blob: ada3ed8d85c012267d18359ebb4d25750bdafb55 [file] [log] [blame]
module li_attribute_runme;
import li_attribute.A;
import li_attribute.B;
import li_attribute.MyClass;
import li_attribute.MyClassVal;
import li_attribute.MyStringyClass;
import li_attribute.MyFoo;
import li_attribute.Param_i;
void main() {
auto aa = new A(1,2,3);
if (aa.a != 1)
throw new Exception("error");
aa.a = 3;
if (aa.a != 3)
throw new Exception("error");
if (aa.b != 2)
throw new Exception("error");
aa.b = 5;
if (aa.b != 5)
throw new Exception("error");
if (aa.d != aa.b)
throw new Exception("error");
if (aa.c != 3)
throw new Exception("error");
auto pi = new Param_i(7);
if (pi.value != 7)
throw new Exception("error");
if (pi.value != 3)
throw new Exception("error");
auto b = new B(aa);
if (b.a.c != 3)
throw new Exception("error");
// class/struct attribute with get/set methods using return/pass by reference
auto myFoo = new MyFoo();
myFoo.x = 8;
auto myClass = new MyClass();
myClass.Foo = myFoo;
if (myClass.Foo.x != 8)
throw new Exception("error");
// class/struct attribute with get/set methods using return/pass by value
auto myClassVal = new MyClassVal();
if (myClassVal.ReadWriteFoo.x != -1)
throw new Exception("error");
if (myClassVal.ReadOnlyFoo.x != -1)
throw new Exception("error");
myClassVal.ReadWriteFoo = myFoo;
if (myClassVal.ReadWriteFoo.x != 8)
throw new Exception("error");
if (myClassVal.ReadOnlyFoo.x != 8)
throw new Exception("error");
// string attribute with get/set methods using return/pass by value
auto myStringClass = new MyStringyClass("initial string");
if (myStringClass.ReadWriteString != "initial string")
throw new Exception("error");
if (myStringClass.ReadOnlyString != "initial string")
throw new Exception("error");
myStringClass.ReadWriteString = "changed string";
if (myStringClass.ReadWriteString != "changed string")
throw new Exception("error");
if (myStringClass.ReadOnlyString != "changed string")
throw new Exception("error");