blob: 6560cf4cd628720fbd906e8487443c897fa38cd2 [file] [log] [blame]
# file: runme.tcl
# This file illustrates the manipulation of C++ references in Tcl
catch { load ./example[info sharedlibextension] example}
# ----- Object creation -----
puts "Creating some objects:"
set a [new_Vector 3 4 5]
set b [new_Vector 10 11 12]
puts " Created [Vector_print $a]"
puts " Created [Vector_print $b]"
# ----- Call an overloaded operator -----
# This calls the wrapper we placed around
# operator+(const Vector &a, const Vector &)
# It returns a new allocated object.
puts "Adding a+b"
set c [addv $a $b]
puts " a+b = [Vector_print $c]"
# Note: Unless we free the result, a memory leak will occur
delete_Vector $c
# ----- Create a vector array -----
# Note: Using the high-level interface here
puts "Creating an array of vectors"
VectorArray va 10
puts " va = [va cget -this]"
# ----- Set some values in the array -----
# These operators copy the value of $a and $b to the vector array
va set 0 $a
va set 1 $b
# This will work, but it will cause a memory leak!
va set 2 [addv $a $b]
# The non-leaky way to do it
set c [addv $a $b]
va set 3 $c
delete_Vector $c
# Get some values from the array
puts "Getting some array values"
for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i 1} {
puts " va($i) = [Vector_print [va get $i]]"
# Watch under resource meter to check on this
puts "Making sure we don't leak memory."
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000000} {incr i 1} {
set c [va get [expr {$i % 10}]]
# ----- Clean up -----
puts "Cleaning up"
rename va ""
delete_Vector $a
delete_Vector $b