blob: 83c41e2c0281c6ebc92135f5ec5d7c7506d9ed80 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import print_function
import md5
import os
import sys
import list_reducer
from list_reducer import TESTRESULT_KEEPPREFIX
from list_reducer import TESTRESULT_KEEPSUFFIX
from list_reducer import TESTRESULT_NOFAILURE
import swift_tools
class ReduceMiscompilingFunctions(list_reducer.ListReducer):
def __init__(self, functions, silextract, tester):
list_reducer.ListReducer.__init__(self, functions)
self.silextract = silextract
self.tester = tester
def run_test(self, prefix, suffix):
if len(suffix) > 0 and self._test_funclist(suffix):
return (TESTRESULT_KEEPSUFFIX, prefix, suffix)
if len(prefix) > 0 and self._test_funclist(prefix):
return (TESTRESULT_KEEPPREFIX, prefix, suffix)
return (TESTRESULT_NOFAILURE, prefix, suffix)
# Split functions in a module into two groups: Those that are under
# consideration for miscompilation vs those that are not. Eventually, we
# will split the module into separate partial modules and then compile so
# we can find miscompiles. For now, we just look for crashsers in the
# optimizer.
def _test_funclist(self, funcs):
funclist_hash = self.get_funclist_hash(funcs)
funclist_path = os.path.join(self.silextract.config.work_dir,
'func_list_' + funclist_hash)
with open(funclist_path, 'w') as funclist_file:
for f in funcs:
funclist_file.write(f + '\n')
print("Checking to see if the program is misoptimized with func "
"list: %s" % funclist_path)
# Split the module into the two halves of the program.
(outfile_stem, outfile_invert_stem) = \
outfile = self.silextract.get_suffixed_filename(outfile_stem)
outfile_invert = \
self.silextract.invoke_with_functions(funclist_path, outfile)
self.silextract.invoke_with_functions(funclist_path, outfile_invert,
return self.tester(outfile, outfile_stem, outfile_invert,
def get_output_filename_stems(self, funclist_hash):
filename_stem = funclist_hash
return (filename_stem, filename_stem + '_invert')
def get_funclist_hash(self, funcs):
m =
for f in funcs:
return m.hexdigest()
class OptimizerTester(object):
def __init__(self, silopt, passes):
self.silopt = silopt
self.result = None
self.passes = ['-' + p for p in passes]
m =
for p in passes:
self.pass_hash = m.hexdigest()
def get_filepaths(self, optstem, nooptstem):
f = self.silopt.get_suffixed_filename
return (f(optstem + '_' + self.pass_hash),
f(nooptstem + '_' + self.pass_hash))
def __call__(self, filepath_to_opt, filepath_to_opt_stem,
filepath_to_notopt, filepath_to_notopt_stem):
(out_optpath, out_nooptpath) = \
self.get_filepaths(filepath_to_opt_stem, filepath_to_notopt_stem)
sys.stdout.write("Trying to optimize functions...")
self.silopt.input_file = filepath_to_opt
result = self.silopt.invoke_with_passlist(self.passes, out_optpath)
if result['exit_code'] == 0:
print(' NOCRASH!\n')
self.result = self.silopt.input_file
print(' CRASH!\n')
return result['exit_code']
def function_bug_reducer(input_file, nm, sil_opt_invoker, sil_extract_invoker,
functions = [s[1] for s in nm.get_symbols(input_file) if s[0] == 'F']
print("Base case crashes! Trying to reduce *.sib file")
# Otherwise, reduce the list of pases that cause the optimzier to crash.
tester = OptimizerTester(sil_opt_invoker, pass_list)
r = ReduceMiscompilingFunctions(functions, sil_extract_invoker,
if not r.reduce_list():
print("Failed to find miscompiling pass list!")
sil_opt_invoker.input_file = tester.result
cmdline = sil_opt_invoker.cmdline_with_passlist(pass_list)
print("*** Successfully Reduced file!")
print("*** Final File: %s" % sil_opt_invoker.input_file)
print("*** Final Functions: %s" % (' '.join(r.target_list)))
print("*** Repro command line: %s" % (' '.join(cmdline)))
def invoke_function_bug_reducer(args):
"""Given a path to a sib file with canonical sil, attempt to find a perturbed
list of function given a specific pass that causes the perf pipeline to crash
tools = swift_tools.SwiftTools(args.swift_build_dir)
config = swift_tools.SILToolInvokerConfig(args)
nm = swift_tools.SILNMInvoker(config, tools)
input_file = args.input_file
extra_args = args.extra_args
sil_opt_invoker = swift_tools.SILOptInvoker(config, tools,
# Make sure that the base case /does/ crash.
filename = sil_opt_invoker.get_suffixed_filename('base_case')
result = sil_opt_invoker.invoke_with_passlist(args.pass_list, filename)
# If we succeed, there is no further work to do.
if result['exit_code'] == 0:
print("Success with PassList: %s" % (' '.join(args.pass_list)))
sil_extract_invoker = swift_tools.SILFuncExtractorInvoker(config,
function_bug_reducer(input_file, nm, sil_opt_invoker, sil_extract_invoker,
def add_parser_arguments(parser):
"""Add parser arguments for func_bug_reducer"""
parser.add_argument('input_file', help='The input file to optimize')
parser.add_argument('--module-cache', help='The module cache to use')
parser.add_argument('--sdk', help='The sdk to pass to sil-func-extractor')
parser.add_argument('--target', help='The target to pass to '
help='The resource-dir to pass to sil-func-extractor')
help='Working directory to use for temp files',
help='The name of the module we are optimizing')
parser.add_argument('--pass', help='pass to test', dest='pass_list',
parser.add_argument('--extra-silopt-arg', help='extra argument to pass to '
dest='extra_args', action='append')