blob: ad35371cc70c983d525d59a36ba081aae36582d0 [file] [log] [blame]
%module typemap_template
/* Test bug in 1.3.40 where the presence of a generic/unspecialized typemap caused the incorrect specialized typemap to be used */
%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE "/*_this_will_not_compile_SWIGTYPE_ \"$type\" */ "
%typemap(in) const SWIGTYPE & "/*_this_will_not_compile_const_SWIGTYPE_REF_\"$type\" */ "
%typemap(in) const TemplateTest1 & {$1 = (TemplateTest1<YY> *)0; /* in typemap generic for $type */}
%typemap(in) const TemplateTest1< ZZ > & {$1 = (TemplateTest1<ZZ> *)0; /* in typemap ZZ for $type */}
%typemap(in) const TemplateTest1< int > & {$1 = (TemplateTest1<int> *)0; /* in typemap int for $type */}
%inline %{
template<typename T> struct TemplateTest1 {
void setT(const TemplateTest1& t) {}
%inline %{
struct YY {};
struct ZZ {};
%template(TTYY) TemplateTest1< YY >;
%template(TTZZ) TemplateTest1< ZZ >;
%template(TTint) TemplateTest1< int >;
%inline %{
void extratest(const TemplateTest1< YY > &t,
const TemplateTest1< ZZ > &tt,
const TemplateTest1< int > &ttt)