blob: c990fc3a1703a02d3f9d6aa4fea82a4803d56802 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 9;
BEGIN { use_ok 'director_constructor' }
require_ok 'director_constructor';
package Test;
use base 'director_constructor::Foo';
sub doubleit { my($self) = @_;
$self->{a} *= 2;
sub test { 3 }
my $t = Test->new(5);
isa_ok $t, 'Test';
is $t->getit, 5;
is $t->do_test, 3;
is $t->getit, 10;
package Wrong;
use base 'director_constructor::Foo';
sub doubleit { my($self) = @_;
# calling this should trigger a type error on attribute
# assignment
$self->{a} = {};
sub test {
# if c++ calls this, retval copyout should trigger a type error
return bless {}, 'TotallyBogus';
# TODO: these TypeErrors in director classes should be more detailed
my $w = Wrong->new(12);
is eval { $w->doubleit() }, undef;
like $@, qr/TypeError/;
is $w->getit(), 12, 'W.a should be unaffected';
# TODO: this is giving an unhandled C++ exception right now
#is eval { $W->do_test() }, undef;
#like $@, qr/TypeError/;