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Constructors and Initialization in Swift
.. warning:: This proposal was rejected, though it helped in the design of the
final Swift 1 initialization model.
.. contents::
Initialization in Objective-C
In Objective-C, object allocation and initialization are separate
operations that are (by convention) always used together. One sends
the ``alloc`` message to the class to allocate it, then sends an
``init`` (or other message in the init family) to the newly-allocated
object, for example::
[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:"initialization"]
Two-Phase Initialization
The separation of allocation and initialization implies that
initialization is a two-phase process. In the first phase
(allocation), memory is allocated and the memory associated with all
instance variables is zero'd out. In the second phase, in which the
appropriate "init" instance method is invoked, the instance variables
are (manually) initialized.
Note that an object is considered to be fully constructor after
allocation but before initialization. Therefore, a message send
initiated from a superclass's ``init`` can invoke a method in a
subclass whose own ``init`` has not completed. A contrived example::
@interface A : NSObject {
NSString *_description;
- (id)init;
- (NSString*)description;
@implementation A
- (id)init {
self = [super init]
if (self) {
_description = [self description];
return self;
- (NSString *)description {
return @"A";
@interface B : A
@property NSString *title;
@implementation B
- (id)init {
self = [super init]
if (self) {
self->title = @"Hello";
return self;
-(NSString *)description {
return self->title;
During the second phase of initialization, A's ``-init`` method
invokes the ``-description`` method, which ends up in B's
``-description``. Here, ``title`` will be ``nil`` even though the
apparent invariant (when looking at B's ``-init`` method) is that
``title`` is never nil, because B's ``-init`` method has not yet
finished execution.
In a language with single-phase initialization (such as C++, Java, or
C# constructors), the object is considered to have the type of the
constructor currently executing for the purposes of dynamic
dispatch. For the Objective-C example above, this would mean that when
A's ``-init`` sends the ``description`` message, it would invoke A's
``-description``. This is somewhat safer than two-phase
initialization, because the programmer does not have to deal with the
possibility of executing one's methods before the initialization of
one's instance variables have completed. It is also less flexible.
Designated Initializers
One of the benefits of Objective-C's ``init`` methods is that they are
instance methods, and therefore are inherited. One need not override
the ``init`` methods in a subclass unless that subclass has additional
instance variables that require initialization. However, when a
subclass does introduce additional instance variables that require
initialization, which ``init`` methods should it override? If the
answer is "all of them", then initializer inheritance isn't all that
Objective-C convention has the notion of a `designated initializer`_
which is, roughly, an initializer method that is responsible for
calling one of it's superclass's initializers, then initializing its
own instance variables. Initializers that are not designated
initializers are "secondary" initializers: they typically delegate to
another initializer (eventually terminating the chain at a designated
initializer) rather than performing initialization themselves. For
example, consider the following ``Task`` class (from the
aforementioned "Concepts in Objective-C Programming" document)::
@interface Task
@property NSString *title;
@property NSDate *date;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle date:(NSDate *)aDate;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle;
- (id)init;
@implementation Task
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle date:(NSDate *)aDate {
title = aTitle;
date = aDate;
return self;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle {
return [self initWithTitle:aTitle date:[NSDate date]];
- (id)init {
return [self initWithTitle:@"Task"];
The first initializer is the designated initializer, which directly
initializes the instance variables from its parameters. The second two
initializers are secondary initializers, which delegate to other
initializers, eventually reaching the designated initializer.
A subclass should override all of its superclass's designated
initializers, but it need not override the secondary initializers. We
can illustrate this with a subclass of ``Task`` that introduces a new
instance variable::
@interface PackagedTask : Task
@property dispatch_queue_t queue;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle date:(NSDate *)aDate;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle date:(NSDate *)aDate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)aQueue;
@implementation PackagedTask
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle date:(NSDate *)aDate {
return [self initWithTitle:aTitle
queue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)];
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString * aTitle date:(NSDate *)aDate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)aQueue {
self = [super initWithTitle:aTitle date:aDate];
if (self) {
queue = aQueue;
return self;
``PackagedTask`` overrides ``Task``'s designated initializer,
``-initWithTitle:date:``, which then becomes a secondary initializer
of ``PackagedTask``, whose only designated initializer is
``initWithTitle:date:queue:``. The latter method invokes its
superclass's designated initializer (``-[Task initWithTitle:date:]``),
then initializes its own instance variable. By following the rules of
designated initializers mentioned above, one ensures that the
inherited secondary initializers still work. Consider the execution
of ``[[PackagedTask alloc] init]``:
* A ``PackagedTask`` object is allocated.
* ``-[Task init]`` executes, which delegates to ``-[Task
* ``-[Task initWithTitle]`` delegates to ``-initWithTitle:date:``,
which executes ``-[PackagedTask initWithTitle:date:]``.
* ``-[PackagedTask initWithTitle:date:]`` invokes ``-[Task
initWithTitle:date:]`` to initialize ``Task``'s instance variables,
then initializes its own instance variables.
The Middle Phase of Initialization
Objective-C's two-phase initialization actually has a third part,
which occurs between the zeroing of the instance variables and the
call to the initialization. This initialization invokes the default
constructors for instance variables of C++ class type when those
default constructors are not trivial. For example::
@interface A
struct X {
X() { printf("X()\n"); }
@interface A : NSObject {
X x;
When constructing an object with ``[[A alloc] init]``, the default
constructor for ``X`` will execute after the instance variables are
zeroed but before ``+alloc`` returns.
Swift Constructors
Swift's constructors merge both allocation and initialization into a
single function. One constructs a new object with type construction
syntax as follows::
Task(title:"My task", date:NSDate())
The object will be allocated (via Swift's allocation routines) and the
corresponding constructor will be invoked to perform the
initialization. The constructor itself might look like this::
class Task {
var title : String
var date : NSDate
constructor(title : String = "Task", date : NSDate = NSDate()) {
self.title = title = date
Due to the use of default arguments, one can create a task an any of
the following ways::
Task(title:"My task")
Task(title:"My task", date:NSDate())
Constructor Delegation
Although our use of default arguments has eliminated the need for the
various secondary constructors in the Objective-C version of the
``Task`` class, there are other reasons why one might want to have one
constructor in a class call another to perform initialization
(called constructor *delegation*). For example, default arguments
cannot make use of other argument values, and one may have a more
complicated default value. For example, the default title could depend
on the provided date. Swift should support constructor delegation for
this use case::
constructor(title : String, date : NSDate = NSDate()) {
self.title = title = date
constructor(date : NSDate = NSDate()) {
/*self.*/constructor(title:"Task created on " + date.description(),
A constructor that delegates to another constructor must do so before
using or initializing any of its instance variables. This property can
be verified via definite initialization analysis.
Superclass Constructors
When one class inherits another, each constructor within the subclass
must call one of its superclass's constructors before using or
initializing any of its instance variables, which is also verified via
definite initialization analysis. For example, the Swift
``PackagedTask`` class could be implemented as::
class PackagedTask : Task {
var queue : dispatch_queue_t
constructor(title : String, date : NSDate = NSDate(),
queue : dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
super.constructor(title:title, date:date)
self.queue = queue
Instance Variable Initialization
Swift allows instance variables to be provided with an initializer,
which will be called as part of initialization of an object. For
example, we could provide initializers for the members of ``Task`` as
class Task {
var title : String = "Title"
var date : NSDate = NSDate()
Here, one does not need to write any constructor: a default,
zero-parameter constructor will be synthesized by the compiler, which
runs the provided instance variable initializations. Similarly, if I
did write a constructor but did not initialize all of the instance
variables, each uninitialized instance variable would be initialized
by its provided initializer. While this is mainly programmer
convenience (one need only write the common initialization for an
instance variable once, rather than once per non-delegating
constructor), it may also have an impact on the overall initialization
story (see below).
One- or Two-Phase Initialization?
Swift's current model it attempts to ensure that instance variables
are initialized before they are used via definite initialization
analysis. However, we haven't yet specified whether dynamic dispatch
during initialization sees the object as being of the
currently-executing constructor's type (as in C++/Java/C#) or of the
final subclass's type (as in Objective-C).
I propose that we follow the C++/Java/C# precedent, which allows us to
ensure (within Swift code) that an instance variable is never accessed
before it has been initialized, eliminating the safety concerns
introduced by Objective-C's two-phase initialization. Practically
speaking, this means that the vtable/isa pointer should be set to the
constructor's type while the constructor executes.
This model complicates constructor inheritance considerably. A
secondary initializer in Objective-C works by delegating to
(eventually) a designated initializer, which is overridden by the
subclass. Following the C++/Java/C# precedent breaks this pattern,
because the overriding designated initializer will never be invoked.
Constructor Inheritance
Currently, constructors in Swift are not inherited. This is a
limitation that Swift's constructor model shares with C++98/03, Java,
and C#, and a regression from Objective-C. C++11 introduced the notion
of inherited constructors. It is an opt-in feature, introduced into
one's class with a using declaration such as::
using MySuperclass::MySuperclass;
C++11 inherited constructors are implemented by essentially copying
the signatures of all of the superclass's constructors into the
subclass, ignoring those for which the subclass already has a
constructor with the same signature. This approach does not translate
well to Swift, because there is no way to gather all of the
constructors in either the superclass or the subclass due to the
presence of class extensions.
One potential approach is to bring Objective-C's notion of designated
and secondary initializers into Swift. A "designated" constructor is
responsible for calling the superclass constructor and then
initializing its own instance variables.
A "secondary" constructor can be written in the class definition or an
extension. A secondary constructor must delegate to another
constructor, which will find the constructor to delegate to based on
the type of the eventual subclass of the object. Thus, the subclass's
override of the designated constructor will initialize all of the
instance variables before continuing execution of the secondary
For the above to be safe, we need to ensure that subclasses
override all of the designated constructors of their
superclass. Therefore, we require that designated constructors be
written within the class definition [#]_. Secondary constructors can
be written in either the class definition or an
In Objective-C, classes generally only have one or two designated
initializers, so having to override them doesn't seem too onerous. If
it begins to feel like boilerplate, we could perform the override
automatically when all of the instance variables of the subclass
themselves have initializers.
Note that the requirement that all designated constructors be
initializable means that adding a new designated constructor to a
class is both an ABI- and API-breaking change.
Syntactically, we could introduce some kind of attribute or keyword to
distinguish designated constructors from secondary
constructors. Straw men: ``[designated]`` for designated constructors,
which is implied for constructors in the class definition, and
``[inherited]`` for secondary constructors, which is implied for
constructors in class extensions.
.. [#] We could be slightly more lenient here, allowing designated
constructors to be written in any class extension within the
same module as the class definition.
Class Clusters and Assignment to Self
Objective-C Interoperability
The proposed Swift model for constructors needs to interoperate well
with Objective-C, both for Objective-C classes imported into Swift and
for Swift classes imported into Objective-C.
Constructor <-> Initializer Mapping
Fundamental to the interoperability story is that Swift constructors
serve the same role as Objective-C initializers, and therefore should
be interoperable. An Objective-C object should be constructible with
Swift construction syntax, e.g.,::
and one should be able to override an Objective-C initializer in a
Swift subclass by writing a constructor, e.g.,::
class Task : NSObject {
constructor () {
super.constructor() // invokes -[NSObject init]
// perform initialization
On the Objective-C side, one should be able to create a ``Task``
object with ``[[Task alloc] init]``, subclass ``Task`` to override
``-init``, and so on.
Each Swift constructor has both its two Swift entry points (one that
allocates the object, one that initializes it) and an Objective-C
entry point for the initializer. Given a Swift constructor, the
selector for the Objective-C entry point is formed by:
* For the first selector piece, prepending the string ''init'' to the
capitalized name of the first parameter.
* For the remaining selector pieces, the names of the remaining
For example, given the Swift constructor::
constructor withTitle(aTitle : String) date(aDate : NSDate) {
// ...
the Objective-C entry point will have the selector
``initWithTitle:date:``. Missing parameter names will be holes in the
selector (e.g., ''init::::''). If the constructor either has zero
parameters or if it has a single parameter with ``Void``
type (i.e., the empty tuple ``()``), the selector will be a
zero-argument selector with no trailing colon, e.g.,::
constructor toMemory(_ : ()) { /* ... */ }
maps to the selector ``initToMemory``.
This mapping is reversible: given a selector in the "init" family,
i.e., where the first word is "init", we split the selector into its
various pieces at the colons:
* For the first piece, we remove the "init" and then lowercase the
next character *unless* the second character is also uppercase. This
becomes the name of the first parameter to the constructor. If this
string is non-empty and the selector is a zero-argument selector
(i.e., no trailing ``:``), the first (only) parameter has ``Void``
* For the remaining pieces, we use the selector piece as the name of
the corresponding parameter to the constructor.
Note that this scheme intentionally ignores methods that don't have
the leading ``init`` keyword, including (e.g.) methods starting with
``_init`` or methods with completely different names that have been
tagged as being in the ``init`` family in Objective-C (via the
``objc_method_family`` attribute in Clang). We consider these cases to
be rare enough that we don't want to pessimize the conventional
``init`` methods to accommodate them.
Designated Initializers
Designed initializers in Objective-C are currently identified by
documentation and convention. To strengthen these conventions and make
it possible to mechanically verify (in Swift) that all designated
initializers have been overridden, we should introduce a Clang method
attribute ``objc_designated_initializer`` that can be applied to the
designated initializers in Objective-C. Clang can then be extended to
perform similar checking to what we're describing for Swift:
designated initializers delegate or chain to the superclass
constructor, secondary constructors always delegate, and subclassing
requires one to override the designated initializers. The impact can
be softened somewhat using warnings or other heuristics, to be
(separately) determined.
Nil and Re-assigned Self
An Objective-C initializer can return a self pointer that is different
than the one it was called with. When this happens, it is either due
to an error (in which case it will return nil) or because the object
is being substituted for another object.
In both cases, we are left with a partially-constructed object that
then needs to be destroyed, even though its instance variables may not
yet have been initialized. This is also a problem for Objective-C,
which makes returning anything other than the original ''self''
In Swift, we will have a separate error-handling mechanism to report
failures. A Swift constructor will not be allowed to return a value;
rather, it should raise an error if an error occurs, and that error
will be propagated however we eventually decide to implement error
Object substitution is the more complicated feature. I propose that we
do not initially support object substitution within Swift
constructors. However, for memory safety we do need to recognize when
calling the superclass constructor or delegating to another
constructor has replaced the object (which can happen in Objective-C
code). Aside from the need to destroy the original object, the
instance variables of the new object will already have been
initialized, so our "initialization" of those instance variables is
actually assignment. The code generation for constructors will need to
account for this.
This proposal is complicated, in part because it's trying to balance
the safety goals of Swift against the convenience of Objective-C's
two-phase initialization.
Separate Swift Constructors from Objective-C Initializers
Rather than try to adapt Swift's constructors to work with
Objective-C's initializers, we could instead keep these features
distinct. Swift constructors would maintain their current behavior
(which ensures that instance variables are always initialized), and
neither override nor introduce Objective-C initializers as entry
In this world, one would still have to implement ``init`` methods in
Swift classes to override Objective-C initializers or make a Swift
object constructible in Objective-C via the ``alloc/init``
pattern. Swift constructors would not be inherited, or would use some
mechanism like C++11's inherited constructors. As we do today, Swift's
Clang importer could introduce constructors into Objective-C classes
that simply forward to the underlying initializers, so that we get
Swift's object construction syntax. However, the need to write
``init`` methods when subclasses would feel like a kludge.
Embrace Two-Phase Initialization
We could switch Swift whole-heartedly over to two-phase
initialization, eliminating constructors in favor of ``init``
methods. We would likely want to ensure that all instance variables
get initialized before the ``init`` methods ever run, for safety
reasons. This could be handled by (for example) requiring initializers
on all instance variables, and running those initializers after
allocation and before the ``init`` methods are called, the same way
that instance variables with non-trivial default constructors are
handled in Objective-C++. We would still likely need the notion of a
designated initializer in Objective-C to make this safe in Swift,
since we need to know which Objective-C initializers are guaranteed to
initialize those instance variables not written in Swift.
This choice makes interoperability with Objective-C easier (since
we're adopting Objective-C's model), but it makes safety either harder
(e.g., we have to make all of our methods guard against uninitialized
instance variables) or more onerous (requiring initializers on the
declarations of all instance variables).
.. _designated initializer: