blob: e4832efe6fc8801a7044b774ebd1c007ffca4620 [file] [log] [blame]
// test STL containers typemaps
exec("swigtest.start", -1);
function checkerror(ierr, cmd)
if ierr <> 0 then swigtesterror("error " + string(ierr) + " in """ + cmd + """"); end
// test container of pointers returned from fonction (expected a list)
function [classAPtr_list, classAPtr1, classAPtr2] = testCreateContainerPtr(container, value1, value2)
classAPtr1 = new_ClassA(value1);
classAPtr2 = new_ClassA(value2);
func = msprintf("ret_ClassAPtr_%s", container);
cmd = msprintf("classAPtr_list = %s(classAPtr1, classAPtr2);", func);
ierr = execstr(cmd, "errcatch");
if ierr <> 0 then swigtesterror("error in " + cmd); end
if ~exists('classAPtr_list') | (size(classAPtr_list) <> 2) then
checkequal(ClassA_a_get(classAPtr_list(1)), value1, "ClassA_a_get(classAPtr_list(1))");
checkequal(ClassA_a_get(classAPtr_list(2)), value2, "ClassA_a_get(classAPtr_list(2))");
// test a given container of pointer
// -container: type of container: "vector", "set"...
// -value1, value2: values to store in container
// -expected_accumulate_value: expected value of an accumulation function
// computed on the container
function testContainerPtr(container, value1, value2, expected_accumulate_value)
// test container of pointers returned from flonction (expected a list)
[classAPtr_list, classAPtr1, classAPtr2] = testCreateContainerPtr(container, value1, value2);
// test container passed as value of function
func = msprintf("val_ClassAPtr_%s", container);
cmd = msprintf("classAPtr = %s(classAPtr_list);", func);
ierr = execstr(cmd, "errcatch");
checkerror(ierr, cmd);
checkequal(ClassA_a_get(classAPtr), expected_accumulate_value, func);
// recreate a container
[classAPtr_list, classAPtr1, classAPtr2] = testCreateContainerPtr(container, value1, value2);
// test container passed as reference of function
func = msprintf("ref_ClassAPtr_%s", container);
cmd = msprintf("classAPtr = %s(classAPtr_list);", func);
ierr = execstr(cmd, "errcatch");
checkerror(ierr, cmd);
checkequal(ClassA_a_get(classAPtr), expected_accumulate_value, func);
// test a given container of a given primitive type
// -container: type of container: "vector", "set"...
// -value_type: type of element stored in container: "int", ...
// -value1, value2: values to store in container
// -expected_accumulate_value: expected value of an accumulation function
// computed on the container
function testContainerType(container, value_type, value1, value2, ..
expected_returned_container, expected_accumulate_value)
// test container of basic type returned from fonction
func = msprintf("ret_%s_%s", value_type, container);
if value_type == "string" then
cmd = msprintf("c = %s(''%s'', ''%s'');", func, value1, value2);
elseif value_type == "bool" then
cmd = msprintf("c = %s(%s, %s);", func, "%"+string(value1), "%"+string(value2));
cmd = msprintf("c = %s(%d, %d);", func, value1, value2);
ierr = execstr(cmd, "errcatch");
checkerror(ierr, cmd);
checkequal(c, expected_returned_container, func);
// test container passed as value of function
func = msprintf("val_%s_%s", value_type, container);
cmd = msprintf("s = %s(c);", func);
ierr = execstr(cmd, "errcatch");
checkerror(ierr, cmd);
checkequal(s, expected_accumulate_value, func);
// test container passed as reference of function
func = msprintf("ref_%s_%s", value_type, container);
cmd = msprintf("s = %s(c);", func);
ierr = execstr(cmd, "errcatch");
checkerror(ierr, cmd);
checkequal(s, expected_accumulate_value, func);
// test a given container of different types
// -container: type of container: "vector", "set"...
function testContainer(container)
testContainerType(container, "int", 1, 2, [1, 2], 3);
testContainerType(container, "double", 2., 3., [2., 3.], 5.);
testContainerType(container, "float", 2., 3., [2., 3.], 5.);
testContainerType(container, "string", "a", "b", ["a", "b"], "ab");
testContainerType(container, "bool", %F, %T, [%F, %T], %T);
testContainerPtr("vector", 1, 3, 4);
exec("swigtest.quit", -1);