blob: a86e4db9e721b47e77902e8923a3caa07c9bf383 [file] [log] [blame]
module nspace_runme;
import std.exception;
import nspace.nspace;
static import nspace.NoNSpacePlease;
static import nspace.Outer.namespce;
static import nspace.Outer.Inner1.Channel;
static import oi1c = nspace.Outer.Inner1.Color;
static import nspace.Outer.Inner2.Channel;
static import nspace.Outer.Inner2.Color;
static import nspace.Outer.Inner3.Blue;
static import nspace.Outer.Inner4.Blue;
static import nspace.Outer.SomeClass;
void main() {
// constructors and destructors
auto color1 = new oi1c.Color();
auto color = new oi1c.Color(color1);
// class methods
auto created = oi1c.Color.create();
// class enums
auto someClass = new nspace.Outer.SomeClass.SomeClass();
auto channel = someClass.GetInner1ColorChannel();
enforce(channel == oi1c.Color.Channel.Transmission,
"Transmission wrong");
// class anonymous enums
int val1 = oi1c.Color.ColorEnumVal1;
int val2 = oi1c.Color.ColorEnumVal2;
enforce(val1 == 0 && val2 == 0x22, "ColorEnumVal wrong");
// instance member variables
color.instanceMemberVariable = 123;
enforce(color.instanceMemberVariable == 123,
"instance member variable failed");
// static member variables
oi1c.Color.staticMemberVariable = 789;
enforce(oi1c.Color.staticMemberVariable == 789,
"static member variable failed");
enforce(oi1c.Color.staticConstMemberVariable == 222,
"static const member variable failed");
enforce(oi1c.Color.staticConstEnumMemberVariable == oi1c.Color.Channel.Transmission,
"static const enum member variable failed");
// check globals in a namespace don't get mangled with the nspace option
nspace.nspace.namespaceVar = 111;
enforce(nspace.nspace.namespaceVar == 111, "global var failed");
// Same class different namespaces
auto col1 = new oi1c.Color();
auto col2 = nspace.Outer.Inner2.Color.Color.create();
col2.colors(col1, col1, col2, col2, col2);
// global enums
auto outerChannel1 = someClass.GetInner1Channel();
enforce(outerChannel1 == nspace.Outer.Inner1.Channel.Channel.Transmission1,
"Transmission1 wrong");
auto outerChannel2 = someClass.GetInner2Channel();
enforce(outerChannel2 == nspace.Outer.Inner2.Channel.Channel.Transmission2,
"Transmission2 wrong");
// turn feature off / ignoring
auto ns = new nspace.Outer.namespce.namespce();
auto nons = new nspace.NoNSpacePlease.NoNSpacePlease();
// Derived class
auto blue3 = new nspace.Outer.Inner3.Blue.Blue();
auto blue4 = new nspace.Outer.Inner4.Blue.Blue();