blob: 7d4c6599ef009958421ff81a34809b4de810d5c4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script builds the SWIG source tarball, creates the Windows executable and the Windows zip package
# and uploads them both to SF ready for release. Also uploaded are the release notes.
import sys
import string
import os
def failed(message):
if message == "":
print " failed to complete"
print message
version = sys.argv[1]
username = sys.argv[2]
print "Usage: python version username"
print "where version should be x.y.z and username is your SF username"
print "Looking for rsync"
os.system("which rsync") and failed("rsync not installed/found. Please install.")
print "Making source tarball"
os.system("python ./ " + version) and failed("")
print "Build Windows package"
os.system("./ " + version) and failed("")
print "Uploading to SourceForge"
swig_dir_sf = username + "," + version + "/"
swigwin_dir_sf = username + "," + version + "/"
release_notes_file = "release-notes-" + version + ".txt"
os.system("rm -f " + release_notes_file)
os.system("cat swig-" + version + "/README " + "swig-" + version + "/CHANGES.current " + "swig-" + version + "/RELEASENOTES " + "> " + release_notes_file)
os.system("rsync --archive --verbose -P --times -e ssh " + "swig-" + version + ".tar.gz " + release_notes_file + " " + swig_dir_sf) and failed("")
os.system("rsync --archive --verbose -P --times -e ssh " + "swigwin-" + version + ".zip " + swigwin_dir_sf) and failed("")
os.system("svn copy -m \"rel-" + version + "\"" + version + "/")
print "Finished"
print "Now log in to SourceForge and set the operating system and link the release notes to each of the tarball and zip file in the File Manager."