blob: ea8b44587b3502fc0a6c8e2479fdd9c09d845f4d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -lswiftSwiftReflectionTest %s -o %t/existentials
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/existentials
// RUN: %target-run %target-swift-reflection-test %t/existentials | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-ptrsize %add_num_extra_inhabitants
// REQUIRES: reflection_test_support
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// UNSUPPORTED: use_os_stdlib
This file pokes at the swift_reflection_projectExistential API
of the SwiftRemoteMirror library.
It tests the three conditions of existential layout:
- Class existentials
- Existentials whose contained type fits in the 3-word buffer
- Existentials whose contained type has to be allocated into a
raw heap buffer.
- Error existentials, a.k.a. `Error`.
- See also: SwiftReflectionTest.reflect(any:)
- See also: SwiftReflectionTest.reflect(error:)
import SwiftReflectionTest
class MyClass<T, U> {
let x: T
let y: (T, U)
init(x: T, y: (T, U)) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
struct MyStruct<T, U, V> {
let x: T
let y: U
let z: V
protocol MyProtocol {}
protocol MyErrorProtocol : Error {}
struct MyError : MyProtocol, Error {
let i = 0xFEDCBA
struct MyCustomError : MyProtocol, MyErrorProtocol {}
struct HasError {
let singleError: Error
let errorInComposition: MyProtocol & Error
let customError: MyErrorProtocol
let customErrorInComposition: MyErrorProtocol & MyProtocol
// This will be projected as a class existential, so its
// size doesn't matter.
var mc = MyClass(x: 1010, y: (2020, 3030))
reflect(any: mc)
// CHECK-64: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-64: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-64: Type reference:
// CHECK-64: (bound_generic_class existentials.MyClass
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-64: Type info:
// CHECK-64: (reference kind=strong refcounting=native)
// CHECK-64: Mangled name: $s12existentials7MyClassCyS2iG
// CHECK-64: Demangled name: existentials.MyClass<Swift.Int, Swift.Int>
// CHECK-32: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-32: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-32: Type reference:
// CHECK-32: (bound_generic_class existentials.MyClass
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-32: Type info:
// CHECK-32: (reference kind=strong refcounting=native)
// CHECK-32: Mangled name: $s12existentials7MyClassCyS2iG
// CHECK-32: Demangled name: existentials.MyClass<Swift.Int, Swift.Int>
// This value fits in the 3-word buffer in the container.
var smallStruct = MyStruct(x: 1, y: 2, z: 3)
reflect(any: smallStruct)
// CHECK-64: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-64: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-64: Type reference:
// CHECK-64: (bound_generic_struct existentials.MyStruct
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-64: Type info:
// CHECK-64: (struct size=24 alignment=8 stride=24 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=x offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=y offset=8
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=z offset=16
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1)))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials8MyStructVyS3iG
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.MyStruct<Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int>
// CHECK-32: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-32: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-32: Type reference:
// CHECK-32: (bound_generic_struct existentials.MyStruct
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-32: Type info:
// CHECK-32: (struct size=12 alignment=4 stride=12 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=x offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=y offset=4
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=z offset=8
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1)))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials8MyStructVyS3iG
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.MyStruct<Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int>
// This value will be copied into a heap buffer, with a
// pointer to it in the existential.
var largeStruct = MyStruct(x: (1,1,1), y: (2,2,2), z: (3,3,3))
reflect(any: largeStruct)
// CHECK-64: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-64: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-64: Type reference:
// CHECK-64: (bound_generic_struct existentials.MyStruct
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (tuple
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (tuple
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (tuple
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)))
// CHECK-64: Type info:
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=72 alignment=8 stride=72 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=x offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (tuple size=24 alignment=8 stride=24 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=8
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=16
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=y offset=24
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (tuple size=24 alignment=8 stride=24 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=8
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=16
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=z offset=48
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (tuple size=24 alignment=8 stride=24 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=8
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field offset=16
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1)))))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials8MyStructVySi_S2itSi_S2itSi_S2itG
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.MyStruct<(Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int)>
// CHECK-32: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-32: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-32: Type reference:
// CHECK-32: (bound_generic_struct existentials.MyStruct
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (tuple
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (tuple
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (tuple
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct Swift.Int)))
// CHECK-32: Type info:
// CHECK-32: (struct size=36 alignment=4 stride=36 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=x offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (tuple size=12 alignment=4 stride=12 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=4
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=8
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=y offset=12
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (tuple size=12 alignment=4 stride=12 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=4
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=8
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=z offset=24
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (tuple size=12 alignment=4 stride=12 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=4
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field offset=8
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1)))))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials8MyStructVySi_S2itSi_S2itSi_S2itG
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.MyStruct<(Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int)>
// Function type:
reflect(any: {largeStruct})
// CHECK-64: Mangled name: $s12existentials8MyStructVySi_S2itSi_S2itSi_S2itGyc
// CHECK-64: Demangled name: () -> existentials.MyStruct<(Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int)>
// CHECK-32: Mangled name: $s12existentials8MyStructVySi_S2itSi_S2itSi_S2itGyc
// CHECK-32: Demangled name: () -> existentials.MyStruct<(Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int), (Swift.Int, Swift.Int, Swift.Int)>
// Protocol composition:
protocol P {}
protocol Q {}
protocol Composition : P, Q {}
struct S : Composition {}
func getComposition() -> P & Q { return S() }
reflect(any: getComposition())
// CHECK-64: Mangled name: $s12existentials1P_AA1Qp
// CHECK-64: Demangled name: existentials.P & existentials.Q
// CHECK-32: Mangled name: $s12existentials1P_AA1Qp
// CHECK-32: Demangled name: existentials.P & existentials.Q
// Metatype:
reflect(any: Int.self)
// CHECK-64: Mangled name: $sSiXMt
// CHECK-64: Demangled name: @thin Swift.Int.Type
// CHECK-32: Mangled name: $sSiXMt
// CHECK-32: Demangled name: @thin Swift.Int.Type
protocol WithType {
associatedtype T
func f() -> T
struct S1 : WithType {
typealias T = Int
func f() -> Int { return 0 }
func getWithType<T>(_ t: T) where T: WithType {
reflect(any: T.self)
var he = HasError(singleError: MyError(), errorInComposition: MyError(), customError: MyCustomError(), customErrorInComposition: MyCustomError())
reflect(any: he)
// CHECK-64: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-64: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F+]}}
// CHECK-64: Type reference:
// CHECK-64: (struct existentials.HasError)
// CHECK-64: Type info:
// CHECK-64: (struct size=144 alignment=8 stride=144
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=singleError offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (error_existential size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=error offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (reference kind=strong refcounting=unknown))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=errorInComposition offset=8
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (opaque_existential size=48 alignment=8 stride=48 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=metadata offset=24
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=32
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=40
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=customError offset=56
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (opaque_existential size=40 alignment=8 stride=40 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=metadata offset=24
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=32
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=customErrorInComposition offset=96
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (opaque_existential size=48 alignment=8 stride=48 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=metadata offset=24
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=[[#num_extra_inhabitants_64bit]] bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=32
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=40
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1)))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials8HasErrorV
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.HasError
// CHECK-32: Reflecting an existential.
// CHECK-32: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-32: Type reference:
// CHECK-32: (struct existentials.HasError)
// CHECK-32: Type info:
// CHECK-32: (struct size=72 alignment=4 stride=72 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=singleError offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (error_existential size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=error offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (reference kind=strong refcounting=unknown))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=errorInComposition offset=4
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (opaque_existential size=24 alignment=4 stride=24 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=metadata offset=12
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=16
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=20
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=customError offset=28
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (opaque_existential size=20 alignment=4 stride=20 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=metadata offset=12
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=16
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=customErrorInComposition offset=48
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (opaque_existential size=24 alignment=4 stride=24 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=metadata offset=12
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=4096 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=16
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=wtable offset=20
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=1 bitwise_takable=1)))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials8HasErrorV
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.HasError
reflect(error: MyError())
// CHECK-64: Reflecting an error existential.
// CHECK-64: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-64: Type reference:
// CHECK-64: (struct existentials.MyError)
// CHECK-64: Type info:
// CHECK-64: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=i offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (struct size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-64-NEXT: (builtin size=8 alignment=8 stride=8 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1)))))
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials7MyErrorV
// CHECK-64-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.MyError
// CHECK-32: Reflecting an error existential.
// CHECK-32: Instance pointer in child address space: 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]+}}
// CHECK-32: Type reference:
// CHECK-32: (struct existentials.MyError)
// CHECK-32: Type info:
// CHECK-32: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=i offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (struct size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (field name=_value offset=0
// CHECK-32-NEXT: (builtin size=4 alignment=4 stride=4 num_extra_inhabitants=0 bitwise_takable=1)))))
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Mangled name: $s12existentials7MyErrorV
// CHECK-32-NEXT: Demangled name: existentials.MyError