blob: c9494084d98ab0e1c4c3820116684bd7e4baf767 [file] [log] [blame]
// Natural numbers encoded as types:
protocol NaturalNumberType { static var intValue: Int { get } }
struct NaturalNumberZero : NaturalNumberType {
static var intValue: Int { return 0 }
struct NaturalNumberSuccessorOf<T: NaturalNumberType> : NaturalNumberType {
static var intValue: Int { return T.intValue + 1 }
// See FourFloats below for an example of how to use the following:
protocol StaticStorageType {
associatedtype Element
associatedtype Count: NaturalNumberType
extension StaticStorageType {
typealias Successor = StaticStorageSuccessorOf<Self>
struct StaticStorageOfOne<E> : StaticStorageType {
typealias Element = E
typealias Count = NaturalNumberZero
var storage: Element
struct StaticStorageSuccessorOf<T: StaticStorageType> : StaticStorageType {
typealias Element = T.Element
typealias Count = NaturalNumberSuccessorOf<T.Count>
var storage: (Element, T)
// Using the StaticStorage-thing:
typealias FourFloats = StaticStorageOfOne<Float>.Successor.Successor.Successor
// This function works and will print the number of bytes of FourFloats, ie 16.
// But compiler will crash if an identical function is declared in main.swift.
func definedInOther() { print(MemoryLayout<FourFloats>.size) }