blob: cc7b5cd91990e642e0b4bab593a3466e02cee70e [file] [log] [blame]
import cpp11_alternate_function_syntax
a = cpp11_alternate_function_syntax.SomeStruct()
res = a.addNormal(4, 5)
if res != 9:
raise RuntimeError, ("SomeStruct::addNormal(4,5) returns ", res, " should be 9.")
res = a.addAlternate(4, 5)
if res != 9:
raise RuntimeError, ("SomeStruct::addAlternate(4,5) returns ", res, " should be 9.")
res = a.addAlternateConst(4, 5)
if res != 9:
raise RuntimeError, ("SomeStruct::addAlternateConst(4,5) returns ", res, " should be 9.")
res = a.addAlternateNoExcept(4, 5)
if res != 9:
raise RuntimeError, ("SomeStruct::addAlternateNoExcept(4,5) returns ", res, " should be 9.")
res = a.addAlternateConstNoExcept(4, 5)
if res != 9:
raise RuntimeError, ("SomeStruct::addAlternateConstNoExcept(4,5) returns ", res, " should be 9.")