blob: 8150ab114ef1a8c7b5d8dc0ce2bb96734f34439f [file] [log] [blame]
.. warning:: This proposal was rejected. We explored a number of alternate
syntaxes for method names that both allowed describing arguments and were
compatible with Objective-C selectors.
We make the following incremental language changes:
- We make it so that selector-style declaration syntax declares a
**selector name** for a method. ``func foo(_ x:T) bar(y:U)`` declares a method
named with a new selector reference syntax, ````. This method
cannot be referenced as ``foo``; it can only be referenced as
````, or with keyword application syntax,
``, bar: y)``.
- We change keywords in parens, as in ``(a: x, b: y)`` to be a feature of
apply syntax, instead of a feature of tuple literals. Name lookup changes to
resolve keywords according to the function declaration rather than to the
context tuple type. For tuple-style declarations ``func foo(_ a: Int, b: Int)``,
keywords are optional and can be reordered. For selector-style declarations
``func foo(_ a: Int) bar(b: Int)``, the keywords are required and must appear
in order.
- With keyword arguments no longer reliant on tuple types, we simplify the
tuple type system by removing keywords from tuple types.
Keyword Apply Syntax
expr-apply ::= expr-postfix '(' (kw-arg (',' kw-arg)*)? ')'
kw-arg ::= (identifier ':')? expr
// Examples
foo(1, 2, 3)
foo(1, bar: 2, bas: 3)
foo!(1, bar: 2, bas: 3), bar: 2, bas: 3)
Keyword syntax becomes a feature of apply expressions. When a named
function or method is applied, a declaration is looked up using the name and any
keyword arguments that are provided. An arbitrary expression that produces
a function result may be applied, but cannot be used with keyword arguments.
Named Application Lookup
A named application is matched to a declaration using both the base name, which
appears to the left of the open parens, and the keyword arguments that are
provided. The matching rules are different for "tuple-style" and
"keyword-style" declarations:
Finding the base name
The callee of an apply is an arbitrary expression. If the expression is a
standalone declaration reference or a member reference, then the apply is a
**named application**, and the name is used as the **base name** during function
name lookup, as described below. Certain expression productions are looked
through when looking for a base name:
- The ``Optional`` postfix operators ``!`` and ``?``.
``!()`` and ``bas?()`` are named applications, as is ``foo?!?()``.
- Parens. ``(``` is a named application.
These productions are looked through to arbitrary depth, so ``((foo!?)?!)()``
is also a named application.
Unnamed applications cannot use keyword arguments.
Tuple-Style Declarations
A tuple-style declaration matches a named application if:
- The base name matches the name of the declaration::
func foo(_ x: Int, y: Int) {}
foo(1, 2) // matches
bar(1, 2) // doesn't match
- Positional arguments, that is, arguments without keywords, must be convertible
to the type of the corresponding positional parameter of the declaration::
func foo(_ x: Int, y: Int) {}
foo(1, 2) // matches
foo("one", 2) // doesn't match
foo(1, "two") // doesn't match
foo("one", "two") // doesn't match
- Keyword names, if present, must match the declared name of a parameter in the
declaration, and the corresponding argument must be convertible to the type
of the parameter in the declaration. The same keyword name may not be used
multiple times, and the same argument cannot be provided positionally and
by keyword. All keyword arguments must follow all positional arguments::
func foo(_ x: Int, y: String, z: UnicodeScalar) {}
foo(1, "two", '3') // matches
foo(1, "two", z: '3') // matches
foo(1, y: "two", '3') // invalid, positional arg after keyword arg
foo(1, z: '3', y: "two") // matches
foo(z: '3', x: 1, y: "two") // matches
foo(z: '3', q: 1, y: "two") // doesn't match; no keyword 'q'
foo(1, "two", '3', x: 4) // doesn't match; 'x' already given positionally
foo(1, "two", z: '3', z: '4') // doesn't match; multiple 'z'
As an exception, a trailing closure argument always positionally matches
the last declared parameter, and can appear after keyword arguments::
func foo(_ x: Int, y: String, f: () -> ()
foo(y: "two", x: 1) { } // matches
- If the final declared keyword parameter takes a variadic argument, the keyword
in the argument list may be followed by multiple
non-keyworded arguments. All arguments up to either the next keyword or
the end of the argument list become that keyword's argument::
func foo(_ x: Int, y: String, z: UnicodeScalar...) {}
foo(1, "two", '3', '4', '5') // matches, z = ['3', '4', '5']
foo(1, "two", z: '3', '4', '5') // same
foo(1, z: '3', '4', '5', y: "two") // same
- If the base name is the name of a non-function definition of function type,
the input types match the input type of the referenced function value, and
there are no keyword arguments::
var foo: (Int, Int) -> ()
foo(1, 2) // matches
foo(x: 1, y: 2) // doesn't match
Selector-Style Declarations
A selector-style declaration matches a named application if:
- The expression must provide keywords for all of its arguments but the first.
It must *not* provide a keyword for the first argument::
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(y: String) bas(z: UnicodeScalar) {}
foo(1, "two", '3') // doesn't match; no keywords
foo(x: 1, bar: "two", bas: '3') // doesn't match; first keyword provided
foo(1, bar: "two", bas: '3') // matches
- The base name of the apply expression must match the first declared selector
piece. The subsequent argument keyword names must match the remaining selector
pieces in order. The same keyword name may be used multiple times, to refer
to selector pieces with the same name. The argument values must be convertible
to the declared types of each selector piece's parameter::
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(y: String) bas(z: UnicodeScalar) {}
foo(1, bar: "two", bas: '3') // matches
foo(1, bas: '3', bar: "two") // doesn't match; wrong selector piece order
foo(1, bar: '2', bas: "three") // doesn't match; wrong types
func foo(_ x: Int) foo(y: String) foo(z: UnicodeScalar) {}
foo(1, foo: "two", foo: '3') // matches
- If the final selector piece declares a variadic parameter, then the keyword
in the call expression may be followed by multiple arguments. All arguments
up to the end of the argument list become the keyword parameter's value.
(Because of strict keyword ordering, additional keywords may not follow.)
For example::
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(y: String...) {}
foo(1, bar: "two", "three", "four") // matches, y = ["two", "three", "four"]
- If the final selector piece declares a function parameter, then the function
can be called using trailing closure syntax omitting the keyword. The keyword
is still required when trailing closure syntax is not used. For example::
func foo(_ x: Int) withBlock(f: () -> ())
foo(1, withBlock: { }) // matches
foo(1, { }) // doesn't match
foo(1) { } // matches
Trailing closure syntax can introduce ambiguities when selector-style
functions differ only in their final closure selector piece::
func foo(_ x: Int) onCompletion(f: () -> ())
func foo(_ x: Int) onError(f: () -> ())
foo(1) { } // error: ambiguous
Duplicate Definitions
Tuple-Style Declarations
Keyword names are part of a tuple-style declaration, but they are not part
of the declaration's name, they are not part of the declaration's type, and
they are not part of the declaration's ABI. Two tuple-style declarations that
differ only in keyword names are considered duplicates::
// Error: Duplicate definition of foo(Int, Int) -> ()
func foo(_ a: Int, b: Int) {}
func foo(_ x: Int, y: Int) {}
Selector-Style Declarations
The name of a selector-style declaration comprises all of its selector pieces in
declaration order. Selector-style declarations can be overloaded by selector
name, by selector order, and by type::
// OK, no duplicates
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(y: Int) bas(z: Int)
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(y: Int) zim(z: Int)
func foo(_ x: Int) bas(y: Int) bar(z: Int)
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(y: Int) bas(z: Float)
Tuple- and selector-style declarations are not considered duplicates, even if
they can match the same keywords with the same types::
// OK, not duplicates
func foo(_ x: Int, bar: Int)
func foo(_ x: Int) bar(x: Int)
Unapplied Name Lookup
An unapplied declaration reference ``identifier`` or member reference
``obj.identifier`` finds any tuple-style declaration whose name matches the
referenced name. It never finds selector-style declarations::
func foo(_ a: Int, b: Int) {}
func foo(_ a: Int) bar(b: Int) {}
var f = foo // Finds foo(Int, Int) -> (), not foo:bar:
Selector Name Lookup
expr-selector-member-ref ::= expr-postfix '.' identifier ':' (identifier ':')+
Unapplied selector-style declarations can be referenced as a member of their
enclosing context using selector member reference expressions. The name must
consist of at least two selector pieces, each followed by a colon. (A single
identifier followed by a colon, such as ````, is parsed as a normal
member reference ```` followed by a colon.) A selector member reference
expression finds any selector-style declarations whose selector pieces match the
named selector pieces in order::
class C {
func foo(_ a: Int) bar(b: Int) bas(c: Int)
func foo(_ a: Int) bas(b: Int) bar(c: Int)
func foo(_ a: Int, bar: Int, bas: Int)
var c: C // Finds (not or // Finds // Finds
QoI Issues
Under this proposal, keyword resolution relies on being able to find a named
function declaration. This means that keywords cannot be used with arbitrary
expressions of function type.
We however still need to parse keywords in nameless applications for recovery.
There are also functional operators like ``!`` and ``?`` that we need to
forward keyword arguments through. Are there others? What about parens?
``(foo)(bar: x)`` should probably work.
This proposal also prevents a single-element name from being referenced with
selector syntax as ````. For QoI, we should recognize attempts to
reference a member in this way, such as ``if var f = {}`` or
``[ bas]``, and fixit away the trailing colon.