blob: 1e45e3ca348a8288ad16eede1731c4da4ac33dea [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol VectorIndex {
associatedtype Vector8 : Vector where Vector8.Index == Self, Vector8.Element == UInt8
enum VectorIndex1 : VectorIndex {
case i0
typealias Vector8 = Vector1<UInt8>
protocol Vector {
associatedtype Index: VectorIndex
associatedtype Element
init(elementForIndex: (Index) -> Element)
subscript(index: Index) -> Element { get set }
struct Vector1<Element> : Vector {
//typealias Index = VectorIndex1 // Uncomment this line to workaround bug.
var e0: Element
init(elementForIndex: (VectorIndex1) -> Element) {
e0 = elementForIndex(.i0)
subscript(index: Index) -> Element { // expected-error {{reference to invalid associated type 'Index' of type 'Vector1<Element>'}}
get { return e0 }
set { e0 = newValue }
extension Vector where Index == VectorIndex1 {
init(_ e0: Element) { fatalError() }