blob: 214433795f34d611a4b159553f51835433b693b0 [file] [log] [blame]
require("import") -- the import fn
import("iadd") -- import lib into global
i=iadd --alias
-- catching undefined variables
local env = _ENV -- Lua 5.2
if not env then env = getfenv () end -- Lua 5.1
setmetatable(env, {__index=function (t,i) error("undefined global variable `"..i.."'",2) end})
foo1 = i.Foo()
foo1_a = foo1.AsA
assert(foo1_a.x == 5)
assert(foo1_a:get_me().x == 5)
-- Unfortunately, in Lua operator+= can't be overloaded
foo1.AsLong = 1000
assert(foo1.AsLong == 1000)