blob: 0f4438769c9e3c43f9c410d11328b2e15766bbe5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -o %t/a.out_Debug -Onone
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -o %t/a.out_Release -O
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out_Debug
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out_Release
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out_Debug
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out_Release
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// REQUIRES: rdar49026133
import StdlibUnittest
import Foundation
let testSuiteSuffix = _isDebugAssertConfiguration() ? "_debug" : "_release"
var DictionaryTraps = TestSuite("DictionaryTraps" + testSuiteSuffix)
struct NotBridgedKeyTy : Equatable, Hashable {
var value: Int
init(_ value: Int) {
self.value = value
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func == (lhs: NotBridgedKeyTy, rhs: NotBridgedKeyTy) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
struct NotBridgedValueTy {}
class BridgedVerbatimRefTy : Equatable, Hashable {
var value: Int
init(_ value: Int) {
self.value = value
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func == (lhs: BridgedVerbatimRefTy, rhs: BridgedVerbatimRefTy) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
DictionaryTraps.test("sanity") {
// Sanity checks. This code should not trap.
let d = Dictionary<BridgedVerbatimRefTy, BridgedVerbatimRefTy>()
_ = d as NSDictionary
class TestObjCKeyTy : NSObject {
init(_ value: Int) {
self.value = value
override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
if let other = object {
if let otherObjcKey = other as? TestObjCKeyTy {
return self.value == otherObjcKey.value
return false
override var hash : Int {
return value
var value: Int
struct TestBridgedKeyTy : Hashable, _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
var value: Int
init(_ value: Int) { self.value = value }
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> TestObjCKeyTy {
return TestObjCKeyTy(value)
static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(
_ x: TestObjCKeyTy,
result: inout TestBridgedKeyTy?
) {
result = TestBridgedKeyTy(x.value)
static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(
_ x: TestObjCKeyTy,
result: inout TestBridgedKeyTy?
) -> Bool {
result = TestBridgedKeyTy(x.value)
return true
static func _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: TestObjCKeyTy?)
-> TestBridgedKeyTy {
var result: TestBridgedKeyTy?
_forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(source!, result: &result)
return result!
func ==(x: TestBridgedKeyTy, y: TestBridgedKeyTy) -> Bool {
return x.value == y.value
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("unrecognized selector sent to instance").code {
// This Dictionary is bridged in O(1).
let d = [ TestObjCKeyTy(10): NSObject() ]
let nsd = d as NSDictionary
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.code {
// This Dictionary is bridged in O(1).
let d = [ TestObjCKeyTy(10): 10 ]
let nsd = d as NSDictionary
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d1: NSDictionary = [
"Gordon" as NSString: NSObject(),
"William" as NSString: NSObject(),
"Katherine" as NSString: NSObject(),
"Lynn" as NSString: NSObject(),
"Brian" as NSString: NSObject(),
1756 as NSNumber: NSObject()]
_ = d1 as! Dictionary<String, Any>
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d1: NSDictionary = [
4 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
8 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
15 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
16 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
23 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
42 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
"John" as NSString: NSObject()]
_ = d1 as! Dictionary<Int, Any>
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d1: NSDictionary = [
4 as NSNumber: "Jack" as NSString,
8 as NSNumber: "Kate" as NSString,
15 as NSNumber: "Hurley" as NSString,
16 as NSNumber: "Sawyer" as NSString,
23 as NSNumber: "John" as NSString,
42 as NSNumber: NSObject()]
_ = d1 as! Dictionary<NSObject, String>
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d1: NSDictionary = [
"Gordon" as NSString: NSObject(),
"William" as NSString: NSObject(),
"Katherine" as NSString: NSObject(),
"Lynn" as NSString: NSObject(),
"Brian" as NSString: NSObject(),
1756 as NSNumber: NSObject()]
// With the ObjC runtime, the verbatim downcast is O(1); it performs no
// runtime checks.
let d2 = d1 as! Dictionary<NSString, NSObject>
// Element access goes through the bridged path and performs forced downcasts.
// This is where the odd numeric value is caught.
for (key, value) in d2 {
_ = (key, value)
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d1: NSDictionary = [
4 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
8 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
15 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
16 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
23 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
42 as NSNumber: NSObject(),
"John" as NSString: NSObject()]
// With the ObjC runtime, the verbatim downcast is O(1); it performs no
// runtime checks.
let d2 = d1 as! Dictionary<NSNumber, NSObject>
// Element access goes through the bridged path and performs forced downcasts.
// This is where the odd numeric value is caught.
for (key, value) in d2 {
_ = (key, value)
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d1: NSDictionary = [
4 as NSNumber: "Jack" as NSString,
8 as NSNumber: "Kate" as NSString,
15 as NSNumber: "Hurley" as NSString,
16 as NSNumber: "Sawyer" as NSString,
23 as NSNumber: "John" as NSString,
42 as NSNumber: NSObject()]
// With the ObjC runtime, the verbatim downcast is O(1); it performs no
// runtime checks.
let d2 = d1 as! Dictionary<NSObject, NSString>
// Element access goes through the bridged path and performs forced downcasts.
// This is where the odd numeric value is caught.
for (key, value) in d2 {
_ = (key, value)
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d: Dictionary<NSObject, NSObject> = [ TestObjCKeyTy(10): NSObject(),
NSObject() : NSObject() ]
let d2: Dictionary<TestObjCKeyTy, NSObject> = _dictionaryDownCast(d)
_ = d2[TestObjCKeyTy(10)]
_ = d2[TestObjCKeyTy(20)]
// This triggers failure.
for (_, _) in d2 { }
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type")
.code {
let d: Dictionary<NSObject, NSObject> = [ TestObjCKeyTy(10): NSObject(),
NSObject() : NSObject() ]
let d2 = d as! Dictionary<TestBridgedKeyTy, NSObject>
_ = d2[TestBridgedKeyTy(10)]