blob: 2c2babd019b7cec6b09bd32efa880f811e8411a7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CompletionInstance.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/IDE/CompletionInstance.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsFrontend.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "swift/Basic/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
#include "swift/Driver/FrontendUtil.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "swift/Parse/PersistentParserState.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/SerializedModuleLoader.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace ide;
swift::ide::makeCodeCompletionMemoryBuffer(const llvm::MemoryBuffer *origBuf,
unsigned &Offset,
StringRef bufferIdentifier) {
auto origBuffSize = origBuf->getBufferSize();
if (Offset > origBuffSize)
Offset = origBuffSize;
auto newBuffer = llvm::WritableMemoryBuffer::getNewUninitMemBuffer(
origBuffSize + 1, bufferIdentifier);
auto *pos = origBuf->getBufferStart() + Offset;
auto *newPos =
std::copy(origBuf->getBufferStart(), pos, newBuffer->getBufferStart());
*newPos = '\0';
std::copy(pos, origBuf->getBufferEnd(), newPos + 1);
return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>(newBuffer.release());
namespace {
/// Returns index number of \p D in \p Decls . If it's not found, returns ~0.
template <typename Range>
unsigned findIndexInRange(Decl *D, const Range &Decls) {
unsigned N = 0;
for (auto I = Decls.begin(), E = Decls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if ((*I)->isImplicit())
if (*I == D)
return N;
return ~0U;
/// Return the element at \p N in \p Decls .
template <typename Range> Decl *getElementAt(const Range &Decls, unsigned N) {
for (auto I = Decls.begin(), E = Decls.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if ((*I)->isImplicit())
if (N == 0)
return *I;
return nullptr;
/// Find the equivalent \c DeclContext with \p DC from \p SF AST.
/// This assumes the AST which contains \p DC has exact the same structure with
/// \p SF.
static DeclContext *getEquivalentDeclContextFromSourceFile(DeclContext *DC,
SourceFile *SF) {
PrettyStackTraceDeclContext trace("getting equivalent decl context for", DC);
auto *newDC = DC;
// NOTE: Shortcut for DC->getParentSourceFile() == SF case is not needed
// because they should be always different.
// Get the index path in the current AST.
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> IndexStack;
do {
auto *D = newDC->getAsDecl();
if (!D)
return nullptr;
auto *parentDC = newDC->getParent();
unsigned N = ~0U;
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(D)) {
// The AST for accessors is like:
// DeclContext -> AbstractStorageDecl -> AccessorDecl
// We need to push the index of the accessor within the accessor list
// of the storage.
auto *storage = accessor->getStorage();
if (!storage)
return nullptr;
auto accessorN = findIndexInRange(accessor, storage->getAllAccessors());
D = storage;
if (auto parentSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(parentDC)) {
N = findIndexInRange(D, parentSF->getTopLevelDecls());
} else if (auto parentIDC = dyn_cast_or_null<IterableDeclContext>(
parentDC->getAsDecl())) {
N = findIndexInRange(D, parentIDC->getMembers());
} else {
#ifndef NDEBUG
llvm_unreachable("invalid DC kind for finding equivalent DC (indexpath)");
return nullptr;
// Not found in the decl context tree.
if (N == ~0U) {
return nullptr;
newDC = parentDC;
} while (!newDC->isModuleScopeContext());
assert(isa<SourceFile>(newDC) && "DC should be in a SourceFile");
// Query the equivalent decl context from the base SourceFile using the index
// path.
newDC = SF;
do {
auto N = IndexStack.pop_back_val();
Decl *D = nullptr;
if (auto parentSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(newDC))
D = getElementAt(parentSF->getTopLevelDecls(), N);
else if (auto parentIDC = dyn_cast<IterableDeclContext>(newDC->getAsDecl()))
D = getElementAt(parentIDC->getMembers(), N);
llvm_unreachable("invalid DC kind for finding equivalent DC (query)");
if (auto storage = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractStorageDecl>(D)) {
if (IndexStack.empty())
return nullptr;
auto accessorN = IndexStack.pop_back_val();
D = getElementAt(storage->getAllAccessors(), accessorN);
newDC = dyn_cast_or_null<DeclContext>(D);
if (!newDC)
return nullptr;
} while (!IndexStack.empty());
assert(newDC->getContextKind() == DC->getContextKind());
return newDC;
/// For each dependency file in \p CI, run \p callback until the callback
/// returns \c true. Returns \c true if any callback call returns \c true, \c
/// false otherwise.
static bool
forEachDependencyUntilTrue(CompilerInstance &CI, unsigned excludeBufferID,
llvm::function_ref<bool(StringRef)> callback) {
// Check files in the current module.
for (FileUnit *file : CI.getMainModule()->getFiles()) {
StringRef filename;
if (auto SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(file)) {
if (SF->getBufferID() == excludeBufferID)
filename = SF->getFilename();
} else if (auto LF = dyn_cast<LoadedFile>(file))
filename = LF->getFilename();
// Ignore synthesized files.
if (filename.empty() || filename.front() == '<')
if (callback(filename))
return true;
// Check other non-system depenencies (e.g. modules, headers).
for (auto &dep : CI.getDependencyTracker()->getDependencies()) {
if (callback(dep))
return true;
return false;
/// Collect hash codes of the dependencies into \c Map.
static void cacheDependencyHashIfNeeded(CompilerInstance &CI,
unsigned excludeBufferID,
llvm::StringMap<llvm::hash_code> &Map) {
auto &FS = CI.getFileSystem();
CI, excludeBufferID, [&](StringRef filename) {
if (Map.count(filename))
return false;
auto stat = FS.status(filename);
if (!stat)
return false;
// We will check the hash only if the modification time of the dependecy
// is zero. See 'areAnyDependentFilesInvalidated() below'.
if (stat->getLastModificationTime() != llvm::sys::TimePoint<>())
return false;
auto buf = FS.getBufferForFile(filename);
Map[filename] = llvm::hash_value(buf.get()->getBuffer());
return false;
/// Check if any dependent files are modified since \p timestamp.
static bool areAnyDependentFilesInvalidated(
CompilerInstance &CI, llvm::vfs::FileSystem &FS,
unsigned excludeBufferID, llvm::sys::TimePoint<> timestamp,
llvm::StringMap<llvm::hash_code> &Map) {
return forEachDependencyUntilTrue(
CI, excludeBufferID, [&](StringRef filePath) {
auto stat = FS.status(filePath);
if (!stat)
// Missing.
return true;
auto lastModTime = stat->getLastModificationTime();
if (lastModTime > timestamp)
// Modified.
return true;
// If the last modification time is zero, this file is probably from a
// virtual file system. We need to check the content.
if (lastModTime == llvm::sys::TimePoint<>()) {
// Get the hash code of the last content.
auto oldHashEntry = Map.find(filePath);
if (oldHashEntry == Map.end())
// Unreachable? Not virtual in old filesystem, but virtual in new
// one.
return true;
auto oldHash = oldHashEntry->second;
// Calculate the hash code of the current content.
auto newContent = FS.getBufferForFile(filePath);
if (!newContent)
// Unreachable? stat succeeded, but coundn't get the content.
return true;
auto newHash = llvm::hash_value(newContent.get()->getBuffer());
if (oldHash != newHash)
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
bool CompletionInstance::performCachedOperationIfPossible(
llvm::hash_code ArgsHash,
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> FileSystem,
llvm::MemoryBuffer *completionBuffer, unsigned int Offset,
DiagnosticConsumer *DiagC,
llvm::function_ref<void(CompilerInstance &, bool)> Callback) {
llvm::PrettyStackTraceString trace(
"While performing cached completion if possible");
if (!CachedCI)
return false;
if (CachedReuseCount >= Opts.MaxASTReuseCount)
return false;
if (CachedArgHash != ArgsHash)
return false;
auto &CI = *CachedCI;
auto *oldSF = CI.getCodeCompletionFile();
auto *oldState = oldSF->getDelayedParserState();
auto &oldInfo = oldState->getCodeCompletionDelayedDeclState();
auto &SM = CI.getSourceMgr();
auto bufferName = completionBuffer->getBufferIdentifier();
if (SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(*oldSF->getBufferID()) != bufferName)
return false;
if (shouldCheckDependencies()) {
if (areAnyDependentFilesInvalidated(
CI, *FileSystem, *oldSF->getBufferID(),
DependencyCheckedTimestamp, InMemoryDependencyHash))
return false;
DependencyCheckedTimestamp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// Parse the new buffer into temporary SourceFile.
SourceManager tmpSM;
auto tmpBufferID = tmpSM.addMemBufferCopy(completionBuffer);
tmpSM.setCodeCompletionPoint(tmpBufferID, Offset);
LangOptions langOpts = CI.getASTContext().LangOpts;
langOpts.DisableParserLookup = true;
// Ensure all non-function-body tokens are hashed into the interface hash
langOpts.EnableTypeFingerprints = false;
TypeCheckerOptions typeckOpts = CI.getASTContext().TypeCheckerOpts;
SearchPathOptions searchPathOpts = CI.getASTContext().SearchPathOpts;
DiagnosticEngine tmpDiags(tmpSM);
ClangImporterOptions clangOpts;
std::unique_ptr<ASTContext> tmpCtx(
ASTContext::get(langOpts, typeckOpts, searchPathOpts, clangOpts, tmpSM,
ModuleDecl *tmpM = ModuleDecl::create(Identifier(), *tmpCtx);
SourceFile *tmpSF = new (*tmpCtx)
SourceFile(*tmpM, oldSF->Kind, tmpBufferID, oldSF->getParsingOptions());
// FIXME: Since we don't setup module loaders on the temporary AST context,
// 'canImport()' conditional compilation directive always fails. That causes
// interface hash change and prevents fast-completion.
// Parse and get the completion context.
auto *newState = tmpSF->getDelayedParserState();
// Couldn't find any completion token?
if (!newState->hasCodeCompletionDelayedDeclState())
return false;
auto &newInfo = newState->getCodeCompletionDelayedDeclState();
unsigned newBufferID;
DeclContext *traceDC = nullptr;
switch (newInfo.Kind) {
case CodeCompletionDelayedDeclKind::FunctionBody: {
// If the interface has changed, AST must be refreshed.
llvm::SmallString<32> oldInterfaceHash{};
llvm::SmallString<32> newInterfaceHash{};
if (oldInterfaceHash != newInterfaceHash)
return false;
DeclContext *DC =
getEquivalentDeclContextFromSourceFile(newInfo.ParentContext, oldSF);
if (!DC || !isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC))
return false;
// OK, we can perform fast completion for this. Update the orignal delayed
// decl state.
// Fast completion keeps the buffer in memory for multiple completions.
// To reduce the consumption, slice the source buffer so it only holds
// the portion that is needed for the second pass.
auto startOffset = newInfo.StartOffset;
if (newInfo.PrevOffset != ~0u)
startOffset = newInfo.PrevOffset;
auto startLoc = tmpSM.getLocForOffset(tmpBufferID, startOffset);
startLoc = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(tmpSM, startLoc);
startOffset = tmpSM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(startLoc, tmpBufferID);
auto endOffset = newInfo.EndOffset;
auto endLoc = tmpSM.getLocForOffset(tmpBufferID, endOffset);
endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(tmpSM, endLoc);
endOffset = tmpSM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(endLoc, tmpBufferID);
newInfo.StartOffset -= startOffset;
newInfo.EndOffset -= startOffset;
if (newInfo.PrevOffset != ~0u)
newInfo.PrevOffset -= startOffset;
auto sourceText =
completionBuffer->getBuffer().slice(startOffset, endOffset);
auto newOffset = Offset - startOffset;
newBufferID = SM.addMemBufferCopy(sourceText, bufferName);
tmpSM.getPresumedLineAndColumnForLoc(startLoc).first -
SM.setCodeCompletionPoint(newBufferID, newOffset);
// Construct dummy scopes. We don't need to restore the original scope
// because they are probably not 'isResolvable()' anyway.
auto &SI = oldState->getScopeInfo();
assert(SI.getCurrentScope() == nullptr);
Scope Top(SI, ScopeKind::TopLevel);
Scope Body(SI, ScopeKind::FunctionBody);
oldInfo.ParentContext = DC;
oldInfo.StartOffset = newInfo.StartOffset;
oldInfo.EndOffset = newInfo.EndOffset;
oldInfo.PrevOffset = newInfo.PrevOffset;
auto newBufferStart = SM.getRangeForBuffer(newBufferID).getStart();
SourceRange newBodyRange(newBufferStart.getAdvancedLoc(newInfo.StartOffset),
auto *AFD = cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC);
SM.setReplacedRange({AFD->getOriginalBodySourceRange(), newBodyRange});
traceDC = AFD;
case CodeCompletionDelayedDeclKind::Decl:
case CodeCompletionDelayedDeclKind::TopLevelCodeDecl: {
// Support decl/top-level code only if the completion happens in a single
// file 'main' script (e.g. playground).
auto *oldM = oldInfo.ParentContext->getParentModule();
if (oldM->getFiles().size() != 1 || oldSF->Kind != SourceFileKind::Main)
return false;
// Perform fast completion.
// Prepare the new buffer in the source manager.
auto sourceText = completionBuffer->getBuffer();
if (newInfo.Kind == CodeCompletionDelayedDeclKind::TopLevelCodeDecl) {
// We don't need the source text after the top-level code.
auto endOffset = newInfo.EndOffset;
auto endLoc = tmpSM.getLocForOffset(tmpBufferID, endOffset);
endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(tmpSM, endLoc);
endOffset = tmpSM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(endLoc, tmpBufferID);
sourceText = sourceText.slice(0, endOffset);
newBufferID = SM.addMemBufferCopy(sourceText, bufferName);
SM.setCodeCompletionPoint(newBufferID, Offset);
// Create a new module and a source file using the current AST context.
auto &Ctx = oldM->getASTContext();
auto *newM = ModuleDecl::createMainModule(Ctx, oldM->getName(),
auto *newSF = new (Ctx) SourceFile(*newM, SourceFileKind::Main, newBufferID,
// Tell the compiler instance we've replaced the main module.
// Re-process the whole file (parsing will be lazily triggered). Still
// re-use imported modules.
traceDC = newM;
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto *reparsedState = newSF->getDelayedParserState();
assert(reparsedState->hasCodeCompletionDelayedDeclState() &&
"Didn't find completion token?");
auto &reparsedInfo = reparsedState->getCodeCompletionDelayedDeclState();
assert(reparsedInfo.Kind == newInfo.Kind);
PrettyStackTraceDeclContext trace("performing cached completion", traceDC);
if (DiagC)
Callback(CI, /*reusingASTContext=*/true);
if (DiagC)
CachedReuseCount += 1;
return true;
bool CompletionInstance::performNewOperation(
Optional<llvm::hash_code> ArgsHash, swift::CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> FileSystem,
llvm::MemoryBuffer *completionBuffer, unsigned int Offset,
std::string &Error, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagC,
llvm::function_ref<void(CompilerInstance &, bool)> Callback) {
llvm::PrettyStackTraceString trace("While performing new completion");
auto isCachedCompletionRequested = ArgsHash.hasValue();
auto TheInstance = std::make_unique<CompilerInstance>();
// Track non-system dependencies in fast-completion mode to invalidate the
// compiler instance if any dependent files are modified.
Invocation.getFrontendOptions().IntermoduleDependencyTracking =
auto &CI = *TheInstance;
if (DiagC)
if (DiagC)
if (FileSystem != llvm::vfs::getRealFileSystem())
Invocation.setCodeCompletionPoint(completionBuffer, Offset);
if (CI.setup(Invocation)) {
Error = "failed to setup compiler instance";
return false;
// If we're expecting a standard library, but there either isn't one, or it
// failed to load, let's bail early and hand back an empty completion
// result to avoid any downstream crashes.
if (CI.loadStdlibIfNeeded())
return true;
// If we didn't find a code completion token, bail.
auto *state = CI.getCodeCompletionFile()->getDelayedParserState();
if (!state->hasCodeCompletionDelayedDeclState())
return true;
Callback(CI, /*reusingASTContext=*/false);
// Cache the compiler instance if fast completion is enabled.
if (isCachedCompletionRequested)
cacheCompilerInstance(std::move(TheInstance), *ArgsHash);
return true;
void CompletionInstance::cacheCompilerInstance(
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> CI, llvm::hash_code ArgsHash) {
CachedCI = std::move(CI);
CachedArgHash = ArgsHash;
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
DependencyCheckedTimestamp = now;
CachedReuseCount = 0;
bool CompletionInstance::shouldCheckDependencies() const {
using namespace std::chrono;
auto now = system_clock::now();
auto threshold = DependencyCheckedTimestamp +
return threshold < now;
void CompletionInstance::setOptions(CompletionInstance::Options NewOpts) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
Opts = NewOpts;
bool swift::ide::CompletionInstance::performOperation(
swift::CompilerInvocation &Invocation, llvm::ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> FileSystem,
llvm::MemoryBuffer *completionBuffer, unsigned int Offset,
std::string &Error, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagC,
llvm::function_ref<void(CompilerInstance &, bool)> Callback) {
// Always disable source location resolutions from .swiftsourceinfo file
// because they're somewhat heavy operations and aren't needed for completion.
Invocation.getFrontendOptions().IgnoreSwiftSourceInfo = true;
// Disable to build syntax tree because code-completion skips some portion of
// source text. That breaks an invariant of syntax tree building.
Invocation.getLangOptions().BuildSyntaxTree = false;
// Since caching uses the interface hash, and since per type fingerprints
// weaken that hash, disable them here:
Invocation.getLangOptions().EnableTypeFingerprints = false;
// We don't need token list.
Invocation.getLangOptions().CollectParsedToken = false;
// Compute the signature of the invocation.
llvm::hash_code ArgsHash(0);
for (auto arg : Args)
ArgsHash = llvm::hash_combine(ArgsHash, StringRef(arg));
// Concurrent completions will block so that they have higher chance to use
// the cached completion instance.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
if (performCachedOperationIfPossible(ArgsHash, FileSystem, completionBuffer,
Offset, DiagC, Callback)) {
return true;
if(performNewOperation(ArgsHash, Invocation, FileSystem, completionBuffer,
Offset, Error, DiagC, Callback)) {
return true;
return false;