blob: ca3979065ca5646c455c167d3cc6cbc44959cc52 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using csharp_prepostNamespace;
public class csharp_prepost_runme {
class PrePost3_Derived : PrePost3
public PrePost3_Derived(){}
public override void method(ref double[] vpre, DoubleVector vpost)
Assert(vpre[0], 1.0);
vpre[0] = 2.0;
Assert(vpost.Count, 2);
public override int methodint(ref double[] vpre, DoubleVector vpost)
method(ref vpre, vpost);
return vpost.Count;
public static void Main() {
double[] v;
csharp_prepost.globalfunction(out v);
Assert(v.Length, 3);
Assert(v[0], 0.0);
Assert(v[1], 1.1);
Assert(v[2], 2.2);
double[] v;
new PrePostTest(out v);
Assert(v.Length, 2);
Assert(v[0], 3.3);
Assert(v[1], 4.4);
double[] v;
PrePostTest p = new PrePostTest();
p.method(out v);
Assert(v.Length, 2);
Assert(v[0], 5.5);
Assert(v[1], 6.6);
double[] v;
PrePostTest.staticmethod(out v);
Assert(v.Length, 2);
Assert(v[0], 7.7);
Assert(v[1], 8.8);
PrePost3_Derived p = new PrePost3_Derived();
double[] vpre = new double[] { 1.0 };
DoubleVector vpost = new DoubleVector();
p.method(ref vpre, vpost);
Assert(vpre[0], 2.0);
Assert(vpost.Count, 3);
PrePost3_Derived p = new PrePost3_Derived();
double[] vpre = new double[] { 1.0 };
DoubleVector vpost = new DoubleVector();
int size = p.methodint(ref vpre, vpost);
Assert(vpre[0], 2.0);
Assert(vpost.Count, 3);
Assert(size, 3);
// Check attributes are generated for the constructor helper function
CsinAttributes c = new CsinAttributes(5);
Assert(c.getVal(), 500);
Type type = typeof(CsinAttributes);
MethodInfo member = (MethodInfo)type.GetMember("SwigConstructCsinAttributes", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)[0];
if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(member, typeof(CustomIntPtrAttribute)) == null)
throw new Exception("No CustomIntPtr attribute for " + member.Name);
ParameterInfo parameter = member.GetParameters()[0]; // expecting one parameter
if (parameter.Name != "val")
throw new Exception("Incorrect parameter name");
Attribute attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(parameter)[0];
if (attribute.GetType() != typeof(CustomIntAttribute))
throw new Exception("Expecting CustomInt attribute");
// Dates
// pre post typemap attributes example
System.DateTime dateIn = new System.DateTime(2011, 4, 13);
System.DateTime dateOut = new System.DateTime();
// Note in calls below, dateIn remains unchanged and dateOut
// is set to a new value by the C++ call
csharp_prepostNamespace.Action action = new csharp_prepostNamespace.Action(dateIn, out dateOut);
if (dateOut != dateIn)
throw new Exception("dates wrong");
dateIn = new System.DateTime(2012, 7, 14);
action.doSomething(dateIn, out dateOut);
if (dateOut != dateIn)
throw new Exception("dates wrong");
System.DateTime refDate = new System.DateTime(1999, 12, 31);
if (csharp_prepost.ImportantDate != refDate)
throw new Exception("dates wrong");
refDate = new System.DateTime(1999, 12, 31);
csharp_prepost.ImportantDate = refDate;
System.DateTime importantDate = csharp_prepost.ImportantDate;
if (importantDate != refDate)
throw new Exception("dates wrong");
System.DateTime christmasEve = new System.DateTime(2000, 12, 24);
csharp_prepost.addYears(ref christmasEve, 10);
if (christmasEve != new System.DateTime(2010, 12, 24))
throw new Exception("dates wrong");
Person person = new Person();
person.Birthday = christmasEve;
if (person.Birthday != christmasEve)
throw new Exception("dates wrong");
private static void Assert(double d1, double d2) {
if (d1 != d2)
throw new Exception("assertion failure. " + d1 + " != " + d2);
// Custom attribute classes
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class CustomIntAttribute : Attribute {}
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class CustomIntPtrAttribute : Attribute {}