blob: 6372319373478725a43ce7c42faad919117a8c25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Note that for the test to be effective, each of these structs must only have
// its Equatable or Hashable conformance referenced /once/ in the primary file.
struct FromOtherFile: Hashable {
let v: String
struct AlsoFromOtherFile: Hashable {
let v: Int
struct YetAnotherFromOtherFile: Hashable {
let v: Float
struct OtherFileNonconforming {
let v: String
struct YetOtherFileNonconforming {
// expected-note@-1{{type declared here}}
let v: String
struct GenericOtherFileNonconforming<T> {
// expected-note@-1{{type declared here}}
let v: T
protocol ImplierOther: Equatable {}
extension ImpliedMain: ImplierOther {}
struct ImpliedOther: ImplierOther {}