blob: cb212615a8b5baf6e5887140d6688af9013c111c [file] [log] [blame]
The primary purpose of this testcase is to ensure that enums used along with the 'enum' keyword compile under c++.
%module cpp_enum
%inline %{
struct StructWithEnums {
StructWithEnums() : some_enum(ENUM_ONE) {};
enum SOME_ENUM some_enum;
void enum_test1(enum SOME_ENUM param1, enum SOME_ENUM* param2, enum SOME_ENUM& param3) {};
void enum_test2(SOME_ENUM param1, SOME_ENUM* param2, SOME_ENUM& param3) {};
SOME_ENUM enum_test3() { return ENUM_ONE; };
enum SOME_ENUM enum_test4() { return ENUM_TWO; };
SOME_ENUM* enum_test5() { return &some_enum; };
enum SOME_ENUM* enum_test6() { return &some_enum; };
SOME_ENUM& enum_test7() { return some_enum; };
enum SOME_ENUM& enum_test8() { return some_enum; };
struct Foo
enum {Hi, Hello } hola;
: hola(Hello)
extern "C"
enum {Hi, Hello } hi;
// Using true and false in enums is legal in C++. Quoting the standard:
// [dcl.enum]
// ... The constant-expression shall be of integral or enumeration type.
// [basic.fundamental]
// ... Types bool, char, wchar_t, and the signed and unsigned integer
// types are collectively called integral types.
// So this shouldn't lead to a warning, at least in C++ mode.
%inline %{
typedef enum { PLAY = true, STOP = false } play_state;