blob: fede06df2999648cd4364a921900b636fce825ce [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
* (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
* terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
* license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
* included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
* and at
* scilab.cxx
* Scilab language module for SWIG.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "swigmod.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
static const int SCILAB_IDENTIFIER_NAME_CHAR_MAX = 24;
static const char *usage = (char *) " \
Scilab options (available with -scilab)\n \
-builder - Generate a Scilab builder script\n \
-buildercflags <cflags> - Add <cflags> to the builder compiler flags\n \
-builderflagscript <file> - Set the Scilab script <file> to use by builder to configure the build flags\n \
-builderldflags <ldflags> - Add <ldflags> to the builder linker flags\n \
-buildersources <files> - Add the (comma separated) files <files> to the builder sources\n \
-builderverbositylevel <level> - Set the builder verbosity level to <level> (default 0: off, 2: high)\n \
-gatewayxml <gateway_id> - Generate gateway xml with the given <gateway_id>\n \
-gatewayxml6 - Generate gateway xml for Scilab 6\n \
class SCILAB:public Language {
/* General objects used for holding the strings */
File *beginSection;
File *runtimeSection;
File *headerSection;
File *wrappersSection;
File *initSection;
String *variablesCode;
bool generateBuilder;
File *builderFile;
String *builderCode;
String *builderCode5;
String *builderCode6;
int builderFunctionCount;
List *sourceFileList;
List *cflags;
List *ldflags;
String *verboseBuildLevel;
String *buildFlagsScript;
String *gatewayHeader;
String *gatewayHeaderV5;
String *gatewayHeaderV6;
bool createGatewayXML;
File *gatewayXMLFile;
String *gatewayXML;
String *gatewayID;
int primitiveID;
bool createGatewayXMLV6;
File *gatewayXMLFileV6;
String *gatewayXMLV6;
bool createLoader;
File *loaderFile;
String *loaderScript;
String *loaderScript5;
String *loaderScript6;
int loaderFunctionCount;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* main()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
generateBuilder = false;
sourceFileList = NewList();
cflags = NewList();
ldflags = NewList();
verboseBuildLevel = NULL;
buildFlagsScript = NULL;
gatewayHeader = NULL;
gatewayHeaderV5 = NULL;
gatewayHeaderV6 = NULL;
createGatewayXML = false;
gatewayXML = NULL;
gatewayXMLFile = NULL;
gatewayID = NULL;
createGatewayXMLV6 = false;
gatewayXMLV6 = NULL;
gatewayXMLFileV6 = NULL;
createLoader = true;
loaderFile = NULL;
loaderScript = NULL;
/* Manage command line arguments */
for (int argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; argIndex++) {
if (argv[argIndex] != NULL) {
if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-help") == 0) {
Printf(stdout, "%s\n", usage);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-builder") == 0) {
generateBuilder = true;
createLoader = false;
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-buildersources") == 0) {
if (argv[argIndex + 1] != NULL) {
char *sourceFile = strtok(argv[argIndex + 1], ",");
while (sourceFile != NULL) {
Insert(sourceFileList, Len(sourceFileList), sourceFile);
sourceFile = strtok(NULL, ",");
Swig_mark_arg(argIndex + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-buildercflags") == 0) {
if (argv[argIndex + 1] != NULL) {
Insert(cflags, Len(cflags), argv[argIndex + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(argIndex + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-builderldflags") == 0) {
if (argv[argIndex + 1] != NULL) {
Insert(ldflags, Len(ldflags), argv[argIndex + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(argIndex + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-builderverbositylevel") == 0) {
verboseBuildLevel = NewString(argv[argIndex + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(argIndex + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-builderflagscript") == 0) {
buildFlagsScript = NewString(argv[argIndex + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(argIndex + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-gatewayxml") == 0) {
createGatewayXML = true;
gatewayID = NewString(argv[argIndex + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(argIndex + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-gatewayxml6") == 0) {
createGatewayXMLV6 = true;
if (verboseBuildLevel == NULL) {
verboseBuildLevel = NewString("0");
/* Set language-specific subdirectory in SWIG library */
/* Add a symbol to the parser for conditional compilation */
Preprocessor_define("SWIGSCILAB 1", 0);
/* Set scilab configuration file */
/* Set typemap for scilab */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* top()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
virtual int top(Node *node) {
/* Get the module name */
String *gatewayName = Getattr(node, "name");
// Set library name
String *gatewayLibraryName = NewStringf("lib%s", gatewayName);
/* Get the output file name */
String *outputFilename = Getattr(node, "outfile");
/* Initialize I/O */
beginSection = NewFile(outputFilename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
if (!beginSection) {
runtimeSection = NewString("");
initSection = NewString("");
headerSection = NewString("");
wrappersSection = NewString("");
/* Register file targets with the SWIG file handler */
Swig_register_filebyname("begin", beginSection);
Swig_register_filebyname("header", headerSection);
Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", wrappersSection);
Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", runtimeSection);
Swig_register_filebyname("init", initSection);
/* Output module initialization code */
Swig_obligatory_macros(runtimeSection, "SCILAB");
// Gateway header source merged with wrapper source in nobuilder mode
if (!generateBuilder)
// Create builder file if required
if (generateBuilder) {
// Create gateway XML if required
if (createGatewayXML) {
// Create gateway XML V6 if required
if (createGatewayXMLV6) {
// Create loader script if required
if (createLoader) {
// Module initialization function
String *smallFunctionName = createSmallIdentifierName(gatewayName, SCILAB_IDENTIFIER_NAME_CHAR_MAX - 5);
String *gatewayInitFunctionName = NewStringf("%s_Init", gatewayName);
String *gatewayInitSmallFunctionName = NewStringf("%s_Init", smallFunctionName);
String *wrapperFunctionName = NewStringf("SWIG_%s_Init", gatewayName);
/* Add initialization function to builder table */
addFunctionToScilab(gatewayInitFunctionName, gatewayInitSmallFunctionName, wrapperFunctionName);
// Add helper functions to builder table
// Open Scilab wrapper variables creation function
variablesCode = NewString("");
Printf(variablesCode, "int SWIG_CreateScilabVariables(void *_pvApiCtx) {");
/* Emit code for children */
if (CPlusPlus) {
Printf(wrappersSection, "extern \"C\" {\n");
if (CPlusPlus) {
Printf(wrappersSection, "}\n");
// Close Scilab wrapper variables creation function
Printf(variablesCode, " return SWIG_OK;\n}\n");
// Add Builder footer code and save
if (generateBuilder) {
/* Close the init function and rename with module name */
Printf(initSection, "return 0;\n}\n");
Replaceall(initSection, "<module>", gatewayName);
/* Write all to the wrapper file */
SwigType_emit_type_table(runtimeSection, wrappersSection); // Declare pointer types, ... (Ex: SWIGTYPE_p_p_double)
// Gateway header source merged with wrapper source in nobuilder mode
if (!generateBuilder) {
Printv(initSection, gatewayHeader, NIL);
Dump(runtimeSection, beginSection);
Dump(headerSection, beginSection);
Dump(wrappersSection, beginSection);
Dump(variablesCode, beginSection);
Wrapper_pretty_print(initSection, beginSection);
if (createGatewayXML) {
if (createGatewayXMLV6) {
if (createLoader) {
/* Cleanup files */
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* emitBanner()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void emitBanner(File *f) {
Printf(f, "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
Swig_banner_target_lang(f, "// ");
Printf(f, "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* functionWrapper()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
virtual int functionWrapper(Node *node) {
/* Get some useful attributes of this function */
String *functionName = Getattr(node, "sym:name");
String *smallFunctionName = createSmallIdentifierName(functionName);
SwigType *functionReturnType = Getattr(node, "type");
ParmList *functionParamsList = Getattr(node, "parms");
int paramIndex = 0; // Used for loops over ParmsList
Parm *param = NULL; // Used for loops over ParamsList
/* Create the wrapper object */
Wrapper *wrapper = NewWrapper();
/* Create the function wrapper name */
String *wrapperName = Swig_name_wrapper(functionName);
/* Deal with overloading */
String *overloadedName = Copy(wrapperName);
/* Determine whether the function is overloaded or not */
bool isOverloaded = ! !Getattr(node, "sym:overloaded");
/* Determine whether the function is the last overloaded */
bool isLastOverloaded = isOverloaded && !Getattr(node, "sym:nextSibling");
if (!isOverloaded && !addSymbol(functionName, node)) {
return SWIG_ERROR;
if (isOverloaded) {
Append(overloadedName, Getattr(node, "sym:overname"));
/* Write the wrapper function definition (standard Scilab gateway function prototype) */
Printv(wrapper->def, "SWIGEXPORT int ", overloadedName, "(SWIG_GatewayParameters) {", NIL);
/* Emit all of the local variables for holding arguments */
// E.g.: double arg1;
emit_parameter_variables(functionParamsList, wrapper);
/* Attach typemaps to the parameter list */
// Add local variables used in typemaps (iRows, iCols, ...)
emit_attach_parmmaps(functionParamsList, wrapper);
Setattr(node, "wrap:parms", functionParamsList);
/* Check input/output arguments count */
int maxInputArguments = emit_num_arguments(functionParamsList);
int minInputArguments = emit_num_required(functionParamsList);
int minOutputArguments = 0;
int maxOutputArguments = 0;
if (!emit_isvarargs(functionParamsList)) {
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, $mininputarguments, $maxinputarguments);\n");
else {
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_CheckInputArgumentAtLeast(pvApiCtx, $mininputarguments-1);\n");
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, $minoutputarguments, $maxoutputarguments);\n");
/* Set context */
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetFuncName(fname);\n");
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetApiContext(pvApiCtx);\n");
/* Write typemaps(in) */
for (paramIndex = 0, param = functionParamsList; paramIndex < maxInputArguments; ++paramIndex) {
// Ignore parameter if the typemap specifies numinputs=0
while (checkAttribute(param, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
param = Getattr(param, "tmap:in:next");
SwigType *paramType = Getattr(param, "type");
String *paramTypemap = Getattr(param, "tmap:in");
if (paramTypemap) {
// Replace $input by the position on Scilab stack
String *source = NewString("");
Printf(source, "%d", paramIndex + 1);
Setattr(param, "emit:input", source);
Replaceall(paramTypemap, "$input", Getattr(param, "emit:input"));
if (Getattr(param, "wrap:disown") || (Getattr(param, "tmap:in:disown"))) {
Replaceall(paramTypemap, "$disown", "SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN");
} else {
Replaceall(paramTypemap, "$disown", "0");
if (paramIndex >= minInputArguments) { /* Optional input argument management */
Printf(wrapper->code, "if (SWIG_NbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) > %d) {\n%s\n}\n", paramIndex, paramTypemap);
} else {
Printf(wrapper->code, "%s\n", paramTypemap);
param = Getattr(param, "tmap:in:next");
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_IN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use type %s as a function argument.\n", SwigType_str(paramType, 0));
/* TODO write constraints */
Setattr(node, "wrap:name", overloadedName);
/* Emit the function call */
Swig_director_emit_dynamic_cast(node, wrapper);
String *functionActionCode = emit_action(node);
/* Insert the return variable */
emit_return_variable(node, functionReturnType, wrapper);
/* Return the function value if necessary */
String *functionReturnTypemap = Swig_typemap_lookup_out("out", node, Swig_cresult_name(), wrapper, functionActionCode);
if (functionReturnTypemap) {
// Result is actually the position of output value on stack
if (Len(functionReturnTypemap) > 0) {
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetOutputPosition(%d);\n", 1);
Replaceall(functionReturnTypemap, "$result", "1");
if (GetFlag(node, "feature:new")) {
Replaceall(functionReturnTypemap, "$owner", "1");
} else {
Replaceall(functionReturnTypemap, "$owner", "0");
Printf(wrapper->code, "%s\n", functionReturnTypemap);
/* If the typemap is not empty, the function return one more argument than the typemaps gives */
if (Len(functionReturnTypemap) > 0) {
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use return type %s in function %s.\n", SwigType_str(functionReturnType, 0),
/* Write typemaps(out) */
for (param = functionParamsList; param;) {
String *paramTypemap = Getattr(param, "tmap:argout");
if (paramTypemap) {
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetOutputPosition(%d);\n", minOutputArguments);
String *result = NewString("");
Printf(result, "%d", minOutputArguments);
Replaceall(paramTypemap, "$result", result);
Printf(wrapper->code, "%s\n", paramTypemap);
param = Getattr(param, "tmap:argout:next");
} else {
param = nextSibling(param);
/* Add cleanup code */
for (param = functionParamsList; param;) {
String *tm;
if ((tm = Getattr(param, "tmap:freearg"))) {
if (tm && (Len(tm) != 0)) {
Printf(wrapper->code, "%s\n", tm);
param = Getattr(param, "tmap:freearg:next");
} else {
param = nextSibling(param);
/* See if there is any return cleanup code */
String *tm;
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("ret", node, Swig_cresult_name(), 0))) {
Printf(wrapper->code, "%s\n", tm);
/* Close the function(ok) */
Printv(wrapper->code, "return SWIG_OK;\n", NIL);
Printv(wrapper->code, "}\n", NIL);
/* Add the failure cleanup code */
/* TODO */
/* Final substitutions if applicable */
Replaceall(wrapper->code, "$symname", functionName);
/* Set CheckInputArgument and CheckOutputArgument input arguments */
if (maxOutputArguments < 1) {
maxOutputArguments = 1;
if (minOutputArguments == 1) {
minOutputArguments = 0;
String *argnumber = NewString("");
Printf(argnumber, "%d", minInputArguments);
Replaceall(wrapper->code, "$mininputarguments", argnumber);
argnumber = NewString("");
Printf(argnumber, "%d", maxInputArguments);
Replaceall(wrapper->code, "$maxinputarguments", argnumber);
argnumber = NewString("");
Printf(argnumber, "%d", minOutputArguments);
Replaceall(wrapper->code, "$minoutputarguments", argnumber);
argnumber = NewString("");
Printf(argnumber, "%d", maxOutputArguments);
Replaceall(wrapper->code, "$maxoutputarguments", argnumber);
/* Dump the function out */
Wrapper_print(wrapper, wrappersSection);
/* Update builder.sce contents */
if (isLastOverloaded) {
addFunctionToScilab(functionName, smallFunctionName, wrapperName);
if (!isOverloaded) {
addFunctionToScilab(functionName, smallFunctionName, wrapperName);
/* tidy up */
return SWIG_OK;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* dispatchFunction()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void dispatchFunction(Node *node) {
Wrapper *wrapper = NewWrapper();
String *functionName = Getattr(node, "sym:name");
String *wrapperName = Swig_name_wrapper(functionName);
int maxargs = 0;
/* Generate the dispatch function */
String *dispatch = Swig_overload_dispatch(node, "return %s(SWIG_GatewayArguments);", &maxargs);
String *tmp = NewString("");
Printv(wrapper->def, "SWIGEXPORT int ", wrapperName, "(SWIG_GatewayParameters) {\n", NIL);
/* Get the number of the parameters */
Wrapper_add_local(wrapper, "argc", "int argc = SWIG_NbInputArgument(pvApiCtx)");
Printf(tmp, "int argv[%d] = {", maxargs);
for (int j = 0; j < maxargs; ++j) {
Printf(tmp, "%s%d", j ? "," : " ", j + 1);
Printf(tmp, "}");
Wrapper_add_local(wrapper, "argv", tmp);
Printf(wrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetApiContext(pvApiCtx);\n");
/* Dump the dispatch function */
Printv(wrapper->code, dispatch, "\n", NIL);
Printf(wrapper->code, "Scierror(999, _(\"No matching function for overload\"));\n");
Printf(wrapper->code, "return SWIG_ERROR;\n");
Printv(wrapper->code, "}\n", NIL);
Wrapper_print(wrapper, wrappersSection);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* variableWrapper()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
virtual int variableWrapper(Node *node) {
/* Get information about variable */
String *origVariableName = Getattr(node, "name"); // Ex: Shape::nshapes
String *variableName = Getattr(node, "sym:name"); // Ex; Shape_nshapes (can be used for function names, ...)
String *smallVariableName = createSmallIdentifierName(variableName, SCILAB_IDENTIFIER_NAME_CHAR_MAX - 4);
/* Manage GET function */
Wrapper *getFunctionWrapper = NewWrapper();
String *getFunctionName = Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, variableName);
String *scilabGetFunctionName = Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, variableName);
String *scilabGetSmallFunctionName = Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, smallVariableName);
Setattr(node, "wrap:name", getFunctionName);
Printv(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIGEXPORT int ", getFunctionName, "(SWIG_GatewayParameters) {\n", NIL);
/* Check the number of input and output */
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 0);\n");
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);\n");
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_Scilab_SetApiContext(pvApiCtx);\n");
String *varoutTypemap = Swig_typemap_lookup("varout", node, origVariableName, 0);
if (varoutTypemap != NULL) {
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetOutputPosition(%d);\n", 1);
Replaceall(varoutTypemap, "$value", origVariableName);
Replaceall(varoutTypemap, "$result", "1");
emit_action_code(node, getFunctionWrapper->code, varoutTypemap);
Append(getFunctionWrapper->code, "return SWIG_OK;\n");
Append(getFunctionWrapper->code, "}\n");
Wrapper_print(getFunctionWrapper, wrappersSection);
/* Add function to builder table */
addFunctionToScilab(scilabGetFunctionName, scilabGetSmallFunctionName, getFunctionName);
/* Manage SET function */
if (is_assignable(node)) {
Wrapper *setFunctionWrapper = NewWrapper();
String *setFunctionName = Swig_name_set(NSPACE_TODO, variableName);
String *scilabSetFunctionName = Swig_name_set(NSPACE_TODO, variableName);
String *scilabSetSmallFunctionName = Swig_name_set(NSPACE_TODO, smallVariableName);
Setattr(node, "wrap:name", setFunctionName);
Printv(setFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIGEXPORT int ", setFunctionName, "(SWIG_GatewayParameters) {\n", NIL);
/* Check the number of input and output */
Printf(setFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1);\n");
Printf(setFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);\n");
Printf(setFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_Scilab_SetApiContext(pvApiCtx);\n");
String *varinTypemap = Swig_typemap_lookup("varin", node, origVariableName, 0);
if (varinTypemap != NULL) {
Replaceall(varinTypemap, "$input", "1");
emit_action_code(node, setFunctionWrapper->code, varinTypemap);
Append(setFunctionWrapper->code, "return SWIG_OK;\n");
Append(setFunctionWrapper->code, "}\n");
Wrapper_print(setFunctionWrapper, wrappersSection);
/* Add function to builder table */
addFunctionToScilab(scilabSetFunctionName, scilabSetSmallFunctionName, setFunctionName);
return SWIG_OK;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* constantWrapper()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
virtual int constantWrapper(Node *node) {
/* Get the useful information from the node */
String *nodeName = Getattr(node, "name");
SwigType *type = Getattr(node, "type");
String *constantName = Getattr(node, "sym:name");
String *rawValue = Getattr(node, "rawval");
String *constantValue = rawValue ? rawValue : Getattr(node, "value");
String *constantTypemap = NULL;
// If feature scilab:const enabled, constants & enums are wrapped to Scilab variables
if (GetFlag(node, "feature:scilab:const")) {
bool isConstant = ((SwigType_issimple(type)) || (SwigType_type(type) == T_STRING));
bool isEnum = (Cmp(nodeType(node), "enumitem") == 0);
if (isConstant || isEnum) {
if (isEnum) {
Setattr(node, "type", "double");
constantValue = Getattr(node, "value");
constantTypemap = Swig_typemap_lookup("scilabconstcode", node, nodeName, 0);
if (constantTypemap != NULL) {
Setattr(node, "wrap:name", constantName);
Replaceall(constantTypemap, "$result", constantName);
Replaceall(constantTypemap, "$value", constantValue);
emit_action_code(node, variablesCode, constantTypemap);
return SWIG_OK;
/* Create variables for member pointer constants, not supported by typemaps (like Python wrapper does) */
if (SwigType_type(type) == T_MPOINTER) {
String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(constantName);
String *str = SwigType_str(type, wname);
Printf(headerSection, "static %s = %s;\n", str, constantValue);
constantValue = wname;
// Constant names can have SCILAB_VARIABLE_NAME_CHAR_MAX because of suffixes "_get" added to function
String *smallConstantName = createSmallIdentifierName(constantName, SCILAB_IDENTIFIER_NAME_CHAR_MAX - 4);
/* Create GET function to get the constant value */
Wrapper *getFunctionWrapper = NewWrapper();
String *getFunctionName = Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, constantName);
String *scilabGetSmallFunctionName = Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, smallConstantName);
Setattr(node, "wrap:name", getFunctionName);
Setattr(node, "wrap:name", getFunctionName);
Printv(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIGEXPORT int ", getFunctionName, "(SWIG_GatewayParameters) {\n", NIL);
/* Check the number of input and output */
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 0);\n");
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);\n");
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->def, "SWIG_Scilab_SetApiContext(pvApiCtx);\n");
constantTypemap = Swig_typemap_lookup("constcode", node, nodeName, 0);
if (constantTypemap != NULL) {
Printf(getFunctionWrapper->code, "SWIG_Scilab_SetOutputPosition(%d);\n", 1);
Replaceall(constantTypemap, "$value", constantValue);
Replaceall(constantTypemap, "$result", "1");
emit_action_code(node, getFunctionWrapper->code, constantTypemap);
/* Dump the wrapper function */
Append(getFunctionWrapper->code, "return SWIG_OK;\n");
Append(getFunctionWrapper->code, "}\n");
Wrapper_print(getFunctionWrapper, wrappersSection);
/* Add the function to Scilab */
addFunctionToScilab(getFunctionName, scilabGetSmallFunctionName, getFunctionName);
return SWIG_OK;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* enumvalueDeclaration()
* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
virtual int enumvalueDeclaration(Node *node) {
static int iPreviousEnumValue = 0;
if (GetFlag(node, "feature:scilab:const")) {
// Compute the "absolute" value of enum if needed
// (most of time enum values are a linked list of relative values)
String *enumValue = Getattr(node, "enumvalue");
String *enumValueEx = Getattr(node, "enumvalueex");
// First enum value ?
String *firstenumitem = Getattr(node, "firstenumitem");
if (firstenumitem) {
if (enumValue) {
// Value is in 'enumvalue'
iPreviousEnumValue = atoi(Char(enumValue));
} else if (enumValueEx) {
// Or value is in 'enumValueEx'
iPreviousEnumValue = atoi(Char(enumValueEx));
enumValue = NewString("");
Printf(enumValue, "%d", iPreviousEnumValue);
Setattr(node, "enumvalue", enumValue);
} else if (!enumValue && enumValueEx) {
// Value is not specified, set it by incrementing last value
enumValue = NewString("");
Printf(enumValue, "%d", ++iPreviousEnumValue);
Setattr(node, "enumvalue", enumValue);
// Enums in Scilab are mapped to double
Setattr(node, "type", "double");
return Language::enumvalueDeclaration(node);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* addHelperFunctions()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void addHelperFunctions() {
addFunctionToScilab("SWIG_this", "SWIG_this", "SWIG_this");
addFunctionToScilab("SWIG_ptr", "SWIG_ptr", "SWIG_ptr");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* addFunctionToScilab()
* Declare a wrapped function in Scilab (builder, gateway, XML, ...)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void addFunctionToScilab(const_String_or_char_ptr scilabFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr scilabSmallFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr wrapperFunctionName) {
if (!generateBuilder)
addFunctionInGatewayHeader(scilabFunctionName, scilabSmallFunctionName, wrapperFunctionName);
if (generateBuilder) {
addFunctionInScriptTable(scilabFunctionName, scilabSmallFunctionName, wrapperFunctionName, builderCode5, builderCode6);
if (createLoader) {
addFunctionInLoader(scilabFunctionName, scilabSmallFunctionName);
if (gatewayXMLFile) {
Printf(gatewayXML, "<PRIMITIVE gatewayId=\"%s\" primitiveId=\"%d\" primitiveName=\"%s\"/>\n", gatewayID, primitiveID++, scilabSmallFunctionName);
if (gatewayXMLFileV6) {
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "<gateway name=\"%s\" function=\"%s\" type=\"0\"/>\n", scilabFunctionName, scilabFunctionName);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* createBuilderCode()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void createBuilderFile(String *outputFilename) {
String *builderFilename = NewStringf("builder.sce");
builderFile = NewFile(builderFilename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
if (!builderFile) {
builderFunctionCount = 0;
builderCode = NewString("");
builderCode5 = NewString("");
builderCode6 = NewString("");
Printf(builderCode, "mode(-1);\n");
Printf(builderCode, "lines(0);\n"); /* Useful for automatic tests */
// Scilab needs to be in the build directory
Printf(builderCode, "originaldir = pwd();\n");
Printf(builderCode, "builddir = get_absolute_file_path('builder.sce');\n");
Printf(builderCode, "cd(builddir);\n");
Printf(builderCode, "ilib_verbose(%s);\n", verboseBuildLevel);
Printf(builderCode, "libs = [];\n");
// Flags from command line arguments
Printf(builderCode, "cflags = \"\";\n");
for (int i = 0; i < Len(cflags); i++) {
String *cflag = Getitem(cflags, i);
Printf(builderCode, "cflags = cflags + \" %s\";\n", cflag);
if (Len(ldflags) > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < Len(ldflags); i++) {
String *ldflag = Getitem(ldflags, i);
if (i == 0) {
Printf(builderCode, "ldflags = \"%s\";\n", ldflag);
} else {
Printf(builderCode, "ldflags = ldflags + \" %s\";\n", ldflag);
} else {
Printf(builderCode, "ldflags = \"\";\n");
// External script to set flags
if (buildFlagsScript) {
Printf(builderCode, "exec(\"%s\");\n", buildFlagsScript);
Printf(builderCode, "cflags = cflags + getCompilationFlags();\n");
Printf(builderCode, "ldflags = ldflags + getLinkFlags();\n");
// Additional sources
Insert(sourceFileList, 0, outputFilename);
for (int i = 0; i < Len(sourceFileList); i++) {
String *sourceFile = Getitem(sourceFileList, i);
if (i == 0) {
Printf(builderCode, "files = \"%s\";\n", sourceFile);
} else {
Printf(builderCode, "files($ + 1) = \"%s\";\n", sourceFile);
Printf(builderCode5, "table = [ ..\n");
Printf(builderCode6, "table = [ ..\n");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* addFunctionInBuilderCode()
* Add a function wrapper in the function table of generated builder script
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void addFunctionInScriptTable(const_String_or_char_ptr scilabFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr scilabSmallFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr wrapperFunctionName, String *scriptCode5, String *scriptCode6) {
if (++builderFunctionCount % 10 == 0) {
Printf(scriptCode5, "];\ntable = [table; ..\n");
Printf(scriptCode6, "];\ntable = [table; ..\n");
Printf(scriptCode5, "\"%s\",\"%s\"; ..\n", scilabSmallFunctionName, wrapperFunctionName);
Printf(scriptCode6, "\"%s\",\"%s\"; ..\n", scilabFunctionName, wrapperFunctionName);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* saveBuilderFile()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void saveBuilderFile(String *gatewayName) {
Printf(builderCode5, "];\n");
Printf(builderCode6, "];\n");
if (Equal(builderCode5, builderCode6)) {
Append(builderCode, builderCode6);
} else {
Printf(builderCode, "ver = getversion('scilab');\n");
Printf(builderCode, "if ver(1) < 6 then\n");
Printf(builderCode, " // version is less or equal to 5.5.2\n");
Printf(builderCode, " \n");
Append(builderCode, builderCode5);
Printf(builderCode, " \n");
Printf(builderCode, "else\n");
Printf(builderCode, " // version is 6.0.0 or more\n");
Printf(builderCode, " \n");
Append(builderCode, builderCode6);
Printf(builderCode, " \n");
Printf(builderCode, "end\n");
Printf(builderCode, "ierr = 0;\n");
Printf(builderCode, "if ~isempty(table) then\n");
Printf(builderCode, " ierr = execstr(\"ilib_build(''%s'', table, files, libs, [], ldflags, cflags);\", 'errcatch');\n", gatewayName);
Printf(builderCode, " if ierr <> 0 then\n");
Printf(builderCode, " err_msg = lasterror();\n");
Printf(builderCode, " end\n");
Printf(builderCode, "end\n");
Printf(builderCode, "cd(originaldir);\n");
Printf(builderCode, "if ierr <> 0 then\n");
Printf(builderCode, " error(ierr, err_msg);\n");
Printf(builderCode, "end\n");
Printv(builderFile, builderCode, NIL);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* createGatewayXMLFileV6()
* This XML file is used by Scilab 6 in the context of internal modules or
* to get the function list.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void createGatewayXMLFileV6(String *gatewayName) {
String *gatewayXMLFilename = NewStringf("%s_gateway.xml", gatewayName);
gatewayXMLFileV6 = NewFile(gatewayXMLFilename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
if (!gatewayXMLFileV6) {
// Add a slightly modified SWIG banner to the gateway XML ("--modify" is illegal in XML)
gatewayXMLV6 = NewString("");
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM \"../../functions/xml/gateway.dtd\">\n");
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "<!--\n");
Swig_banner_target_lang(gatewayXMLV6, "");
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "-->\n");
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "<module name=\"%s\">\n", gatewayName);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* saveGatewayXMLFileV6()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void saveGatewayXMLFileV6() {
Printf(gatewayXMLV6, "</module>\n");
Printv(gatewayXMLFileV6, gatewayXMLV6, NIL);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* createGatewayXMLFile()
* This XML file is used by Scilab in the context of internal modules
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void createGatewayXMLFile(String *gatewayName) {
String *gatewayXMLFilename = NewStringf("%s_gateway.xml", gatewayName);
gatewayXMLFile = NewFile(gatewayXMLFilename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
if (!gatewayXMLFile) {
// Add a slightly modified SWIG banner to the gateway XML ("--modify" is illegal in XML)
gatewayXML = NewString("");
Printf(gatewayXML, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
Printf(gatewayXML, "<!--\n");
Swig_banner_target_lang(gatewayXML, "");
Printf(gatewayXML, "-->\n");
Printf(gatewayXML, "<GATEWAY name=\"%s\">\n", gatewayName);
primitiveID = 1;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* saveGatewayXMLFile()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void saveGatewayXMLFile() {
Printf(gatewayXML, "</GATEWAY>\n");
Printv(gatewayXMLFile, gatewayXML, NIL);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* startGatewayHeader()
* Start the gateway header
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void startGatewayHeader(String *gatewayLibraryName) {
gatewayHeader = NewString("");
Printf(gatewayHeader, "\n");
gatewayHeaderV6 = NewString("");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "extern \"C\" {\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#endif\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#include \"c_gateway_prototype.h\"\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#include \"addfunction.h\"\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "}\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#endif\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#define MODULE_NAME L\"%s\"\n", gatewayLibraryName);
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "extern \"C\"\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "#endif\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "SWIGEXPORT int %s(wchar_t *pwstFuncName) {\n", gatewayLibraryName);
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "\n");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* addFunctionInGatewayHeader()
* Add a function in the gateway header
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void addFunctionInGatewayHeader(const_String_or_char_ptr scilabFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr scilabSmallFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr wrapperFunctionName) {
if (gatewayHeaderV5 == NULL) {
gatewayHeaderV5 = NewString("");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "static GenericTable Tab[] = {\n");
} else
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, ",\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " {(Myinterfun)sci_gateway, (GT)%s, (char *)\"%s\"}", wrapperFunctionName, scilabSmallFunctionName);
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "if (wcscmp(pwstFuncName, L\"%s\") == 0) { addCStackFunction((wchar_t *)L\"%s\", &%s, (wchar_t *)MODULE_NAME); }\n", scilabFunctionName, scilabFunctionName, wrapperFunctionName);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* terminateGatewayHeader()
* Terminates the gateway header
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void terminateGatewayHeader(String *gatewayLibraryName) {
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "};\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "extern \"C\" {\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "#endif\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "SWIGEXPORT int C2F(%s)() {\n", gatewayLibraryName);
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " Rhs = Max(0, Rhs);\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " if (*(Tab[Fin-1].f) != NULL) {\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " if(pvApiCtx == NULL) {\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " pvApiCtx = (StrCtx *)MALLOC(sizeof(StrCtx));\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " }\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " pvApiCtx->pstName = (char *)Tab[Fin-1].name;\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " (*(Tab[Fin-1].f))(Tab[Fin-1].name,(GatefuncH)Tab[Fin-1].F);\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " }\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, " return 0;\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "}\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "}\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV5, "#endif\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "return 1;\n");
Printf(gatewayHeaderV6, "};\n");
Printf(gatewayHeader, "#if SCI_VERSION_MAJOR < 6\n");
Printv(gatewayHeader, gatewayHeaderV5, NIL);
Printf(gatewayHeader, "#else\n");
Printv(gatewayHeader, gatewayHeaderV6, NIL);
Printf(gatewayHeader, "#endif\n");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* createLoaderScriptFile()
* Creates the loader script file (loader.sce)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void createLoaderFile(String *gatewayLibraryName) {
String *loaderFilename = NewString("loader.sce");
loaderFile = NewFile(loaderFilename, "w", SWIG_output_files());
if (!loaderFile) {
loaderFunctionCount = 0;
loaderScript = NewString("function loader_function()\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " p = get_absolute_file_path('loader.sce');\n", gatewayLibraryName);
Printf(loaderScript, " [bOK, ilib] = c_link('%s');\n", gatewayLibraryName);
Printf(loaderScript, " if bOK then\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " ulink(ilib);\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " end\n");
loaderScript5 = NewString(" list_functions = [ ..\n");
loaderScript6 = NewString(" list_functions = [ ..\n");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* addFunctionInLoaderScript()
* Add a function in the loader script table
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void addFunctionInLoader(const_String_or_char_ptr scilabFunctionName, const_String_or_char_ptr scilabSmallFunctionName) {
if (++loaderFunctionCount % 10 == 0) {
Printf(loaderScript5, " ];\n list_functions = [list_functions; ..\n");
Printf(loaderScript6, " ];\n list_functions = [list_functions; ..\n");
Printf(loaderScript5, " '%s'; ..\n", scilabSmallFunctionName);
Printf(loaderScript6, " '%s'; ..\n", scilabFunctionName);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* saveLoaderScriptFile()
* Terminates and saves the loader script
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void saveLoaderFile(String *gatewayLibraryName) {
Printf(loaderScript5, " ];\n");
Printf(loaderScript6, " ];\n");
if (Equal(loaderScript5, loaderScript6)) {
Append(loaderScript, loaderScript6);
} else {
Printf(loaderScript, " ver = getversion('scilab');\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " if ver(1) < 6 then\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " // version is less or equal to 5.5.2\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " \n");
Append(loaderScript, loaderScript5);
Printf(loaderScript, " \n");
Printf(loaderScript, " else\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " // version is 6.0.0 or more\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " \n");
Append(loaderScript, loaderScript6);
Printf(loaderScript, " \n");
Printf(loaderScript, " end\n");
Printf(loaderScript, " addinter(p + '%s' + getdynlibext(), '%s', list_functions);\n", gatewayLibraryName, gatewayLibraryName);
Printf(loaderScript, "endfunction\n");
Printf(loaderScript, "loader_function();\n");
Printf(loaderScript, "clear loader_function;\n");
Printv(loaderFile, loaderScript, NIL);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* createSmallIdentifierName()
* Create a Scilab small identifier to be used by Scilab 5
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
String* createSmallIdentifierName(String* name, int outputLen = SCILAB_IDENTIFIER_NAME_CHAR_MAX) {
char* s = Char(name);
int nameLen = Len(s);
// truncate and preserve common suffix
if (outputLen > 4 && nameLen > outputLen) {
String* smallName = NewStringWithSize(name, outputLen);
char* smallNameStr = (char*) Data(smallName);
if (s[nameLen-4] == '_' && s[nameLen - 3] == 'g' && s[nameLen - 2] == 'e' && s[nameLen - 1] == 't') {
// get
memcpy(&smallNameStr[outputLen - 4], &s[nameLen - 4], 4);
} else if (s[nameLen-4] == '_' && s[nameLen - 3] == 's' && s[nameLen - 2] == 'e' && s[nameLen - 1] == 't') {
// set
memcpy(&smallNameStr[outputLen - 4], &s[nameLen - 4], 4);
return smallName;
return name;
extern "C" Language *swig_scilab(void) {
return new SCILAB();