blob: fb1a71543af1ed49a8c76d72f2d2b410a11f6d78 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "swift/Basic/SuccessorMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <map>
#include <random>
const unsigned RandomSpread = 10;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::random_device randomDevice; // used for seeding
std::default_random_engine generator(randomDevice());
std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution(0,RandomSpread);
swift::SuccessorMap<unsigned, unsigned> map;
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> stdMap;
if (argc < 0) map.dump(); // force this to be used
auto next = [&] { return distribution(generator); };
auto nextUnmappedKey = [&] {
unsigned key;
do {
key = next();
} while (stdMap.find(key) != stdMap.end());
return key;
while (true) {
auto operation = next();
// Find.
if (operation >= .7 * RandomSpread) {
unsigned key = nextUnmappedKey();
auto iter = stdMap.upper_bound(key);
auto stdResult = (iter == stdMap.end() ? nullptr : &iter->second);
llvm::outs() << " EXPECT_EQ(";
if (stdResult) {
llvm::outs() << *stdResult << ", *";
} else {
llvm::outs() << "InvalidValue, ";
llvm::outs() << "map.findLeastUpperBound(" << key << "));\n";
auto result = map.findLeastUpperBound(key);
if (result && stdResult && *result != *stdResult) {
llvm::outs() << "FAILURE: found " << *result
<< ", but should have found " << *stdResult << "\n";
} else if (!result && stdResult) {
llvm::outs() << "FAILURE: found nothing, but should have found "
<< *stdResult << "\n";
} else if (result && !stdResult) {
llvm::outs() << "FAILURE: found " << *result
<< ", but should have found nothing\n";
} else if (operation >= .05 * RandomSpread) {
unsigned key = nextUnmappedKey();
unsigned value = next();
llvm::outs() << " map.insert(" << key << ", " << value << ");\n";
map.insert((unsigned) key, (unsigned) value);
stdMap.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
} else {
llvm::outs() << " map.clear();\n";
llvm::outs() << " map.validate();\n";