blob: 402a947e9bc9406fb8efc1f9c438e58be859eb5f [file] [log] [blame]
#include "example.h"
Animal::Animal(const char* name) : name_(name)
/* Return the animal's name */
const char* Animal::get_name() const
return name_.c_str();
IterType iter = this->animals.begin();
IterType end = this->animals.end();
for(; iter != end; ++iter)
Animal* animal = *iter;
delete animal;
/* Create a new animal. */
Animal* Zoo::create_animal(const char* name)
return new Animal(name);
/* Add a new animal to the zoo. */
void Zoo::add_animal(Animal* animal)
Animal* Zoo::remove_animal(size_t i)
/* Note a production implementation should check
for out of range errors. */
Animal* result = this->animals[i];
IterType iter = this->animals.begin();
std::advance(iter, i);
return result;
/* Return the number of animals in the zoo. */
size_t Zoo::get_num_animals() const
return animals.size();
/* Return a pointer to the ith animal */
Animal* Zoo::get_animal(size_t i) const
return animals[i];