blob: 64529f676bbce0994190e217c58d5b88b6bae37e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %scale-test --sum-multi --begin 5 --end 16 --step 5 --select Sema.IsObjCRequest -Xfrontend=-enable-objc-interop -Xfrontend=-disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module %s
// REQUIRES: asserts
class C${N} {
// This is the member we actually have to validate; we only want there
// to be one definition:
% if int(N) == 1:
@objc func isObjCMember() {}
% end
// Other random @objc and non-@objc members; the test ensures that we're
// not touching these:
func isAnotherObjCMember() {}
func isNonObjCMember() {}
func f${N}(a: AnyObject) {