blob: 1c39cb94c6361713e1894681ec430b3af2940a20 [file] [log] [blame]
;;; This is the union runtime testcase. It ensures that values within a
;;; union embedded within a struct can be set and read correctly.
(load-extension "")
;; Create new instances of SmallStruct and BigStruct for later use
(define small (new-SmallStruct))
(SmallStruct-jill-set small 200)
(define big (new-BigStruct))
(BigStruct-smallstruct-set big small)
(BigStruct-jack-set big 300)
;; Use SmallStruct then BigStruct to setup EmbeddedUnionTest.
;; Ensure values in EmbeddedUnionTest are set correctly for each.
(define eut (new-EmbeddedUnionTest))
;; First check the SmallStruct in EmbeddedUnionTest
(EmbeddedUnionTest-number-set eut 1)
(EmbeddedUnionTest-uni-small-set (EmbeddedUnionTest-uni-get eut)
(let ((Jill1 (SmallStruct-jill-get
(EmbeddedUnionTest-uni-get eut)))))
(if (not (= Jill1 200))
(display "Runtime test 1 failed.")
(exit 1))
(let ((Num1 (EmbeddedUnionTest-number-get eut)))
(if (not (= Num1 1))
(display "Runtime test 2 failed.")
(exit 1))
;; that should do
(exit 0)