blob: 5f486758ffe59cd0bad416ce34ddbd89c6e1f613 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- NumericParsing.swift.gyb -----------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -*- swift -*-
// RUN: rm -rf %t ; mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %gyb -DCMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P=%target-ptrsize %s -o %t/NumericParsing.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/NumericParsing.swift -- %target-build-swift %t/NumericParsing.swift -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %line-directive %t/NumericParsing.swift -- %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
from SwiftIntTypes import all_integer_types
word_bits = int(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P)
def maskOfWidth(n):
return (1 << n) - 1
def inRadix(radix, n, zero='0'):
Represent the int n in the given radix.
Note: the third parameter, zero, is not for user consumption.
if n < 0:
return '-' + inRadix(radix, -n, '')
elif n == 0:
return zero
r = n % radix
digit = chr((ord('0') + r) if r < 10 else (ord('a') + r - 10))
return inRadix(radix, int(n / radix), '') + digit
# The maximal legal radix
max_radix = ord('z') - ord('a') + 1 + 10
# Test a few important radices
radices_to_test = [2, 8, 10, 16, max_radix]
# How many values to test in each radix? A nice prime number of course.
number_of_values = 23
import StdlibUnittest
var tests = TestSuite("NumericParsing")
% for type in all_integer_types(word_bits):
% Self = type.stdlib_name
% maxValue = maskOfWidth((type.bits - 1) if type.is_signed else type.bits)
% minValue = -maxValue - 1 if type.is_signed else 0
% required_values = [minValue, 0, maxValue]
tests.test("${Self}/success") {
let isSigned = ${str(type.is_signed).lower()}
//===--- Important cases ------------------------------------------------===//
expectEqual(0, ${Self}("0")) // zero
expectEqual(17, ${Self}("17")) // non-zero with no radix
// Leading zeroes, with and without a radix
expectEqual(10, ${Self}("010"))
expectEqual(15, ${Self}("00F", radix: 16))
// Leading '+'
expectEqual(0, ${Self}("+0"))
expectEqual(10, ${Self}("+10"))
expectEqual(10, ${Self}("+010"))
expectEqual(15, ${Self}("+00F", radix: 16))
// Negative numbers
expectEqual(${-128 if type.is_signed else 'nil'}, ${Self}("-0080", radix: 16))
expectEqual(0, ${Self}("-0"))
expectEqual(0, ${Self}("-00", radix: 16))
// Maximum radix
expectEqual(${max_radix} - 1, ${Self}("z", radix: ${max_radix})!)
// Out-of-range values
expectEqual(nil, ${Self}("${maxValue + 1}"))
expectEqual(nil, ${Self}("${minValue - 1}"))
expectEqual(nil, ${Self}("\u{1D7FF}")) // MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT NINE
// Cases that should fail to parse
expectEqual(nil, ${Self}("--0")) // Zero w/ repeated plus
expectEqual(nil, ${Self}("-+5")) // Non-zero with -+
// Do more exhaustive testing
% for radix in radices_to_test:
% for n in required_values + list(range(
% minValue + 1, maxValue - 1,
% int((maxValue - minValue - 2) / (number_of_values - len(required_values))))):
% prefix = '+' if n > 0 and n % 2 == 0 else '' # leading '+'
% text = inRadix(radix, n)
expectEqual(${n}, ${Self}("${prefix + text}", radix: ${radix}))
% if text != text.upper():
expectEqual(${n}, ${Self}("${prefix + text.upper()}", radix: ${radix}))
% end
% end
% end
tests.test("${Self}/radixTooLow") {
${Self}("0", radix: 2)
${Self}("0", radix: 1)
tests.test("${Self}/radixTooHigh") {
let maxRadix = ${ord('z') - ord('a') + 1 + 10}
${Self}("0", radix: maxRadix)
let y = ${Self}("0", radix: maxRadix + 1)
% end
% for Self in 'Float', 'Double', 'Float80':
% if Self == 'Float80':
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
% end
tests.test("${Self}/Basics") {
% if Self != 'Float80': # Inf/NaN are not defined for Float80
expectEqual(.infinity, ${Self}("inf"))
expectEqual(.infinity, ${Self}("Inf"))
expectEqual(-(.infinity), ${Self}("-inf"))
expectEqual(-(.infinity), ${Self}("-Inf"))
expectEqual(String(${Self}.nan), String(${Self}("nan")!))
expectEqual(String(${Self}.nan), String(${Self}("NaN")!))
// sNaN cannot be fully supported on i386.
#if !arch(i386)
% end
expectEqual(-0.0, ${Self}("-0"))
expectEqual(-0.0, ${Self}("-0.0"))
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0"))
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0.0"))
expectEqual(64206, ${Self}("0xFACE")) // Yes, strtoXXX supports hex.
// Check that we can round-trip the string representation of 2^100,
// which requires an exponent to express...
let large =
repeatElement(1024 as ${Self}, count: 10).reduce(1, *)
let largeText = String(large)
expectEqual(largeText, String(${Self}(largeText)!))
// ...ditto for its inverse.
let smallText = String(1 / large)
expectEqual(smallText, String(${Self}(smallText)!))
// Cases that should fail to parse
expectNil(${Self}("")) // EMPTY
expectNil(${Self}("0FACE")) // Hex characters without 0x
expectNil(${Self}(" 0")) // Leading whitespace
expectNil(${Self}("0 ")) // Trailing whitespace
// Overflow and underflow. Interleave with other checks to make
// sure we're not abusing errno
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0"))
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0"))
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0"))
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0"))
expectEqual(0.0, ${Self}("0"))
% if Self == 'Float80':
% end
% end