blob: 2ad6c92b87ec862613823bd7663cc48b4a3dba6f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -swift-version 4 -O -force-single-frontend-invocation -emit-module-path %t/LibCore.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/xref-private-type/LibCore.swift
// RUN: %target-build-swift -swift-version 4 -O -I %t -force-single-frontend-invocation -emit-module-path %t/Lib.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/xref-private-type/Lib.swift
// RUN: %target-build-swift -swift-version 4 -O -I %t -emit-sil %s | %FileCheck %s
import Lib
// CHECK: sil{{.*}} @[[TESTSR6874:[^ ]+10testSR6874[^ ]+]] :
func testSR6874() {
// The important lines in this test are the strong_retains, which refer to
// private types defined in LibCore. Normally we shouldn't have references to
// non-public declarations in inlinable code, but because SIL passes can break
// apart non-resilient structs and enums we can end up in that situation.
// Worse, this can happen *across module boundaries.*
// In this test, the addressor for each global defined in Lib ends up
// referencing private types defined in LibCore. Using those globals in
// default argument position leads to the addressor getting inlined into
// calling code in Swift 4 and later. This results in an attempt to not just
// reference a private type, but to *resolve a cross-reference to a private
// type.*
// This is the situation in SR-6874 (simplified). I'm not sure of a simpler
// way to reliably trigger the issue. But if this test breaks, please try to
// find one.
// (We may want to revisit this whole thing later, as it violates the model.
// But it's also useful for performance in non-resilient code.)
// CHECK: [[ADDR:%.+]] = global_addr @{{[^ ]+}}3Lib7lazyFoo
// CHECK: [[LOADED:%.+]] = load [[ADDR]] : $*Foo
// CHECK: [[REF:%.+]] = struct_extract [[LOADED]] : $Foo, #Foo.ref
// CHECK: strong_retain [[REF]] : $TopLevelInternalClass
// CHECK: apply {{%.+}}([[LOADED]])
// CHECK: [[ADDR:%.+]] = global_addr @{{[^ ]+}}3Lib7lazyBar
// CHECK: [[LOADED:%.+]] = load [[ADDR]] : $*Bar
// CHECK: [[REF:%.+]] = struct_extract [[LOADED]] : $Bar, #Bar.ref
// CHECK: strong_retain [[REF]] : $Bar.NestedInternalClass
// CHECK: apply {{%.+}}([[LOADED]])
// CHECK: [[ADDR:%.+]] = global_addr @{{[^ ]+}}3Lib7lazyBaz
// CHECK: [[LOADED:%.+]] = load [[ADDR]] : $*Baz
// CHECK: [[REF:%.+]] = struct_extract [[LOADED]] : $Baz, #Baz.ref
// CHECK: strong_retain [[REF]] : $Baz.NestedInternalClass.DoublyNestedInternalClass
// CHECK: apply {{%.+}}([[LOADED]])
} // CHECK: end sil function '[[TESTSR6874]]'