 Remove all (two) exceptions from SWIG executable.
2020-09-25: wsfulton
[C#, Java] #1874 Add ability to change the modifiers for the interface
generated when using the %interface macros.
For C# use the 'csinterfacemodifiers' typemap.
For Java use the 'javainterfacemodifiers' typemap.
For example:
%typemap(csinterfacemodifiers) X "internal interface"
2020-09-24: geefr
[C#] #1868 Fix wchar_t* csvarout typemap for member variable wrappers.
2020-08-28: wsfulton
[Java] #1862 Fix crashes in swig_connect_director during director class construction
when using the director class from multiple threads - a race condition initialising
block scope static variables. The fix is guaranteed when using C++11, but most
compilers also fix it when using C++03/C++98.
2020-08-16: wsfulton
[Python] Add missing initializer for member _heaptypeobject::ht_module when using
-builtin to complete Python 3.9 support.
2020-08-16: wsfulton
[Python] Remove PyEval_InitThreads() call for Python 3.7 and later as Python calls
it automatically now. This removes a deprecation warning when using Python 3.9.
2020-08-15: wsfulton
[Python] All Python examples and tests are written to be Python 2 and Python 3
compatible, removing the need for 2to3 to run the examples or test-suite.
2020-08-13: wsfulton
[C#] Add support for void *VOID_INT_PTR for member variables.
2020-07-29: chrisburr
#1843 [Python] Compilation error fix in SwigPyBuiltin_SetMetaType when using PyPy.
2020-06-14: ZackerySpytz
#1642 #1809 Fix virtual comparison operators in director classes - remove incorrect
space in the function name, for example, operator= = is now operator==.