blob: 3ac27a5a8de4aa5757e9babf43abb5da6c920f89 [file] [log] [blame]
module threads_runme;
import core.thread;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
import threads.Kerfuffle;
// Spawn 8 threads.
enum THREADS = iota(0, 9);
// Run test for a few seconds on a 1GHz machine.
enum WORK_RANGE = iota(0, 30000);
void main() {
auto kerf = new Kerfuffle();
TestThread[] threads;
// Invoke the threads.
foreach (i; THREADS) {
auto thread = new TestThread(kerf);
threads ~= thread; = to!string(i);
// Wait for the threads to finish.
foreach (i, thread; threads) {
class TestThread : Thread {
this(Kerfuffle kerf) {
m_kerf = kerf;
void run() {
foreach (i; WORK_RANGE) {
string given = "This is the test string that should come back. A number: " ~ to!string(i);
string received = m_kerf.StdString(given);
enforce(received == given, "StdString string does not match. Received: '" ~ received ~ "'. Expected: '" ~ given ~ "'.");
foreach (i; WORK_RANGE) {
string given = "This is the test string that should come back. A number: " ~ to!string(i);
string received = m_kerf.CharString(given);
enforce(received == given, "CharString string does not match. Received: '" ~ received ~ "'. Expected: '" ~ given ~ "'.");
Kerfuffle m_kerf;