Tidy up Python command line options help text

Also remove non-existent -noexcept option
diff --git a/Source/Modules/python.cxx b/Source/Modules/python.cxx
index 8b6e08a..6b3c9ef 100755
--- a/Source/Modules/python.cxx
+++ b/Source/Modules/python.cxx
@@ -108,33 +108,32 @@
 Python Options (available with -python)\n\
      -builtin        - Create new python built-in types, rather than proxy classes, for better performance\n\
      -castmode       - Enable the casting mode, which allows implicit cast between types in python\n\
-     -dirvtable      - Generate a pseudo virtual table for directors for faster dispatch \n\
-     -doxygen        - Convert C++ doxygen comments to pydoc comments in proxy classes \n\
      -debug-doxygen-parser     - Display doxygen parser module debugging information\n\
      -debug-doxygen-translator - Display doxygen translator module debugging information\n\
-     -extranative    - Return extra native C++ wraps for std containers when possible \n\
-     -fastproxy      - Use fast proxy mechanism for member methods \n\
-     -globals <name> - Set <name> used to access C global variable [default: 'cvar']\n\
-     -interface <lib>- Set the lib name to <lib>\n\
+     -dirvtable      - Generate a pseudo virtual table for directors for faster dispatch\n\
+     -doxygen        - Convert C++ doxygen comments to pydoc comments in proxy classes\n\
+     -extranative    - Return extra native wrappers for C++ std containers wherever possible\n\
+     -fastproxy      - Use fast proxy mechanism for member methods\n\
+     -globals <name> - Set <name> used to access C global variable (default: 'cvar')\n\
+     -interface <mod>- Set low-level C/C++ module name to <mod> (default: module name prefixed by '_')\n\
      -keyword        - Use keyword arguments\n";
 static const char *usage2 = "\
-     -newvwm         - New value wrapper mode, use only when everything else fails \n\
+     -newvwm         - New value wrapper mode, use only when everything else fails\n\
      -nocastmode     - Disable the casting mode (default)\n\
      -nodirvtable    - Don't use the virtual table feature, resolve the python method each time (default)\n\
-     -noexcept       - No automatic exception handling\n\
-     -noextranative  - Don't use extra native C++ wraps for std containers when possible (default) \n\
-     -nofastunpack   - Use traditional UnpackTuple method to parse the argument functions (default) \n\
-     -nofastproxy    - Use traditional proxy mechanism for member methods (default) \n\
+     -noextranative  - Don't use extra native C++ wraps for std containers when possible (default)\n\
+     -nofastproxy    - Use traditional proxy mechanism for member methods (default)\n\
+     -nofastunpack   - Use traditional UnpackTuple method to parse the argument functions (default)\n\
      -noh            - Don't generate the output header file\n";
 static const char *usage3 = "\
-     -noproxy        - Don't generate proxy classes \n\
+     -noproxy        - Don't generate proxy classes\n\
      -nortti         - Disable the use of the native C++ RTTI with directors\n\
      -nothreads      - Disable thread support for the entire interface\n\
      -olddefs        - Keep the old method definitions when using -fastproxy\n\
      -py3            - Generate code with Python 3 specific features and syntax\n\
-     -relativeimport - Use relative python imports \n\
+     -relativeimport - Use relative python imports\n\
      -threads        - Add thread support for all the interface\n\
-     -O              - Enable the following optimization options: \n\
+     -O              - Enable the following optimization options:\n\
                          -fastdispatch -fastproxy -fvirtual\n\