blob: a75f740004f374d87c62c212dae4c03c0c748b62 [file] [log] [blame]
print "[lua] This is runme.lua"
-- test program for embedded lua
-- we do not need to load the library, as it was already in the interpreter
-- but let's check anyway
assert(type(example)=='table',"Don't appear to have loaded the example module")
-- a test function to run the tests
function do_tests()
print("[lua] We are now in Lua, inside the do_tests() function")
print("[lua] We will be calling example.gcd() and changing example.Foo")
-- Call our gcd() function
x = 42
y = 105
g = example.gcd(x,y)
print("[lua] The gcd of",x,"and",y,"is",g)
-- Manipulate the Foo global variable
-- Output its current value
print("[lua] Foo = ", example.Foo)
-- Change its value
example.Foo = 3.1415926
-- See if the change took effect
print("[lua] Foo = ", example.Foo)
print("[lua] ending the do_tests() function")
function call_greeting()
print("[lua] We are now in Lua, inside the call_greeting() function")
print("[lua] ending the call_greeting() function")