blob: 0ac383bcdf81ff0df105ea07230a0d9c77959295 [file] [log] [blame]
%module wallkw
// test the -Wallkw option
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) clone; // 'clone' is a php keyword, renamed as 'c_clone'
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) delegate; // 'delegate' is a C# keyword, renaming to '_delegate'
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) pass; // 'pass' is a python keyword, renaming to '_pass'
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) alias; // 'alias' is a ruby keyword, renaming to 'C_alias'
%inline %{
const char * clone() { return "clone"; }
const char * delegate() { return "delegate"; }
const char * pass() { return "pass"; }
const char * alias() { return "alias"; }