blob: ef1933fe6c68b27f9318663a8cc30a25ee08b414 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
private func privateFunction() {}
// expected-note@-1{{global function 'privateFunction()' is not '@usableFromInline' or public}}
fileprivate func fileprivateFunction() {}
// expected-note@-1{{global function 'fileprivateFunction()' is not '@usableFromInline' or public}}
func internalFunction() {}
// expected-note@-1{{global function 'internalFunction()' is not '@usableFromInline' or public}}
@usableFromInline func versionedFunction() {}
public func publicFunction() {}
@_alwaysEmitIntoClient public func alwaysEmitIntoClientFunction() {
privateFunction() // expected-error {{global function 'privateFunction()' is private and cannot be referenced from an '@_alwaysEmitIntoClient' function}}
fileprivateFunction() // expected-error {{global function 'fileprivateFunction()' is fileprivate and cannot be referenced from an '@_alwaysEmitIntoClient' function}}
internalFunction() // expected-error {{global function 'internalFunction()' is internal and cannot be referenced from an '@_alwaysEmitIntoClient' function}}