blob: 7213d70948a7df4cbdadec8f375f74baaaeadb5c [file] [log] [blame]
class check {
// do we have true global vars or just GETSET functions?
// Used to filter out get/set global functions to fake vars...
const GETSET = 1;
private static $_extension = null;
private static $_werror = false;
static function get_extension() {
if (self::$_extension === null) {
foreach(get_included_files() as $f) {
$module_name = preg_filter('/.*\/([^\/]+)_runme\.php$/', '\1', $f);
if ($module_name !== null) break;
if ($module_name === null) {
print("Failed to determine module name from get_included_files()\n");
self::$_extension = new ReflectionExtension($module_name);
return self::$_extension;
static function werror($v) {
self::$_werror = $v;
static function classname($string,$object) {
if (!is_object($object))
return check::fail("The second argument is a " . gettype($object) . ", not an object.");
if (strtolower($string)!=strtolower($classname=get_class($object))) return check::fail("Object: \$object is of class %s not class %s",$classname,$string);
return TRUE;
static function classmethods($classname,$methods) {
if (is_object($classname)) $classname=get_class($classname);
foreach($methods as $method) {
if (! isset($classmethods[$method])) $missing[]=$method;
else unset($classmethods[$method]);
if ($missing) $message[]="does not have these methods:\n ".join(",",$missing);
if ($message) {
return check::fail("Class %s %s\nFull class list:\n %s\n",$classname,join("\nbut ",$message),join("\n ",get_class_methods($classname)));
if ($extra) $message[]="Class ".$classname." has these extra methods:\n ".join(",",$extra);
if ($message) return check::warn(join("\n ",$message));
return TRUE;
static function set($var,$value) {
if (self::GETSET) $func($value);
else $_GLOBALS[$var]=$value;
static function get($var) {
if (self::GETSET) return $func();
else return $_GLOBALS[$var];
static function is_a($a,$b) {
if (is_object($a)) $a=strtolower(get_class($a));
if (is_object($b)) $a=strtolower(get_class($b));
while($c!=$b && $c) {
if ($c!=$b) return check::fail("Class $a does not inherit from class $b\nHierarchy:\n %s\n",join("\n ",$parents));
return TRUE;
static function classparent($a,$b) {
if (is_object($a)) $a=get_class($a);
if (is_object($b)) $a=get_class($b);
if ($parent!=$b) return check::fail("Class $a parent not actually $b but $parent");
return TRUE;
static function classes($classes) {
if (! is_array($classes)) $classes=array($classes);
$extra = array_flip(array_filter(self::get_extension()->getClassNames(),
function ($e) { return !preg_match('/^SWIG\\\\/', $e); }));
foreach($classes as $class) {
if (! class_exists($class)) $missing[]=$class;
else unset($extra[$class]);
if ($missing) $message[]=sprintf("Classes missing: %s",join(",",$missing));
if ($message) return check::fail(join("\n ",$message));
if ($extra) $message[]=sprintf("These extra classes are defined: %s",join(",",array_keys($extra)));
if ($message) return check::warn(join("\n ",$message));
return TRUE;
static function functions($functions) {
if (! is_array($functions)) $functions=array($functions);
$extra = self::get_extension()->getFunctions();
foreach ($functions as $func) {
if (! function_exists($func)) $missing[]=$func;
else unset($extra[$func]);
$extra = array_filter(array_keys($extra),
function ($e) { return !preg_match('/_[gs]et$|^is_python_/', $e); });
if ($missing) $message[]=sprintf("Functions missing: %s",join(",",$missing));
if ($message) return check::fail(join("\n ",$message));
if ($extra) $message[]=sprintf("These extra functions are defined: %s",join(",",$extra));
if ($message) return check::warn(join("\n ",$message));
return TRUE;
static function globals($globals) {
if (! is_array($globals)) $globals=array($globals);
$extra = self::get_extension()->getFunctions();
foreach ($globals as $glob) {
if (! function_exists($glob . "_get") && ! function_exists($glob . "_set")) $missing[]=$glob;
else {
unset($extra[$glob . "_get"]);
unset($extra[$glob . "_set"]);
$extra = array_filter(array_keys($extra),
function ($e) { return preg_match('/_[gs]et$/', $e); });
if ($missing) $message[]=sprintf("Globals missing: %s",join(",",$missing));
if ($message) return check::fail(join("\n ",$message));
if ($extra) $message[]=sprintf("These extra globals are defined: %s",join(",",$extra));
if ($message) return check::warn(join("\n ",$message));
return TRUE;
static function constants($constants) {
if (! is_array($constants)) $constants=array($constants);
$extra = self::get_extension()->getConstants();
foreach($constants as $constant) {
if (! defined($constant)) $missing[]=$constant;
else unset($extra[$constant]);
if ($missing) $message[]=sprintf("Constants missing: %s",join(",",$missing));
if ($message) return check::fail(join("\n ",$message));
if ($extra) $message[]=sprintf("These extra constants are defined: %s",join(",",array_keys($extra)));
if ($message) return check::warn(join("\n ",$message));
return TRUE;
static function functionref($a,$type,$message) {
if (! preg_match("/^_[a-f0-9]+$type$/i", $a))
return check::fail($message);
return TRUE;
static function equal($a,$b,$message=null) {
if (! ($a===$b)) return check::fail_($message, "'$a'!=='$b'");
return TRUE;
static function equivalent($a,$b,$message=null) {
if (! ($a==$b)) return check::fail_($message, "'$a'!='$b'");
return TRUE;
static function str_contains($a,$b,$message=null) {
# Use strpos as PHP function str_contains requires PHP 8
return check::equal(strpos($a,$b)!==false,true,$message);
static function isnull($a,$message=null) {
return check::equal($a,NULL,$message);
private static function fail_($message, $pattern) {
$bt = debug_backtrace(0);
$bt = $bt[array_key_last($bt)-1];
print("{$bt['file']}:{$bt['line']}: Failed on: ");
if ($message !== NULL) print("$message: ");
static function fail($pattern) {
check::fail_(null, $pattern);
static function warn($pattern) {
if (self::$_werror) self::fail($pattern);
print("Warning on: ".call_user_func_array("sprintf",$args)."\n");
return FALSE;
static function done() {
# print $_SERVER[argv][0]." ok\n";