blob: 0e4059326396474a936d8539e94cd579f4c37ed2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* javascriptruntime.swg
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// V8 Version Macro
// ----------------
// v8 added version macros V8_MAJOR_VERSION, V8_MINOR_VERSION, V8_BUILD_NUMBER
// and V8_PATCH_LEVEL in version 4.3.0. SWIG generated code uses these if
// they are defined - to support earlier versions you can specify the V8 version
// in use via the command line when you run SWIG:
// swig -c++ -javascript -v8 -DV8_VERSION=0x032530 example.i
// Or code in the interface file using SWIG_V8_VERSION:
// %begin %{#define SWIG_V8_VERSION 0x031110%}
// This is specified as a hex constant, but the constant is read as pairs of
// decimal digits, so for V8 3.25.30 use constant 0x032530. This scheme can't
// represent components > 99, but this constant is only useful for V8 < 4.3.0,
// and no V8 versions from that era had a component > 99.
%define %swig_v8_define_version(version)
%insert("runtime") %{
#define SWIG_V8_VERSION version
#ifdef V8_VERSION
// HACK: defining a default version
// Node support
// ------------
%insert("runtime") %{
#include <node.h>
// V8 runtime
// ----------
%insert(runtime) %{
#include <v8.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
%insert(runtime) "swigrun.swg"; /* SWIG API */
%insert(runtime) "swigerrors.swg"; /* SWIG errors */
%insert(runtime) "javascriptrun.swg"