blob: 614bdbf23ac96a2be2e13f22cf62045086ea6538 [file] [log] [blame]
%module (directors="1") csharp_director_typemaps
// This tests that the csout typemap is handled correctly in the director code.
// The 'out' needs stripping in some parts of the generated director code.
%feature("director") InStream;
%apply void *VOID_INT_PTR { void * }
%typemap(ctype) int* readLen, int* writeLen "/*ctype*/ int*"
%typemap(imtype) int* readLen, int* writeLen "/*imtype*/ out int"
%typemap(cstype) int* readLen "/*cstype*/ out int"
// Note for below: 'out' used in typemap comment
%typemap(cstype) int* writeLen "/*out cstype out*/ out int"
%typemap(csin) int* readLen, int* writeLen "/*csin*/ out $csinput"
%typemap(in) int* readLen, int* writeLen %{/*in*/ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
%typemap(out) int* readLen, int* writeLen %{/*out*/ $result = (void *)$1; %}
%typemap(csdirectorin) int* readLen, int* writeLen "/*csdirectorin*/ out $iminput"
%typemap(csdirectorout) int* readLen, int* writeLen "/*csdirectorout*/ $cscall"
%typemap(directorin) int* readLen, int* writeLen "/*directorin*/ $input = $1;"
%typemap(directorout) int* readLen, int* writeLen %{/*directorout*/ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
%inline %{
class InStream
virtual int Read(void* buf, int len, int* readLen) = 0;
virtual int Write(void* buf, int len, int* writeLen) = 0;
virtual ~InStream() {}
int callRead(InStream* stream, void* buf, int len, int* readLen) {
return stream->Read(buf, len, readLen);
int callWrite(InStream* stream, void* buf, int len, int* writeLen) {
return stream->Write(buf, len, writeLen);