blob: 3922d6c18d59e8ae6390690a554eecd7de62e085 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
struct Int64Distance<Element>: Collection {
let _storage: [Element]
typealias Index = Int64
typealias IndexDistance = Int64
var startIndex: Index { return Int64(_storage.startIndex) }
var endIndex: Index { return Int64(_storage.startIndex) }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { return i + 1 }
subscript(i: Index) -> Element { return _storage[Int(i)] }
let c = Int64Distance(_storage: [1,2,3])
let i64: Int64 = 2
_ = c.index(c.startIndex, offsetBy: i64) // expected-warning {{'index(_:offsetBy:)' is deprecated: all index distances are now of type Int}}
let _: Int64 = c.distance(from: c.startIndex, to: c.endIndex) // expected-warning {{distance(from:to:)' is deprecated: all index distances are now of type Int}}