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<H2>Wrapping C Global Variables</H2>
When a C global variable appears in an interface file, SWIG provides
getter and setter functions for the variable. The getter function is
named <tt>Get</tt> followed by the capitalized name of the variable.
The setter variable starts with <tt>Set</tt> instead. The getter
function takes no parameters and returns the value of the variable.
The setter function takes a single parameter with the same type as the
variable, and returns nothing.
<p>Click <a href="example.i">here</a> to see a SWIG interface with
some variable declarations in it.
<h2>Manipulating Variables from Go</h2>
For example, if the package is called <tt>example</tt>, the global
double foo;
will be accessed from Go as
Click <a href="runme.go">here</a> to see the example program that
updates and prints out the values of the variables using this
<h2>Key points</h2>
<li>The name of the variable is capitalized.
<li>When a global variable has the type "<tt>char *</tt>", SWIG
manages it as a character string.
<li><tt>signed char</tt> and <tt>unsigned char</tt> are handled as
small 8-bit integers.
<li>String array variables such as '<tt>char name[256]</tt>' are
managed as Go strings, but when setting the value, the result is
truncated to the maximum length of the array. Furthermore, the string
is assumed to be null-terminated.
<li>When structures and classes are used as global variables, they are
mapped into pointers. Getting the "value" returns a pointer to the
global variable. Setting the value of a structure results in a memory
copy from a pointer to the global.
<h2>Creating read-only variables</h2>
The <tt>%immutable</tt> and <tt>%mutable</tt> directives can be used
to specify a collection of read-only variables. A read only variable
will have a getter function but no setter function. For example:
int status;
double blah;
The <tt>%immutable</tt> directive remains in effect until it is
explicitly disabled using the <tt>%mutable</tt> directive.