blob: fcf2f58d2bee9702a6c67ddfdb54481404a3c2d8 [file] [log] [blame]
;; The SWIG modules have "passive" Linkage, i.e., they don't generate
;; Guile modules (namespaces) but simply put all the bindings into the
;; current module. That's enough for such a simple test.
(dynamic-call "scm_init_li_std_string_module" (dynamic-link "./libli_std_string"))
; Note: when working with non-ascii strings in guile 2
; Guile doesn't handle non-ascii characters in the default C locale
; The locale must be set explicitly
; The setlocale call below takes care of that
; The locale needs to be a UTF-8 locale to handle the non-ASCII characters
; But they are named differently on different systems so we try a few until one works
(define (try-set-locale name)
; (display "testing ")
; (display name)
; (display "\n")
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(setlocale LC_ALL name)
(lambda (key . parameters)
(if (not (try-set-locale "C.UTF-8")) ; Linux
(if (not (try-set-locale "en_US.utf8")) ; Linux
(if (not (try-set-locale "en_US.UTF-8")) ; Mac OS X
(error "Failed to set any UTF-8 locale")
(load "../schemerunme/li_std_string.scm")