blob: b9b895e9cb9a890acc363cc57ed2c289bda2c023 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
enum E : String {
case foo = "foo"
case bar = "bar" // expected-note {{'bar' declared here}}
func fe(_: E) {}
func fe(_: Int) {}
func fe(_: Int, _: E) {}
func fe(_: Int, _: Int) {}
fe(E.baz) // expected-error {{type 'E' has no member 'baz'; did you mean 'bar'?}}
fe(.baz) // expected-error {{reference to member 'baz' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
// FIXME: maybe complain about .nope also?
fe(.nope, .nyet) // expected-error {{reference to member 'nyet' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
func fg<T>(_ f: (T) -> T) -> Void {} // expected-note {{in call to function 'fg'}}
fg({x in x}) // expected-error {{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}}
struct S {
func f<T>(_ i: (T) -> T, _ j: Int) -> Void {}
func f(_ d: (Double) -> Double) -> Void {}
func test() -> Void {
f({x in x}, 2) // expected-error {{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}}
func g<T>(_ a: T, _ b: Int) -> Void {}
func g(_ a: String) -> Void {}
func test2() -> Void {
g(.notAThing, 7) // expected-error {{reference to member 'notAThing' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
func h(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Void {}
func h(_ a: String) -> Void {}
func test3() -> Void {
h(.notAThing, 3) // expected-error {{type 'Int' has no member 'notAThing'}}
h(.notAThing) // expected-error {{type 'String' has no member 'notAThing'}}
class DefaultValue {
static func foo(_ a: Int) {}
static func foo(_ a: Int, _ b: Int = 1) {}
static func foo(_ a: Int, _ b: Int = 1, _ c: Int = 2) {}
}, 1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
class Variadic {
static func foo(_ a: Int) {}
static func foo(_ a: Int, _ b: Double...) {}
}, 2.0, 3.0) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
//=-------------- SR-7918 --------------=/
class sr7918_Suit {
static func foo<T: Any>(_ :inout T) {}
static func foo() {}
class sr7918_RandomNumberGenerator {}
let myRNG = sr7918_RandomNumberGenerator() // expected-note {{change 'let' to 'var' to make it mutable}}
_ = // expected-error {{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'myRNG' is a 'let' constant}}
//=-------------- SR-7786 --------------=/
struct sr7786 {
func foo() -> UInt { return 0 }
func foo<T: UnsignedInteger>(bar: T) -> T {
return bar
let s = sr7786()
let a =
let b = 123) // expected-error {{argument type 'Int' does not conform to expected type 'UnsignedInteger'}}
let c: UInt = 123)
let d = 123 as UInt)
//=-------------- SR-7440 --------------=/
struct sr7440_ITunesGenre {
let genre: Int // expected-note {{'genre' declared here}}
let name: String
class sr7440_Genre {
static func fetch<B: BinaryInteger>(genreID: B, name: String) {}
static func fetch(_ iTunesGenre: sr7440_ITunesGenre) -> sr7440_Genre {
return sr7440_Genre.fetch(genreID: iTunesGenre.genreID, name:
// expected-error@-1 {{value of type 'sr7440_ITunesGenre' has no member 'genreID'; did you mean 'genre'?}}
//=-------------- SR-5154 --------------=/
protocol sr5154_Scheduler {
func inBackground(run task: @escaping () -> Void)
extension sr5154_Scheduler {
func inBackground(run task: @escaping () -> [Count], completedBy resultHandler: @escaping ([Count]) -> Void) {}
struct Count { // expected-note {{'init(title:)' declared here}}
let title: String
func getCounts(_ scheduler: sr5154_Scheduler, _ handler: @escaping ([Count]) -> Void) {
scheduler.inBackground(run: {
return [Count()] // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter 'title' in call}}
}, completedBy: {